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Fact Sheet
DNA Sample Collection

How to properly obtain DNA samples through semen, blood, tissue and hair samples of animals.

LivestockLivestock GeneticsLivestock Genetics & Reproduction
Fact Sheet
Crossbreeding Beef Cattle, III

A summary of results from several states concerning the average responses measured for various production traits in crosses of Angus, Hereford and Shorthorn cattle.

Beef CattleLivestockLivestock GeneticsLivestock Genetics & Reproduction
Fact Sheet
Crossbreeding Beef Cattle, I

The basics of crossbreeding beef cattle and the role heterosis has in increasing performance levels for certain traits.

Beef CattleLivestockLivestock GeneticsLivestock Genetics & Reproduction
Fact Sheet
Expected Progeny Difference: Part IV, Use of EPDs

A summary of how EPDs are used in selection for purebred and commercial herds and how to calculate pedigree EPDs.

Beef CattleLivestockLivestock GeneticsLivestock Genetics & Reproduction
Fact Sheet
Calculating Across-Breed EPDs

A summary of the how to compare EPDs across breeds to determine the values of animals as parents.

Beef CattleCow-CalfLivestockLivestock GeneticsLivestock Genetics & Reproduction
Fact Sheet
The Economics of Gene Testing Cattle

Learn about what little is currently known about the basic economics of gene testing.

Beef CattleDairy CattleLivestockLivestock GeneticsLivestock Genetics & Reproduction
Fact Sheet
Color Patterns in Crossbred Beef Cattle

Get guidance on how to maintain a uniform color pattern when formulating crossbreed systems on breeds that unpredictable.

Beef CattleLivestockLivestock GeneticsLivestock Genetics & ReproductionLivestock Marketing
Fact Sheet
Eleven Things to Know about GMOs

A summary of eleven frequently asked questions/topics in relation to genetically modified organisms.

CropsFood ProductsLivestockLivestock GeneticsLivestock Genetics & ReproductionSustainability & Environmental Concerns