How to Earn Money
To better understand how people adopt some of the materials and ideas in our co-parenting classes, we will ask you some of the same questions as we did before you took the class. We will then compare your answers before the class to answers you provide after the class to see where we can improve. We will do this two times.
1st Opportunity
Three months after you complete whichever version of the co-parenting class you attended (Group One, Two, or Three), we will contact you again to ask you to answer some of the same questions about yourself, your child, and your co-parenting relationship that we asked before you took the class.
This will take about 10-20 minutes, and we will give you a $50 gift card as a way of saying thank you for participating in this effort.
2nd Opportunity
We will contact you one last time to complete the same survey again when it has been about 12 months since your class completion.
This will also only take about 10-20 minutes, and once again, we will give you a $50 gift card as a “thank you” for your time and effort.
Additional Benefits
During the 12-months between the completion of your class (i.e., groups One, Two, of Three) and your last survey, we will email you a newsletter with a short "check-in" survey every month. Every month you fill out this one-minute check-in survey, your name will be entered into a drawing for a $200 gift card. We will have four of these drawings making your chances to win that much greater.