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Cow-Calf Production Record Software

Producers who have computers frequently ask about the availability of software programs to handle cow-calf production records. Before purchasing a software program, it is important to analyze the value of such a system with regards to making better management decisions. Producers should evaluate their existing records to determine the types of information sought from a software program. Are inventory records important? Are summary reports of primary interest? By considering specific record needs, the producer is better equipped to choose an appropriate software package. The hardest steps to valuable recordkeeping are (1) making time for recordkeeping, (2) determining the herd information that is economically feasible to collect and (3) summarizing the herd data for use in the decision-making process. 


If the cow-calf operator is not currently keeping any records on herd performance, a good starting point may be some basic calf crop records, cow information (if individual identification is used), calving and weaning percentages, inventory numbers, number of females exposed to the bull(s), etc. Seedstock and commercial cow-calf producers have different needs. Also, herd size can influence the degree of detail that a producer is willing or able to assemble on the cattle. 


Meaningful cow-calf records may be handwritten or computerized. Monthly calendars, journals and Integrated Resource Management Redbooks are a few examples of handwritten record systems. The choice of programs, features, and cost of software are the “fine-tuning” portion of recordkeeping. In the following summary of nine commercially available cow-calf software packages, the features are described under six headings:

  • Cow Information
  • Sire Information
  • Calf Information
  • Herd Information
  • Computer Requirements
  • Additional Considerations

Some programs are a one-time purchase while others require annual or monthly subscriptions. The program costs range from $149 to $600 for a one-time purchase. Subscriptions range from $4.85/month to $85/month and $40/year to $950/year. Many software companies offer program demonstration copies for free. Programs have various computer requirements such as minimum processor type and speed, minimum RAM, operating system, hard disk space and monitor needs. Most programs provide comprehensive cow, calf and sire data entry fields as well as herd production summaries. 


Many of the programs accommodate both commercial and seedstock cattle needs. Seedstock producers should check with their breed association for software package availability and recommendations prior to purchasing software for registered cattle records. 


Before purchasing any software, determine the level and cost of software support that will be provided by the company. In addition, some programs have specific cattle information that is required before the program will work. Sorting applications and the type of reports generated may vary, but in many cases producers have the opportunity to customize reports to meet specific needs. Another important feature may include the ability to query or search the data for specific animal information. Every cow-calf operator must determine the amount of time available to devote to practical recordkeeping and weigh this commitment against software costs, data entry features and desired summary reports. 


Information provided about the following programs was taken from software websites. Oklahoma State University does not endorse the software programs listed in this publication, but the information is believed to be true. The summary does not cover all available packages or individual program features. Programs may have other capabilities that are not described in the summary. Producers should contact the respective companies for purchase information, details on features and specific hardware requirements.



Authors want to recognize Dr. Damona Doye and Dr. David Lalman who had significant input in previous versions of this Extension publication. 


Ranch Manager Open

White Mountains Livestock Company, LLC



Phone: 1-800-364-7231


Digital Beef, LLC

Cow Calf Manager

8456 Broadway, Ste. 250

San Antonio, TX 78217



Phone: 210-721-0689


Cow Sense®

Midwest MicroSystems, L.L.C.

245 S. 84th Street, Ste. 218

Lincoln, NE 68510

Phone: 800-584-0040

Fax: 402-323-6968

Web Site:

Contact: Tim Davis, Vice President


CattleMax Online

Cattlesoft, Inc.

1511 Texas Ave S., #256

College Station, TX 77840

Phone: 800-641-2343


Web Site:


THE Beef Cattle fIRM

University of Tennessee

Dept. of Agricultural and Resource Economics

314 Morgan Hall, 2621 Morgan Circle

Knoxville, TN 37996

Phone: 615-345-0561


Web Site:



Global Livestock Management Systems, LLC

1725 Dryden Road

Sadieville, KY 40370

Phone: 800-204-2002/859-234-2002



Prime Plus: Registered with interface

Prime: Registered

Choice Plus: Commercial with interface

Choice: Commercial

Standard: Small Registered

Select: Small Commercial



CattleWorks, LLC

Bristol, VA

Phone: 1-800-507-2902




GEM Data Management Capability

Benyshek and Hough Consulting Services, Inc.

1860 Barnett Shoals Rd., PMB 103-453

Athens, GA 30605

Phone: 706-296-9757 or 706-202-5538




Go360 bioTrack


294 E. Mill St. # 209

Elora, ON N0B 150

Phone: 1-855-246-2333

Fax: 519-767-2502




Table Data/Information


  • All programs have on-screen or printed input forms, as well as on-screen/printed summary reports available.
  • Almost all of the programs are designed for both commercial and registered (seedstock, purebred) cow herd types.
  • Free-format comment areas (note pages) are available.
  • User defined fields, when available, allow input of data not otherwise specified. For example, if the vendor representative indicated ‘no’ for ‘management code,’ a user-defined entry field could be added for these data.


Other Resources

Some of the programs generate Standardized Performance Analysis (SPA) production values. Additional information on SPA is available in this OSU Fact Sheet:

AGEC-222, Cow-Calf Standardized Performance Analysis (SPA)


Helpful Web sites

Farm Management and Finance Resources:



Quicken materials for farm financial records: quicken-for-farm-financial-records


Animal and Food Science Resources:




Courtney Bir 

Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics


Brent Ladd 

Assistant Extension Specialist, Agricultural Economics 

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