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Fact Sheet
Water Gardens

An explanation of the care, elements, design, complexities and maintenance of a water garden.

Gardening & Lawn CareGreenhouses & Indoor GardeningHydroponicsLandscaping
Fact Sheet
2015 Commercial Sources of Buffalograss Seed, Sod and Plugs

A list of sources from the central and southern Great Plains region regarding buffalograss seed, plugs and sod.

Gardening & Lawn CareLawns & Turfgrass
Fact Sheet
Fireplace Ashes for Lawn and Garden Use

Fireplace ashes may be safely and beneficially applied to lawn and garden soils to effect nutrient content, liming value and salt content.

Composting, Fertilizing, & MulchingCropsGardening & Lawn CareOrganic & Sustainable
Fact Sheet
Spring 2014 US Creeping Bentgrass Sod Source Directory

A guide to aid buyers in locating creeping bentgrass sod producers throughout the United States.

Gardening & Lawn CareLawns & Turfgrass
Fact Sheet
2014 Spring Oklahoma Turf Sod Source Directory

Assisting sod buyers in Oklahoma by locating sources of turfgrass and helping producers understand available services throughout the state.

Gardening & Lawn CareLawns & Turfgrass
Fact Sheet
Fescue Toxicity and Horses

While fescue has some good qualities, it has significant and important shortcomings for use by horses related to ingestion infected with an endophyte.

FescueGardening & Lawn CareHorsesLawns & TurfgrassLivestockLivestock Health & DiseaseLivestock Health, Disease & Nutrition
Fact Sheet
Selecting a Lawn Grass for Oklahoma

An aid for successful turfgrass management that assists with the selection of turf grass most adapted to the temperatures and moistures found in the state.

DroughtGardening & Lawn CareHome & Garden Water IssuesLawns & TurfgrassWaterWater ConservationWeather & Disaster Preparedness
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