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Fact Sheet
Managing Storm-Damaged Trees

How to manage trees following storm damage such as rehabilitation, removal, wound response, pruning, diseases and invasive insects.

Forest Ecology, Management & CareForest HealthForestryNatural Disaster RecoverySustainabilityWeather & Disaster Preparedness
Fact Sheet
Single-layer Value-added Wood Composites from Under-utilized Species in Oklahoma

A summary of some important properties of experimental panels made from particles of whole-tree chipped material, as well as panels made from hybrid mixtures.

Brush Control (Invasive Woody Plants)Food ProductsForest Ecology, Management & CareForest HealthForestryMesquiteRangeland ManagementWood, Pulp, & Paper Products
Fact Sheet
Using Biosolids as a Plant Nutrient Source

The steps, methods and timing for application of biosolids as a plant nutrient source.

Forest Ecology, Management & CareForestrySilvicultureSoilSoil Health & Fertility
Fact Sheet
Safe Use of Chainsaws

A summary of some basic operating principles and safety aspects of using a chainsaw.

Forest Ecology, Management & CareForestryHarvesting of TreesHome Care & SafetyHome SafetySustainability
Fact Sheet
Cedar Control by Individual Scorched-tree Ignition Following Fire

A description of factors that influence the extent of cedar control with prescribed fire such as tree height, fire type, fuel load, leaf moisture and weather.

Brush Control (Invasive Woody Plants)Eastern Red CedarForest Ecology, Management & CareForestryPrescribed FireRangeland Management
Fact Sheet
Biscogniauxia (Hypoxylon) Canker and Dieback of Trees

What Biscogniauxia Canker and dieback of oak trees is in Oklahoma and the proper control and prevention methods if symptoms occur.

Forest Ecology, Management & CareForest HealthForestryGardening & Lawn CareInsects, Pests, and DiseasesTrees
Fact Sheet
Basics of Forest Road Surveying

The main aspects of forest road surveying, establishing curves and determining overall street length and profile are highlighted here.

Food ProductsForest Ecology, Management & CareForestry