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Fact Sheet
What is the Value of No-Tilling to Establish Winter Cereal Pasture for Growing Beef Cattle in Oklahoma?

By Amadeo F. Panyi, Jon T. Biermacher, Wade Brorsen, Ryan Reuter and James K. Rogers. Learn how to determine the net economic value of using NT to establish winter pasture for a stocker cattle graze-out production system in Oklahoma, and measure how the net economic value of NT responds to incremental changes in the prices of glyphosate and diesel fuel and the wage rate for machinery labor.

Beef CattleCommunity & Rural ImprovementEconomic DevelopmentLivestockStocker Cattle
Fact Sheet
The Economic Contribution of the Cotton Industry in Oklahoma

By Andrew J. Van Leuven, Jeff Vitale, Dayton M. Lambert, Phil Kenkel, Hannah E. Shear and Emily Norris. Learn about the cotton industry's value in the state of Oklahoma.

Business Strategy & MarketingCommunity & Rural ImprovementCottonCropsEconomic DevelopmentFarm & Ranch FinancesMarket Outlooks
Fact Sheet
Crowdsourcing in the Food Industry

The terminology, methods and tips to execute crowdsourcing in the food industry.

Community & Rural ImprovementEconomic DevelopmentFood Products
Fact Sheet
Pull Factors: A Measure of Retail Sales Success Estimates for 77 Oklahoma Cities (2018)

The 2018 findings of measuring the retail trade in the 77 Oklahoma counties using pull factor.

Community & Rural ImprovementEconomic Development
Fact Sheet
Rural-Urban Interface Problems and Opportunities

A review of the many problems that farmers and homeowners face possible solutions to help move past those problems.

Community & Rural ImprovementCounty & Local GovernmentEconomic Development
Fact Sheet
Contribution of Agriculture to Oklahoma’s Economy: 2015

This report aims to document the contribution agriculture makes to the Oklahoma economy in 2015.

AgritourismBusiness Strategy & MarketingCommunity & Rural ImprovementEconomic Development