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Fact Sheet
Asparagus Production

The varieties, soils, irrigation, growing habits, pest management, harvest, marketing, and costs involved with efficient and successful asparagus production.

CropsOrganic & SustainableVegetables
Fact Sheet
Sweet Corn Production

Basic information about the different production requirements of sweet corn, from site and soil selection to harvesting and handling.

CropsSweet CornVegetables
Fact Sheet
Fall Gardening

The soil preparation, planting techniques and other growing and harvesting suggestions for a successful fall garden.

CropsOrganic & SustainableVegetables
Fact Sheet
Growing Vegetable Transplants

Transplant production requires knowledge about crop germination and growing requirements, attention to details and a willingness to provide consistent care.

CropsGardening & Lawn CareGreenhouses & Indoor GardeningVegetables
Fact Sheet
Summer Care of the Home Vegetable Garden

How to maintain a vegetable garden during the summer and the problems that may arise.

CropsGardening & Lawn CareVegetables
Fact Sheet
Common Diseases of Tomatoes- Part II: Diseases Caused by Bacteria, Viruses and Nematodes

How to identify diseases caused by bacteria, viruses, nematodes and the management practices to avoid these issues.

CropsInsects, Pests, and DiseasesOrganic & SustainablePesticidesTomatoesVegetables
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