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Fact Sheet
What are Co-Parenting Styles?

By Matt Brosi and Jana Payne. Learn about co-parenting is when two parents work together to raise their children, even if they are no longer in a romantic relationship. There are different ways parents can work together, and each style depends on how well they get along and how much they communicate with each other (Ahrons, 1994). Research has shown that divorced or divorcing parents usually fall into one of six common co-parenting styles: Perfect Pals, Cooperative Colleagues, Isolated Individuals, Angry Associates, Fiery Foes, and Disolved Duos.

Divorce & CoparentingParenting & Family Relationships
Fact Sheet
Crianza compartida: El papel único de los padres

By Matt Brosi and Katey Masri. Learn about the critical roles that fathers play in co-parenting such as engaging in play time, reading and communication.

Divorce & CoparentingParenting & Family Relationships
Fact Sheet
Co-Parenting: The Unique Role of Fathers

By Matt Brosi and Katey Masri. Learn about the critical roles that fathers play in co-parenting such as engaging in play time, reading and communication.

Divorce & CoparentingParenting & Family Relationships
Fact Sheet
Reajustar las finanzas después de un divorcio

By Ron Cox and Katey Masri. Learn the best methods to re-adjust finances after divorce; such as budgeting, paying off debt, saving for emergencies and keeping adequate insurance.

Divorce & CoparentingParenting & Family Relationships
Fact Sheet
Re-adjusting Finances After Divorce

By Ron Cox and Katey Masri. Learn the best methods to re-adjust finances after divorce; such as budgeting, paying off debt, saving for emergencies and keeping adequate insurance.

Budgeting & Financial PlanningDivorce & CoparentingMoney Management (Personal)Parenting & Family RelationshipsTaxes & Legal MattersTransition Planning
Fact Sheet
Helping Children of Divorce Understand Their Feelings

Children may experience significant behavior and emotional changes within the first year after divorce so it’s important to assist them in the transition.

Divorce & CoparentingParenting & Family RelationshipsParenting Young Children
Fact Sheet
Helping Children Deal with Stress after Divorce

Regardless of your experience with divorce, there are some important things to remember about helping your children adjust in healthy ways.

Divorce & CoparentingParenting & Family RelationshipsParenting Young Children
Fact Sheet
Transitioning Through Divorce: The Six Types of Divorce

Learn how to get through divorce successfully by understanding the six different types of divorce.

Divorce & CoparentingMarriageParenting & Family Relationships