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Fact Sheet
Regenerative Agriculture: An Introduction and Overview

By David Lalman, Amanda De Oliveira Silva, Brian Arnall, Dana Zook, Jason Warren, Julia Laughlin, Kevin Wagner, Laura Goodman, Paul Beck and Lyndall Stout. Learn the definitions for the regenerative agriculture concept, describe foundational practices specific to Oklahoma agriculture, and discuss published and ongoing research related to these practices.

Backyard PoultryBeef CattleCropsForest Ecology, Management & CareForestryGrazing ManagementLivestockPoultryRangeland ManagementRegenerationSoilSoil Health & Fertility
Fact Sheet
Evaluation of Rainfall-Index Pasture, Rangeland and Forage Crop Insurance Program and Guidelines for Producers

Discussion regarding the rainfall index vs. actual rainfall, the accuracy of county base values for hay in Oklahoma and optimal choices for producers.

Forage BudgetGrazing ManagementRangeland ManagementWater
Fact Sheet
Absentee Rural Land Ownership

Absentee landowners and tenants can learn ways to help guard their land from trespassers and better protect their investment.

Grazing ManagementRangeland Management
Fact Sheet
Bob-White Quail

The habitat requirements, diet, nesting cover, water and standard management practices needed for effective care and control of bob-white quail in Oklahoma.

BirdsBobwhite QuailCarrying CapacityGrazing ManagementHabitat ManagementRangeland ManagementWildlife
Fact Sheet
Plan Grazing Management Using the Oklahoma Grazing Stick

Management practices for grazing systems using the grazing stick on livestock operations.

Grazing ManagementRangeland Management
Fact Sheet