Oklahoma Pecan Management
The Oklahoma Pecan Management Program provides Oklahoma pecan growers and interested
others access to information pertinent to Oklahoma pecans. This includes OSU fact
sheets, publications, news, courses, videos and links to other materials pertaining
to orchard establishment, management, pest control and youth activities. Real-time
pecan management recommendations are offered in accordance with local weather through
the statewide automated weather-monitoring network, Oklahoma Mesonet.
Native pecans growing wild in Oklahoma are generally well adapted to the area in which
they grow. The most limiting factor for native production is normally overcrowding.
Improved cultivars may have other management needs including pesticide applications,
crop load management as well as increased fertilizer and irrigation needs. Selecting
cultivars most adapted to the various regions in Oklahoma will help provide a successful
Pecan Management Courses
The purpose of the course is to provide an in-depth experience for current and prospective
pecan growers and others, which includes classroom instruction and field practical
exercises on pecan management throughout the growing season.
Over 700 pecan growers and OSU Extension Educators have completed the Oklahoma Pecan
Management Course since it originated in 1997. The classes are held monthly from late
February through October except in June. Students consist of present or prospective
pecan growers.
Students receive instruction on total orchard management programs for native and improved
variety pecan cultivars and pest management programs are covered in depth. Emphasis
is placed on utilization and management tools available on the internet.
To view the 2025 course enrollment and for more information, view the drop down menu below.