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Components and Ratios of Pre-mix Herbicides for Use in Soybean

Many herbicide options for soybean comprise multiple herbicide active ingredients to broaden the spectrum of weed species the product will control. Herbicides are also combined to include additional herbicide modes of action so that development of herbicide-resistant weeds can be prevented or delayed. Knowing the amount of the individual herbicides in the pre-mix is useful for deciding if additional product should be applied to further improve weed control.

The following table lists several pre-mix herbicides that are labeled for use in soybean and the equivalent rates of the individual herbicide components. Use rates for pre-mix herbicides are based on label recommendations for medium texture soils with 1.5 percent organic matter and pH of 6.5. Use rates can vary depending on soil characteristics and planned follow-up herbicide applications. Before using any herbicide, always consult the label for appropriate rates, tank-mix partners, plant-back intervals, geographic restrictions, and other special instructions.


Pre-mix herbicide (manufacturer)

Use rate per acre

Component herbicides

Equivalent rates (per acre)

Herbicide Mode of Action

Authority Assist (FMC) 

5 fl oz 

Authority DF

Pursuit DG

2.22 oz

0.6 oz

PPO inhibitor

ALS inhibitor

Authority MTZ (FMC)

10 oz 

Authority DF Sencor

2.4 oz

3.6 oz

PPO inhibitor

PS II inhibitor

Authority FIrst DF (FMC)

3 oz

Authority DF


2.5 oz

0.2 oz

PPO inhibitor

ALS inhibitor

Authority XL (FMC)

4 oz

Authority DF


3.32 oz

1.25 oz

PPO inhibitor ALS inhibitor

Boundary (Syngenta)

1.5 pt

Dual Magnum


1 pt

5 oz

Shoot inhibitor

PS II inhibitor

Canopy (DuPont)

3 oz



1.28 oz

2.57 oz

ALS inhibitor

PS II inhibitor

Canopy EX (DuPont)

1.5 oz


Express 50 SG

1.36 oz

0.20 oz

ALS inhibitor

ALS inhibitor

Envive (DuPont)

3.5 oz


Valor SX

Harmony 50 SG

1.29 oz

2.00 oz

0.20 oz

ALS inhibitor

PPO inhibitor

ALS inhibitor

Extreme (BASF) 

3 pt

Pursuit DG

glyphosate (3 lb ae)*

1.4 oz

24 fl oz

ALS inhibitor


Flexstar GT (Syngenta)

For use east of US-75 only

3 pt


glyphosate (3 lb ae)*

1 pt

41.6 fl oz



Gangster (Valent)

3.6 oz co-pack



3 oz

0.6 oz

PPO inhibitor

ALS inhibitor

OpTill (BASF)

2 oz


Pursuit DG

1 oz

1.4 oz

PPO inhibitor

ALS inhibitor

Prefix (Syngenta)

For use east of US-75 only

2 pt


Dual Magnum

1 pt

1 pt

PPO inhibitor

Shoot inhibitor

Pursuit Plus (BASF)

2.5 pt

Pursuit DG

Prowl H2O

4 oz

1.78 pt

ALS inhibitor

Root inhibitor

Rage D-Tech (FMC)

12 fl oz

Aim EC

2,4-D ester (4 lb)

0.78 fl oz

12.5 fl oz

PPO inhibitor

Growth regulator

Sequence (Syngenta)

2.5 pt

Dual Magnum 

glyphosate (3 lb ae)*

0.98 pt

30 fl oz

Shoot inhibitor


Sonic (Dow) 

3 oz

Authority DF


2.5 oz

0.2 oz

PPO inhibitor

ALS inhibitor

Spartan Advance (FMC)

32 fl oz

Spartan 4L

glyphosate (3 lb ae)*

4.5 fl oz

24 fl oz

PPO inhibitor


Synchrony XP (DuPont)

0.75 oz

Classic Harmony 50 SG

0.64 oz

0.10 oz

ALS inhibitor

ALS inhibitor 

Valor XLT (Valent)

3 oz

Valor SX


1.77 oz 

1.24 oz

PPO inhibitor 

ALS inhibitor 

Verdict (BASF)

5 fl oz



1 fl oz

4.17 fl oz

PPO inhibitor

Shoot inhibitor

*All equivalent rates of glyphosate are based on a 3 lb. acid equivalent per gallon formulation.


oz = ounce        ae = acid equivalent
fl oz = fluid ounce        DF = dry flowable
pt = pint        DG = dry granule
qt = quart         EC = emulsifiable concentrate
lb = pound        SG =  soluble granule


Additional resources
For more information on herbicide modes of action, please see OSU Extension Fact Sheet PSS-2778 “Understanding Herbicide Mode of Action.”



Misha Manuchehri
Extension Weed Science Specialist

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