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IPM Issues

IPM is a system of strategies (preventive and corrective) that are used to manage pests (organisms that are detrimental to natural resources, food production and human/animal health). Pest management decisions are based upon monitoring and correct pest identification. IPM is an ecologically-based system that focuses on perdurable prevention of pests and their damage.  The most common management strategies are grouped into the categories of biological, cultural, mechanical and physical, regulatory, and chemical controls. The following are some programs that IPM Oklahoma! is involved with.


Pollinators are not only essential to our environment, but also to production agriculture. Nearly 85% of all plants rely on pollinators to reproduce. Upwards of 100 crop species benefit from pollinators, to the tune of $3 billion in economic value annually in the United States. While bees, particularly honey bees, are commonly thought of as pollinators, other insects, birds, and mammals also provide pollination services to various plant species.
The non-profit Xerces Society was established to help protect wildlife through the conservation of invertebrates and their habitat. They are heavily involved in pollinator conservation and maintain a resource center called the Pollinator Conservation Resource Center that includes a publication called "Attracting Native Pollinators" that is available for purchase.