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Failed Cotton Herbicide Rotation Restrictions to Sorghum in Oklahoma

Effective weed management is paramount for ensuring successful crop production and sustaining agricultural productivity over time. Herbicides serve as indispensable tools in this endeavor, aiding farmers in controlling weed populations and safeguarding the health of their crops. In Oklahoma, producers have encountered challenges related to failed cotton crops and the subsequent complications arising from herbicide rotation when transitioning to sorghum. Residual herbicides remain active in the soil for an extended period after application, providing ongoing weed control by inhibiting weed seed germination or growth. They are typically used for long-term management in both pre- and post-emergence scenarios. Non-residual herbicides are fast acting and degrade quickly, affecting only the weeds present at the time of application, without providing longterm control. Non-residual herbicides are typically used for immediate control of actively growing weeds.


When cotton crops fail due to various factors such as adverse weather conditions, pest infestations or disease outbreaks, producers often face obstacles in transitioning to sorghum due to the persistence of herbicide residues in the soil. These residual herbicides, originally applied for weed control in cotton, can linger in the soil and disrupt the growth of subsequent crops like sorghum, posing significant challenges to the rotation process.


This publication provides an up-to-date listing of herbicide rotational restrictions for sorghum planted after failed cotton in Oklahoma. Using information on commonly used herbicides in cotton production and their residual effects on sorghum crops, farmers can make informed decisions to safeguard their crops against potential herbicide damage and maximize yields.

Table 1. Herbicide rotational restrictions for sorghum planted after failed cotton in Oklahoma.
Herbicide* Component Herbicides MOA Sorghum Plant Back Restrictions Notes
2,4-D LV6 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid 4 7 days  
AIM EC Carfentrazone 14 0 days  
Assure II Quizalofop 1 4 months  
Caparol Prometryn 5 Next Season  
Clarity Dicamba 4 15 days  
Dual Magnum S-Metolachlor 15 0 months Replant only with Concep-treated or screen-treated seed.
Fusilade DX Fluazifop 1 2 months Do not rotate to grass crops within 2 months (60 days) after application.
Fusion Fluazifop Fenoxaprop 1 2 months Do not rotate to grass crops within 2 months (60 days) after application.
Roundup Power Max Glyphosate 9 0 months  
Gramoxone SL 2.0 Paraquat 22 0 months  
Liberty 280 SL Glufosinate-Ammonium 10 6 months/180 days  
Direx 4L Diuron 7 4 months May be planted the following spring after application.
Engenia Dicamba BAPMA Salt 4 14-28 days Rotation intervals increase with higher application rates. Days listed are based on after receiving 1 inch of rainfall.
Enlist Duo with Colex-D Technology 2,4-D Choline Salt Plus Gly-phosate DMA Salt 4 & 9 7 days Days listed are based on after receiving 1 inch of rainfall.
Enlist One with Colex-D Technology 2,4-D Choline Salt 4 7 days Days listed are based on after receiving 1 inch of rainfall.
MSMA 6.6 MSMA 17 0 months  
Outlook Dimethenamid-P 15 0 months Replant only with Concep-treated or screen-treated seed.
Poast Plus Sethoxydim 1 1 month  
Prowl H2O Pendimethalin 3 10 months Rotation restrictions can be increased if adequate rainfall is not received.
Select 2 EC Clethodim 1 1 month  
Sequence Metolachlor & Glyphosate 15 & 9 0 months Replant only with Concep-treated or screen-treated seed.
Sharpen Saflufenacil 14 0 months  
Staple LX Pyrithiobac 2 18 months Do not rotate to grain sorghum in the season following a Staple LX application. Sorghum can be planted 10 months following if over 25 inches of precipitation and soil mixing has occurred (see label for details).
Tavium Plus Vapor-Grip Dicamba & S-Metolachlor 4 & 15 6 months  
Treflan HFP Trifluralin 3 12 months  
Valor SX Flumioxazin 14 1 month Days listed are based on after receiving 1 inch of rainfall.
Warrant Acetochlor 15 0 months  
XtendiMax with Vapor Grip Technology Dicamba DGA Salt 4 15 days  

*This list is not all inclusive of herbicides that growers can potentially apply to cotton. Herbicide labels should be consulted for further information or if chemical is not present on the list.

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