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Fact Sheet
Kosher and Halal Slaughter

By Courtney Bir, Nathan Dethloff, Rodney Holcomb, JJ Jones and Josh Campbell. Learn about Kosher and halal, two distinct types of ritual slaughter observed by people practicing Jewish and Muslim religions, respectively. In this fact sheet we discuss the requirements for both kosher and halal, as well as considerations for meat producers interested in ritual slaughter.

Cooking & Food SafetyFood ProcessingFood ProductsFood SafetyLivestockWaste Management
Fact Sheet
Septic System Trends in Oklahoma

Learn about types, number and geographical distribution of septic systems installed in the state of Oklahoma.

Home Care & SafetyHome SafetySeptic Systems & SewageWaste Management
Fact Sheet
Inspection of Septic Systems

By Sergio M. Abit and Larry Boyanton. Learn about the basic functions of septic systems and how to improve the septic system evaluation process as a homeowner.

Home Care & SafetyHome SafetyMunicipalities & Infrastructure WaterSeptic Systems & SewageWaste ManagementWaste Water ManagementWater
Fact Sheet
Sustainable Food Packaging Options

A comparison of different food packaging options that value freshness and convenience and are also environmentally sustainable.

Food ProductsRecyclingSustainability & Environmental ConcernsWaste Management
Fact Sheet
Waste Management for Alligator Farming and Ranching

Alligator farming and ranching are water intensive enterprises, with irrigation of wastewater the primary method of nutrient recycling.

ReptilesSolid WasteWaste ManagementWildlife
Fact Sheet
Movement of Odors Off-Farm

A detailed guide on odor dispersion including atmospheric turbulence, weather and terrain effects and the Oklahoma Dispersion Model.

MeteorologyRangeland ManagementWaste ManagementWeather & ClimateWeather & Disaster Preparedness
Fact Sheet
Septic Systems – What to do after Severe Weather

The impact of floods and power outages on the two most common types of septic systems in Oklahoma.

FloodingNatural Disaster RecoverySeptic Systems & SewageWaste ManagementWeather & Disaster Preparedness
Fact Sheet
Basic Septic System Rules for Oklahoma

Septic system guidelines in a question-and-answer format discussing installation permits, site and soil restrictions, installation and maintenance.

Septic Systems & SewageWaste Management