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Fact Sheet
Poison Ivy, Poison Oak and Similar Plant Identification

By Brooklyn Evas, Pam Sharp, Shelley Mitchell, Ryan Patton, Justin Quetone Moss. Knowing how to recognize poison ivy, oak and sumac can save you from a miserable red itchy rash. All three of these closely related plants contain an irritating, oily sap called urushiol. Urushiol causes many people to break out in a rash when it comes in contact with their skin. Being able to identify these plants is beneficial considering there are many plants that look similar, but are harmless. This Fact Sheet is to help inform and educate the general public on how to identify poison ivy, poison oak and poison sumac so they can be avoided.

Gardening & Lawn CareInsects, Pests, and DiseasesShrubsWeeds & Invasive Plants
Fact Sheet
Failed Cotton Herbicide Rotation Restrictions to Sorghum in Oklahoma

By Josh Lofton and Josie Rice. Learn about failed cotton herbicide rotation restrictions to sorghum in Oklahoma.

CottonCropsInsects, Pests, and DiseasesWeed ControlWeeds & Invasive Plants
Fact Sheet
Implementation, Costs and Benefits of Patch-Burn Grazing

By Hannah M. Baker, Hannah E. Shear, Derrell S. Peel, Kellie Curry Raper, Samuel D. Fuhlendorf. Learn about the implementation, cost and benefits of patch-burn grazing.

Fire Effects on Plants & SoilsInsects, Pests, and DiseasesPasturesPastures & ForagePrescribed FireRangeland ManagementWeed ControlWeeds & Invasive Plants
Fact Sheet
Smallseed Falseflax Management in Winter Wheat

A native to Europe, smallseed falseflax was first introduced to North America in the 19th century, likely as a contaminant in flax seed (Linum usitatissimum L.) and other crops (Francis and Warwick 2009).

Insects, Pests, and DiseasesWeed ControlWeeds & Invasive Plants
Fact Sheet
Agronomic Calendar for Oklahoma Alfalfa Growers

Management strategies including variety selection, soil nutrients, weed management, hay cutting, curing, baling and marketing for alfalfa crops.

AlfalfaHayInsects, Pests, and DiseasesLivestockPastures & ForageWeed ControlWeeds & Invasive Plants
Fact Sheet
Weed Management in Cotton Planted into Wheat Residue

As herbicide-resistant weeds increase, a push continues for crop managers to integrate multiple weed management strategies.

Insects, Pests, and DiseasesWeed ControlWeeds & Invasive Plants