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Wheat pasture studies with western feeder lambs.
Robert L. Noble, Richard Pittman and Kenneth Urban.


Trucking vs. rail shipment of feed lot lambs.
Robert L. Noble, Richard Pittman and Kenneth Urban.


X-Rays of Lumbar Vertebrae as a method for detecting carriers of Dwarfism.
E.J. Turman, B.J. Watkins, Doyle Chambers, Dwight Stephens, and R.D. Humphrey.


Contributions of nutrition research to animal production.

Allen D. Tillman.


Management practices to increase the lamb crop from spring bred ewes.
Joe V. Whiteman and Richard Pittman.


Stilbestrol for suckling beef calves.
R.F. Hendrickson, L.S. Pope, and A.B. Nelson.


Phosphorus requirements of fattening yearling steers.
L.S. Pope, Jack McCroskey, Dwight Stephens, A.D. Tillman, and George Waller.


Effect of pelleting roughage for beef calves.
Jack McCroskey, L.S. Pope, and Kenneth Urban.


Effect of stilbestrol implants on gains of steers grazing native grass and their subsequent feed lot performance.
A.B. Nelson, L.S. Pope, R.F. Hendrickson and W.D. Campbell.


Effect of three levels of Carotene intake during lactation on the performance of beef cows and their calves.
L.S. Pope, Jerry L. Pitts and George Waller.


Performance testing boar pigs.
J.A. Whatley, Jr., J.B. Palmer and D.F. Stephens. 


Inheritance of color pattern and shade of hair color in here ford cattle.
Marion E. Stanley, Doyle Chambers, and David E. Anderson.


Fattening trial with western feeder lambs in dry lot.
Robert L. Noble, Richard Pittman and George Waller, Jr.


Effect of different levels of winter supplement and age at first calving upon the performance of beef cows and replacement heifers.
J.E. Zimmerman, L.S. Pope, and Dwight Stephens.


Inheritance of productivity of beef cows.
Doyle Chambers, Nat M. Kieffer and L.S. Pope.


Stilbestrol and area in rations for wintering beef cattle.
A.B. Nelson, R.F. Hendrickson, G.R. Waller and W.D. Campbell.


Effect of rapid vs. moderate rates of gain on feed efficiency and carcass composition of steer calves.
L.S. Pope, R.L. Henrickson, J.R. LeGendre and George Odell.


Mixed rations vs. the free-choice feeding of Milo and supplement for growing and finishing pigs.
J.C. Hillier and J.J. Martin.


Levels of supplemental winter feeding of beef cows and creep-feeding fall calves.
A.B. Nelson, R.F. Hendrickson, N.W. Robinson, W.D. Campbell and G.R. Waller.


Protein supplements for wintering fall-calving cows.
J.A. Miller, A.B. Nelson and G.R. Waller.


Effect of rolling vs. pelleting Milo, previous implantation, and certain feed additives on the feed lot performance of steer and heifer calves.
L.S. Pope, R.F. Hendrickson, Lowell Walters, George Waller and W.D. Campbell.


Fattening steers and heifers on rations containing different levels of concentrate.
Jack McCroskey, L.S. Pope, Lowell Walters, and Kenneth Urban.


Feeders’ Day Feed Prices for 1957-58.