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Fact Sheet
Fact Sheet
Managing Storm-Damaged Trees

How to manage trees following storm damage such as rehabilitation, removal, wound response, pruning, diseases and invasive insects.

Forest Ecology, Management & CareForest HealthForestryNatural Disaster RecoverySustainabilityWeather & Disaster Preparedness
Fact Sheet
Selecting a Lawn Grass for Oklahoma

An aid for successful turfgrass management that assists with the selection of turf grass most adapted to the temperatures and moistures found in the state.

DroughtGardening & Lawn CareHome & Garden Water IssuesLawns & TurfgrassWaterWater ConservationWeather & Disaster Preparedness
Fact Sheet
Intensive Early Stocking

An explanation of Intensive Early Stocking (IES), pasture and forage management practices and cattle performance results.

Beef CattleBudgeting & Financial PlanningCow-CalfDroughtLivestockMoney Management (Personal)Weather & Disaster Preparedness
Fact Sheet
Understanding Stormwater Runoff and Low Impact Development (LID)

How to manage stormwater runoff and the benefits of using the low impact development approach in Oklahoma.

FloodingWaterWeather & Disaster Preparedness
Fact Sheet
What is the Difference Between Weather and Climate?

Weather and climate differences as well as highlighting climate norms and definitions.

MeteorologyWeather & ClimateWeather & Disaster Preparedness