CNEP Adult Program
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2024 OutcomesInformation from 2,153 adult participants.
Testimonial 1
"A devastating storm impacted Tulsa with reported wind gusts of over 100 mph. The winds devastated the power grid and left nearly 200,000 homes and businesses without power, which was not restored for most people until a week later. Not only did many people have to dispose of the perishables in their homes, but stores also had these same issues. Stores that did have a backup power source quickly ran out of food that did not require a power source to be able to consume. Food on the Move, a nonprofit organization in Tulsa, partnered with dozens of groups for a community food and resource festival on June 27. Through a partnership between Food on the Move and the Cherokee Nation, 500 families could receive 10 pounds of meat and milk along with produce. CNEP team members were at the event and assisted with packing the 500 bags to ensure everyone would be able to take home some produce that night. As we were putting crooked neck squash in the bags, one of the Food on the Move agricultural guys looked at the Area Coordinator and said, "This is your squash," then looked on down the table and said, "Those are your onions, that's your tomatoes," and so on. The produce that was harvested and distributed to the community was purchased with a CNEP Community Grant. It was an honor knowing that CNEP was able to be proactive and help feed a community during such a devastating time."
Testimonial 2
"Participant attended all core lessons for Fresh Start and received completion certificate. One participant share with the CNEP NEA that before our lessons began, she had goals. She was concerned that her eating habits and patterns could influence her children's food choices. She knew her food habits needed to improve but she really wasn't sure how to start. The participant stated that our recipes were one of her favorite new tools. The handouts and provided folder allowed her to keep track of her lessons and items easily. She shared that the recipes are easy, have few ingredients and are manageable using time available. She feels confident that tools learned from budgeting, planning and shopping for value will benefit her young family and decrease eating out. The participant concluded that she is more confident, and she is feeding her growing family much more healthy food and planning physical activities that will improve the health of all."