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Fact Sheet
Selecting a Lawn Grass for Oklahoma

An aid for successful turfgrass management that assists with the selection of turf grass most adapted to the temperatures and moistures found in the state.

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Fact Sheet
Bermudagrass Lawn Management Calendar

An overview of proper management practices to ensure healthy bermudagrass lawn care.

BermudagrassGardening & Lawn CareLawns & Turfgrass
Fact Sheet
Managing Turfgrass in the Shade in Oklahoma

How to manage shade with a turfgrass landscape and the proper ornamental plants for turfgrass alternatives.

Gardening & Lawn CareLandscapingLawns & Turfgrass
Fact Sheet
Spring Dead Spot of Bermudagrass

Helpful information to help people identify, treat and prevent dead patches in bermudagrass.

BermudagrassGardening & Lawn CareLawns & Turfgrass
Fact Sheet
Turfgrass Management of Bermudagrass Football Fields

Understand the various component areas that make up the football field to help develop a turfgrass management program.

BermudagrassGardening & Lawn CareLawns & Turfgrass
Fact Sheet
Large patch (Zoysia Patch) of Warm-Season Turfgrasses

The symptoms, causal agents, disease cycle and cultural and chemical management of zoysia patches in turfgrasses.

Gardening & Lawn CareLawns & TurfgrassZoysia
Fact Sheet
Dollar Spot of Turfgrass

The symptoms, signs and disease management of dollar spot on turfgrass.

Gardening & Lawn CareInsects, Pests, and DiseasesLawns & Turfgrass
Fact Sheet
Thatch Management in Lawns

An explanation of how to manage lawns to avoid damage caused by thatch buildup.

Gardening & Lawn CareLawns & Turfgrass