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No-Till Cropping Systems in Oklahoma

OSU scientists and their colleagues around the country, along with producers, have tested and revised many conservation tillage practices. This circular is designed to help those producers think about how such practices might fit into their cropping systems. It provides the basics for those producers, as well as some insights for producers already employing an array of conservation tillage methods. This circular should not be the end of your investigation into conservation tillage practices for your operation, but rather the starting point to seek out more information from your local Cooperative Extension educators, other federal and state agency personnel, OSU scientists, and your fellow producers. The land so coveted by early producers and its soil remains an important and dynamic force in our economy. It is imperative that today’s producers and landowners employ the best management practices for the economic viability of their operations and the sustainability of this valuable resource. We trust that No-till Cropping Systems in Oklahoma will prove an important resource in that process.


This circular discusses the benefits; equipment needed; economics; weed, disease and insect management; crops and cover crops of no-till cropping systems.



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