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Fact Sheet
Managing Squash Bug Populations Through Identification and Control

By Parker Lastovica, Bruce Dunn, Tyler Mason and Edmond Bonjour. Learn about how to identify and managing squash bugs using cultural and chemical methods.

CropsSquash, Melons, Pumpkins, CucumbersVegetables
Fact Sheet
Mulching Garden Soils

How to select the appropriate mulch for specific situations, the different types of mulch and the longevity of each type in relation to Oklahoma landscapes.

Composting, Fertilizing, & MulchingCropsGardening & Lawn CareLandscapingOrganic & SustainableVegetables
Fact Sheet
Enjoy Colorful Fruits and Vegetables for Vital Vitamins

Fruits and vegetables add important nutrients and fiber to your meals and snacks.

CropsFruits & Tree NutsVegetables
Fact Sheet
Introduction to Vegetable Grafting

By Bizhen Hu and Matt Beartrack. Learn more about vegetable grafting.

Fact Sheet
Sweet Potato Production

Farmers will learn the production requirements for sweet potato farming; from site and soil selection to harvesting.

CropsSweet PotatoesVegetables
Fact Sheet
Southern Pea Production

By: Lynn Brandenberger, Bixhen Hu, John Damicone, Eric Rebek. Learn about southern pea production best practices, varieties and their characteristics, and how to address insect and disease issues.

CropsOrganic & SustainableSouthern PeasVegetables
Fact Sheet
2021 Vegetable Trial Report

The 2021 vegetable trial report results.

Fact Sheet
Guía de Planificación del Huerto para Oklahoma

Los huertos caseros bien planificados y mantenidos pueden suministrar a los hogares de Oklahoma vegetables frescos desde la primavera hasta el otoño. Estos alimentos de alta calidad, nutritivos y sabrosos pueden ser consumidos de inmediato, procesados o almacenados para el uso durante el invierno.

CropsOrganic & SustainableVegetables