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Fact Sheet
The Economic Contribution of the Cotton Industry in Oklahoma

By Andrew J. Van Leuven, Jeff Vitale, Dayton M. Lambert, Phil Kenkel, Hannah E. Shear and Emily Norris. Learn about the cotton industry's value in the state of Oklahoma.

Business Strategy & MarketingCommunity & Rural ImprovementCottonCropsEconomic DevelopmentFarm & Ranch FinancesMarket Outlooks
Fact Sheet
Farmers in Transition: Farm Family Decision-Making

By Courtney Bir, Rodney Jones and Brent Ladd. Learn what it takes to be an effective decision maker, the barriers that farmer managers might face, how to overcome those barriers and successfully implement decisions.

Business Planning & ManagementFarm & Ranch Finances
Fact Sheet
How Likely are Calf Value-Added Management Practices to Pay Off?

By Brian R. Williams, Eric DeVuyst, Derrell S. Peel, Kellie Curry Raper. Learn about the probability of success with calf value-added management practices.

Beef CattleFarm & Ranch FinancesLivestockMarket Outlooks
Fact Sheet
Coping with Restructuring or Sale of the Family Farm

By Rodney Jones, Courtney Bir and Brent Ladd. Learn why families grieve when they lose part or all of their farm and positive ways to cope with the change.

Disease ManagementFarm & Ranch FinancesHealth, Nutrition & WellnessMental HealthNatural Disaster RecoveryRestructuring & SalesWeather & Disaster Preparedness
Fact Sheet
Lease Hunting Opportunities for Oklahoma Landowners

A description of lease hunting, the different types of lease hunting and what to include in a lease agreement.

Farm & Ranch FinancesHuntingLeasing & Rental RatesWildlife
Fact Sheet
Farmers in Transition: Finding a New Career

An outline of some essential steps in an effective job career search when transitioning to a line of work off of the farm.

Budgeting & Financial PlanningEstate Planning & TransitionsFarm & Ranch FinancesMoney Management (Personal)
Fact Sheet
Crop and Forage Recordkeeping App

The software programs available to manage crop and forage production records.

Business Planning & ManagementCropsFarm & Ranch Finances