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Fact Sheet
US and Oklahoma COVID Impacts on Food Shopper Buying Patterns

Food shopping patterns have been changing in recent years – even before the COVID-19 pandemic.

Aging & Caregiving
Fact Sheet
Mindful Conversations: Using Mindfulness in Talking with Aging Loved Ones

This Fact Sheet provides some strategies and tips on how to fully engage in conversations with aging family members, as well as friends, coworkers and anyone else with whom you come in contact.

Aging & Caregiving
Fact Sheet
Aging-in-Place: Tips for Staying in Your Home

Things to expect before deciding to age in place and tips on how to succeed safely in your home and community.

Aging & CaregivingFinancial Planning for the AgingHousing
Fact Sheet
Fact Sheet
Family Caregiving Tips: Where do I Start?

Learn tips to help you provide the best quality of care possible to your loved one.

Aging & CaregivingCaregiving
Fact Sheet
Healthy Caregiving

These tips and suggestions will help you understand the caregiving role and the responsibilities of the people around you throughout the journey.

Aging & CaregivingCaregiving