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Commercial Peach-Nectarine Insect and Disease Control

Commercial Peach-Nectarine Insect and Disease Control 2020

In the following table, the quantity of materials to use to apply to peaches and nectarines is given as amount per acre, which is the amount of spray volume needed to cover one acre of well pruned, standard size trees. Determine the amount of water being used per acre on your trees then add the rate of the chemical listed below in the rate/acre column to the amount of water. Always read the label carefully for any restrictions or changes — THE LABEL IS THE LAW. In Oklahoma, applications are commonly made using 20 to 150 gallons per acre. How effective this range in spray volumes will be is determined by several factors including: tree sizes, tree densities, canopy density, and type of nozzles. Air blast sprayers normally require amounts on the higher end of this scale. Irrespective of the amount of liquid per acre applied; use the amount of chemical per acre as a guide for mixing.


Table 1. Quantity of materials to use to apply to peaches and nectarines.

  Application and Timing Pests Involved Material Group Rate/Acre Comments
Apply in October to November when the temperature is above 40 F.       
Peach Leaf Curl       For peach leaf curl, apply amount of chemical in a minimum of 150 gallons water per acre.
              Bravo M053.1-4.1 ptsBravo Weather Stik formulation. Others exist. 
    Champ WGOMRI  M01 8-16 lb.    
    Kocide 2000OMRI  M01 6-12 lb    
    Kocide 3000-OOMRI   M01 3.5-7 lb.    
    Bordeaux MixOMRI         


  Application and Timing Pests Involved Material Group Rate/Acre Comments
 Apply when the treesare dormant and thetemperature is above40 F. 
San Jose Scale   Esteem 0.86EC  7C 13-16 fl. oz. For scale insect control, apply amount of chemical in a minimum of 150 gallons water per acre. 
      Superior oilOMR   2-4 gal Mites and San Jose Scale
    Forbes Scale   Dormant oilOMRI    4.5-6 gal Oils can be applied before buds break.  If buds are
    Lime Sulfur1OMRI  M04 See label just beginning to open (1 to 5% bud swell), adjust  
    Superior oilOMRI   2-4 gal rates downward (e.g., 1.5 gals/A).  
  Apply fungicides in spring before buds begin to swell.    Peach Leaf Curl   Bravo  M05 3.1-4.1 pts Bravo Weather Stik formulation. Others exist.
      Champ WGOMRI   M01 8-16 lb.  
      Ferbam 76WDG  M03 4.5 lb.  
      Kocide 3000-OOMRI   M01 3.5-7 lb. For delayed dormant spray at pink bud, use 3.5-5 lb.
      Ziram 76DF  M03 3.75-8 lb.  


  Application and Timing Pests Involved Material Group Rate/Acre Comments
Flower buds show pink.
Tarnished plant bug Asana XLr  3A 4.8-14.5 fl. oz.   
    Stink bug BaythroidXLr 3A 2.0-2.4 fl. oz. 2.4-2.8 fl. oz. for peach twig borer. 
Max. 5.6 fl. oz./A/season
   Examine trees for tarnished plant bug and stink bug. If needed, make application before any blooms open.                 Peach twig borer         Beleaf 50SG  29 2.0-2.8 fl. oz. Aphids and plant bugs only.
      Delegate WG 5 4.5-7 oz. Peach twig borer.
      Dipel DFOMRI  11A 0.5-2 lb. Peach twig borer.
      EntrustOMRI  5 1.25-2.5 oz. Peach twig borer.
      Javelin WGOMRI  11A 0.25-4 lb. Peach twig borer.
      Mustang-Maxxr  3A 1.28-4.0 fl. oz.  
      Pasada 1.6F  4A 4.0-8.0 fl. oz. Pasada is for tarnished plant bug, San Jose scale, green June beetles, and aphids.  Can cause suppression of stink bugs and plum curculio.
      Pounce 25WPr  3A 6.4-16 oz. Tarnished plant bug and peach twig borer.
      Silencerr 3A 2.56-5.12 fl. oz.  
    Brown Rot, Blossom Blight            Abound  11 12.0-15.5 fl. oz.  
      Adament 50 WG  3+11 4-8 oz.  
      Aframe Plus  3+11 14 fl. oz.  
      Bravo  M05 3.1-4.1 pts. Bravo Weather Stik formulation. Others exist.
      Captan 50WP M04 4-8 lb. Other formulations exist.  REI 24 hrs.
      Elevate 50 WDG  17 1.5 lb. 1-1.5 lb. in tank mix.
      Fontelis  7 14-20 fl. oz. Labeled for peaches only.
      Indar 2F  3 6 oz.  
      Rally 40WSP  3 2.5-6 oz.  
      Rovral 4F  2 1-2 pt. DO NOT make more than 2 applications per season.
      Topsin-M WSB  1 1-1.5 lb. REI 2 days. Do not apply more than 4lb/A
      Vangard WG  9 5 oz.  
      Ziram 76DF  M03 4.5-8 lb.  
  Application and Timing Pests Involved Material Group Rate/Acre Comments

Plum Curculio       See notes on monitoring for plum curculio 
  Apply when 50 to 75% of the petals have fallen. Tarnished plant bug       at end of table
      Asana XLr  3A 4.8-14.5 fl. oz.  
      Avaunt eVo  22A 5-6 oz  Plum curculio.
      Baythroid XLr  3A 2.0-2.4 oz. 2.4-2.8 fl. oz. for plum curculio. Max. 5.6 fl. oz./A/season.
  Insecticide and fungicide  materials may be combined starting with petal fall and con- tinuing through cover sprays. (Read and follow all  label directions.)          
      Beleaf 50SG  29 2.0-2.8 oz. Aphids and plant bugs only.
      Danitolr  3A 10.7-21.3 fl. oz.  
      Imidan 70-W  1B 2.125-4.25 lb. Plum curculio.
      Lannate LVr  1A 3 pt. Labeled for peaches only.
      Mustang Maxxr  3A 1.28-4.0 fl oz  
      Pasada  4A 4.0-8.0 fl. oz. Pasada is for tarnished plant bug, San Jose scale,
      Pounce 25WPr  3A 6.4-16 oz. green June beetles, and aphids. Suppression
      Warrior IIr  3A 1.28-2.56 fl. oz. of stink bugs and plum curculio.
    Brown Rot Abound  11 12.0-15.5 fl. oz.  
    and Scab Aframe Plus  3+11 14 fl. oz.  
      Bravo  M05 3.1-4.1 pts Weather Stik formulation. Others available.
      Captan 50WP  M04 4-8 lb. Other formulations exist. REI 24 hrs.
      Indar 2F  3 6 fl. oz.  
      Luna Sensation 7+11 5.0-7.6 fl. oz.  
      Merivon  7+11 4-6.7 fl. oz. Check label for tank mix and adjuvant compatibility.
      Pristine  7+11 10.5-14.5 oz.  
      Rally 40WSP  3 2.5-6 oz. Brown rot. Do not apply more than 3.25lb/A/year.
      Rovral 4F  2 1-2 pts No more than two applications per season. May
            not be applied after petal fall.
      Scala SC 9 9-18 fl. oz. Brown rot. Do not make more than three applications/year.
      Topsin-M WSB  1 1-1.5 lb. REI 2 days. Do not apply more than 4lb/A/year.
      Ziram 76DF  M03 4.5-8 lb.  
  Application and Timing Pests Involved Material Group Rate/Acre Comments

Apply when approximately  3/4 of shucks have split and are shedding. About 7 to 10 days after petal fall.
Plum Curculio or  Asana XLr  3 4.8-14.5 fl. oz.  
    Oriental fruit moth*  Avaunt eVo  22 5.6-6.0 oz. High rate for Oriental fruit moth.
    (see footnote at Imidan 70-W  1B 2.125-4.25 lb.  
    end of table) Intrepid 2F  18 10-16 fl oz.  For Oriental fruit moth and other caterpillar insects 
      Mustang-Maxxr  3A 1.28-4.0 fl oz  
      Pounce 25WPr  3 6.4-16 oz Do not apply more than .75lb ai/A/season.
      Silencerr 3 2.56-5.12 fl. oz.  
      Warrior IIr  3 1.28-2.56 fl. oz.  
    Tarnished plant bug Asana XLr  3A 4.8-14.5 fl. oz.  
    Stink bug BaythroidXLr 3A 2.0-2.4 fl oz. Do not apply more than 5.6 fl oz/A/season.
      Beleaf 50SG  29 2.0-2.8 oz. Aphids and plant bugs only.
      Lannate LVr  1A 3 pt. Labeled for peaches only. 
      Mustang-Maxxr  3A 1.28-4.0 fl. oz.  
      Pasada 1.6F 4A 4.0-8.0 fl oz. 8.0 fl. oz. for stink bug, suppression only.
      Pounce 25WPr  3A 6.4-16 oz. Tarnished plant bug only.
      Silencerr 3A 2.56-5.12 fl. oz.  
  Application and Timing Pests Involved Material Group Rate/Acre Comments
Apply when app-roximately three-fourths of shuckshave split and areshedding. About7 to 10 days afterpetal-fall.
Brown Rot and Scab Abound 11 12.0-15.5 fl. oz.  
      Aframe Plus  3+11 14 fl. oz.  
      Bravo  M05 3.1-4.1 pts. Weather Stik formulation. Bravo should not be applied
            after shuck split.
      Captan 50WP  M04 4-8 lb. Other formulations exist. REI 24 hrs.
      Indar 2F  3 6 fl. oz.  
      Luna Sensation 7+11 5.0-7.6 fl. oz.  
      Merivon  7+11 4-6.7 fl. oz. Check label for tank mix and adjuvant compatibility.
      Pristine  7+11 10.5-14.5 oz.  
      Rally 40WSP  3 2.5-6 oz. Brown rot. Do not apply more than 3.25lb/A/year.
      Scala SC  9 9-18 fl. oz. Brown rot. Do not make more than three applications/
      Topsin-M WSB 1 1-1.5 lb REI 2 days. Do not apply more than 4lb/A/year.
      Ziram 76DF M03 4.5-8 lb  
    Bacterial Leaf and Fruit Spot FireLine 17 WP 41 18 oz. See label. 21-day PHI.
      Mycoshield 41   See label. 21-day PHI.
  Application and Timing Pests Involved Material Group Rate/Acre Comments

Second & Later Cover Sprays: 

Apply at 10 to 14 day intervals.  

Peach twig borer Asana XLr  3A 4.8-14.5 fl. oz.  
    (PTB) or Oriental BaythroidXLr 3A 2.0-2.4 oz. PTB 2.4-2.8 fl oz. Max 5.6 fl oz/A/season.
    fruit moth* (OFM) DelegateWG 5 4.5-7 oz. 6-7 oz. for OFM
      Dipel DFOMRI  11A 0.5-2.0 lb.  
      EntrustOMRI  5 1.25-2.5 oz.  
      Entrust SCOMRI  5 4-8 oz.  
      Imidan 70-W  1B 2.125-4.25 lb.  
      Intrepid 2F  18 8-16 fl. oz. 10-16 fl. oz. for OFM
      Javelin WGOMRI  11A 0.25-4 lb.  
      Lannate LVr  1A 3 pt. Peaches only. OFM only.
      Mustang-Maxxr  3A 1.28-4.0 fl. oz.  
      Pounce 25WPr  3A 6.4-16 oz. Do not apply more than .75 lb. ai./A/season.
      Sevin 4F  1A 4-5 qt.  
      Silencerr 3A 2.56-5.12 fl. oz.  
      Warrior IIr  3A 1.28-2.56 fl. oz.  
    Tarnished plant bug Asana XLr  3A 4.8-14.5 fl. oz.  
      BaythroidXLr 3A 2.0-2.4 fl. oz. Max. 5.6 fl oz/A/season.
      Beleaf 50SG  29 2.0-2.8 oz.  
      Lannate LVr  1A 3 pt. Peaches only.
      Mustang-Maxxr  3A 1.28-4.0 fl. oz.  
      Pasada 1.6F  4A 4.0-8.0 fl. oz.  
      Pounce 25WPr  3A 6.4-16 oz. Do not apply more than .75 lb. ai./A/season.
      Sevin 4F  1A   2-3 qts.
  Read label and follow instructions regarding maximum number of spray applications permitted near harvest. Brown Rot and Scab Abound 11 12.0-15.5 fl. oz.  
      Aframe Plus 3+11 14 fl. oz.  
      Captan 50WP  M04 4-8 lb. Other formulations exist. REI 24 hrs.
      Indar 2F  3 6 fl oz.  
      Luna Sensation 7+11 5.0-7.6 fl. oz.  
      Merivon  7+11 4-6.7 fl. oz. Check label for tank mix and adjuvant compatibility.
      Pristine  7+11 10.5-14.5 oz.  
      Rally 40WSP  3 2.5-6 oz. Brown rot only. Do not apply more than 3.25 lb./A/year
      Scala SC  9 9-18 fl. oz. Brown rot only. Do not make more than 3 applications/year
      Topsin-M WSB   1 1-1.5 lb. REI 2 days. Do not apply more than 4lb/A/year.
      Ziram 76DF  M03 4.5-8 lb.  
  Apply weekly. Bacterial Leaf and FireLine 17 WP  41 18 oz. See label. 21-day PHI.
    Fruit Spot Mycoshield 41   See label. 21-day PHI.
  One-time spray.  Greater and lesser Asana XLr  3A 4.8-14.5 oz. Directed trunk and scaffold limb spray.
  Mid-may timing is peach tree borer. Lorsban 4Er 1B 3 qt. Directed trunk and scaffold limb spray.
  very important for See below for Mustang-Maxxr  3A 1.28-4.0 fl. oz. Foliage spray. 
  control of greater more information. Silencerr  3A 2.56-5.12 fl. oz. Foliage or targeted spray.
  peach tree borer.   Warrior IIr  3A 1.28-2.56 fl. oz. Foliage or targeted spray.
  Application and Timing Pests Involved Material Group Rate/Acre Comments
  JUNE AND SUMMER SPRAYS: Mites Acramite 50WS  20D 0.75-1.0 lb. Only one spray/season. 3 day PHI.
      Envidor 2 SC  23 16-18 fl. oz. Only one application/season. 7 day PHI.
      Nexter SC  21A 7.5-17 oz. Only two sprays/year. 7 day PHI.
      Onager EC  10A 12-24 oz. Only one spray/year. 7 day PHI.
      Vendex 50WPr 12B 1-2 lb. Only two applications/season or 3 lb/A/year.

Three weeks before harvest
Brown rot Fontelis  7 14-20 fl. oz. 7-14 day interval. Labeled for peaches only.
      Indar 2F  3 6 fl. oz. 7-10 day interval
      Topsin-M WSB  1 1-1.5 lb. 1-2 applications. Do not apply more than 4lb/A/year.
  HARVEST: Green June Pasada 1.6F  4A 4.0-8.0 fl. oz. See label for additional restrictions.
    Beetles Sevin 4F  1A 2-3 qt. 3-day PHI.


r Restricted Use Pesticide. Must have a pesticide applicator’s license to apply.

OMRI Organic Material Review Institute (OMRI) listed for organic production.
1 Do not apply during periods of high temperature or injury to foliage may occur.
2 Do not apply more than 3.0 pounds active ingredient per acre per season.
* Cidetrak pheromone dispensers may be used for oriental fruit moth (OFM) control, but must be attached to trees before first adult flight. See Oriental Fruit Moth below for more discussion on the method.
Chemical group classifications can be found at the following Web sites: Herbicides-; Insecticides-; and Fungicides-


READ ALL LABELS for important restrictions or warnings about tank mix compatibility or phytotoxicity before applying pesticides. THE LABEL IS THE LAW.



Bee Protection Precautions:

Several insecticides listed are toxic to bees. Read and follow individual labels for specific bee protection measures for each product. Do not make insecticide applications during the blooming period for the preservation of pollinator populations, including bees. In addition, close attention should be paid at other times to the blooming of cover crops or weeds on the orchard floor. If weeds or cover crops are blooming, mow the orchard floor before application of pesticides.


Greater & Lesser Peachtree Borer Control:

In mid-May, apply 3 quarts Lorsban 4E in 100 gallons of water to trunks. Spray the trunks thoroughly from the large branches to the ground line (1.5 to 2 feet). Do not spray the fruit or leaves with Lorsban. Asana XL - Apply as directed trunk and scaffold limb spray. Thorough coverage of trunk and scaffold limbs is required. Do not spray the foliage.

Asana XL or Warrior II applications in September are also effective in controlling Lesser Peachtree Borer.
Lorsban 4E may also be used as a preplant dip application for nonbearing peach trees at the equivalent application rate of 3 qts/100 gallons of water. Dip trees several inches above the grafting bud scar and plant immediately.


Peach Twig Borer:

Bloom time applications of Bacillus thuringiensis (B.t.) or Entrust for peach twig borer in combination with treatments for brown rot can help in cutting application costs. Pay attention to spray timing to avoid foraging bees and other pollinators. Also, dormant season applications of oil plus an insecticide like Dimilin, Entrust or Delegate can seriously reduce infestations of peach twig borer.


Oriental Fruit Moth:

The earliest indication of injury by this insect is similar to that of the peach twig borer and consists of a “dying-back” of new growth in the spring. The worms found burrowing in the twigs are pinkish or creamy-white with brown heads. One larvae/10 terminals/tree should be considered an economic infestation. Later generations of the worm enter the fruit near the stem before the fruit ripens. The fruit may look perfect at the time of harvest, but breaks down shortly after packing.

Mating Disruption Strategy

Mating disruption is an alternate method of Oriental fruit moth control. Trece, Inc. has the Cidetrak OFM-L system which disrupts the normal mating communication between adult male and female moths, reduces fertile egg laying, suppresses larval infestation, and reduces the need for insecticide application. Application of the Cidetrak systems calls for a minimum of 100 dispensers per acre or no more than 200 dispensers per acre per year. These dispensers are attached to lateral branches in the upper one-third of the tree canopy. Dispensers are applied 2-3 days after trap capture of the first male moth using pherocon 1C traps. If the cropping season goes beyond 120 days, a second application should be made. For maximum effectiveness, remove and destroy infested fruit from trees and the orchard floor. Growers electing to use this strategy to manage OFM should monitor carefully around external sources of infestation that are not treated with the Cidetrak, and should be prepared to treat with insecticides if infestations coming from these outside sources are too extensive.


Plum Curculio:

Early detection of this important pest should be conducted using pyramid or screen traps to monitor for adult weevils. The construction and utility of these traps for this purpose are outlined in OSU Fact Sheet EPP-7190 - “Monitoring Adult Weevil Populations in Pecan and Fruit Trees in Oklahoma.”


Bacterial Spot:

The disease attacks the leaves, fruits and stems. There is a varietal difference in susceptibility. The best defense against bacterial spot is to plant resistant varieties. See Fact Sheet HLA-6210 for resistant varieties that grow well in Oklahoma.
For detailed information on using pesticides safely, see Extension Fact Sheet EPP-7450, “Pesticides Can Be Used Safely,” and Extension Fact Sheet EPP-7457, “Toxicity of Pesticides.”


Acramite 50 WS 20D Bifenazate 12 hrs 3 days Abound 11 Azoxystrobin 4 hrs 0 days
Asana XLr 3A Esfenvalerate 12 hrs 14 days Adament 50WD 3+11 Tebuconazole+ 12 hrs 1 days
Avaunt eVo 22A Indoxacarb 12 hrs 14 days     Trifloxystrobin    
BaythroidXLr 3A Cyfluthrin 12 hrs 7 days Aframe Plus 3+11 Azoxystrobin+ 12 hrs 0 days
Beleaf 50SG 29 Flonicamid 12 hrs 14 days     Propiconazole    
Danitolr 3A Fenpropathrin 24 hrs 3 days Bravo Weather Stik M05 Chlorothalonil 12 hrs N/A
Delegate WG 5 Spinotram 4 hrs 1 days Captan 50 WP M04 Captan 24 hrs 0 days
Dipel DFOMRI 11A Bt ssp. kurstaki 4 hrs 0 days Champ WGOMRI M01 Copper Hydroxide    
Entrust, SCOMRI 5 Spinosad 4 hrs 1 days Elevate 50WDG 17 Fenhexamid 12 hrs 0 days
Envidor 2SC 23 Spirodiclofen 12 hrs 7 days Ferbam M03 Ferbam 24 hrs 21 days
Esteem 0.86SC 7C Pyriproxyfen 12 hrs 14 days Fireline 17WP 41 Oxytetracycline 12 hrs 21 days
Imidan 70-W 1B Phosmet 4 days 14 days Fontelis Peaches 7 Penthiopyrad 12 hrs 0 days
Intrepid 2F 18 Methoxyfenozide 4 hrs 7 days Indar 2F 3 Fenbuconazole 12 hrs 0 days
Javelin WGOMRI 11A Bt. ssp. kurstaki 4 hrs 0 days KocideOMRI M01 Copper hydroxide 48 hrs N/A
Lannate LVr Peaches  1A Methomyl 4 days 4 days Luna Sensation 7+11 Fluopyram+ 12 hrs  1 days
Lorsban 4Er 1B Chlorpyrifos 4 days 14 days     Trifloxystrobin    
Movento 23 Spirotetramat 24 hrs 7 days Merivon 7+11 Fluxapyroxad+ 12 hrs 0 days
Mustang-Maxxr 3A Zeta-cypermethrin 12 hrs 14 days     Pyraclostrobin    
Nexter SC 21A Pyridaben 12 hrs 7 days Mycoshield 41 Calcium oxytetracycline 12 hrs 21 days
Onager 10A Hexythiazox 12 hrs 7 days Pristine 7+11 Pyraclostrobin+ 12 hrs 0 days
Pasada 1.6 F 4A Imidacloprid 12 hrs 0 days     Boscalid    
Pounce 25WPr 3A Permethrin 12hrs 14 days Rally 40WSP 3 Myclobutanil 24 hrs 0 days
Sevin 4F 1A Carbaryl 12 hrs 3 days Rovral 4F 2 Iprodione 24 hrs ***
Silencerr 3A Lambda-cyhalothrin 24 hrs 14 days Scala SC 9 Pyrimethanil 12 hrs 2 days
Vendex 50WPr 12B Febutatin-oxide 48 hrs 14 days Topsin-M WSB 1 Thiophanate-methyl 2 days 1 days
Warrior IIr 3A Lambda-cyhalothrin 24 hrs 14 days Vangard WG 9 Cyprodinil 12 hrs 2 days
          Ziram 76 DF M03 Ziram 48 hrs 14 days



r Restricted Use Pesticide. Must have a pesticide applicator’s license to apply.
OMRI Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) listed for organic production.
* REI = Re-entry interval. Same for both peaches and nectarines unless otherwise noted.
**PHI = Pre-Harvest Interval – number of days required from last application to harvest. PHI same for both peaches and nectarines unless otherwise noted.
*** Rovral may not be applied after petal fall
N/A = These fungicides may not be applied after shuck split.
Chemical classifications can be found at the following Web sites: Herbicides-; Insecticides-; and Fungi-cides-



Becky Carroll

Associate Extension Specialist

Fruit and Pecans


Phil Mulder

Professor and Department Head

Entolmology and Plant Pathology


Brenda Sanders
Horticultural Communications

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