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The value of water sprinkles for cooling pregnant sows during the summer.
 J.A. Whatley, Jr., J.B. Palmer, Doyle Chamber and D.F. Stephens.


Effect of feeding three levels of Carotene during lactation on the performance of beef Cows.
O.G. Daniel, L.S. Pope, R.W. MacVicar and W.D. Campbell.


The effect of Stilbestrol implantation on gains of steers grazing native grass.
A.B. Nelson and W.D. Campbell.


Nutritive value of various protein supplements for lambs.
Walter R. Woods, Willis D. Gallup and Allen D. Tillman.


The effect of level of wintering upon the production of two-year-old slaughter steers.
A.B. Nelson and Glen Bratcher.


Phosphorus supplements for beef cattle.
S.A. Ewing, A.B. Nelson, A.D. Tillman and W.D. Gallup.


Some factors influencing ewe conception during late spring.
Joe V. Whiteman, Richard s. Pittman, and K.I. Brown.


Reproductive efficiency of range beef cows.
Doyle Chambers, Gary O. Conley and J.A. Whatley, Jr.


Genetic aspects of cancer eye in cattle.
David E. Anderson and Doyle Chambers.


Radiographs of the lumbar vertebrae of beef calves and their association with the Snorter Dwarf Gene.
E.J. Turman, R.D. Humphrey, Doyle Chambers and Dwight Stephens.


Effect of feeding different levels of winter supplement and age of first calving on the performance of range beef cows and replacement heifers.
J.E. Zimmerman, L.S. Pope, Dwight Stephens and George Waller.


Mineral and management studies with beef cows in Southern Oklahoma.
Robert Totusek and Willis D. Gallup.


Methods of management for the small commercial herd producing “two-way” calves.
L.S. Pope, R.D. Humphrey and Dwight Stephens.


Fattening steer and heifers on rations containing different levels of concentrate.

L.S. Pope, R.D. Humphrey, Lowell Walters, and George Waller.


The value of dehydrated alfalfa meal and molasses in supplements for wintering weaning calves.
A.B. Nelson, M.G. Greeley, G.R. Waller and W.D. Campbell.


The response of Dwarf carrier and normal beef cattle to insulin induced stress.
E.J. Turman.


Levels of supplemental wintering feeding of beef cows and creep-feeding fall calves.
A.B. Nelson, R.F. Hendrickson, and W.D. Campbell.


Supplements to high-silage rations for fattening two-year-old steers.
L.S. Pope, R.D. Humphrey, Lowell Walters, and George Waller.


Fattening trials with western feeder lambs.
Robert L. Noble, Richard Pittman and George Waller, Jr.


Levels of protein and protein supplements to Milo rations for swine.
J.C. Hillier, R.W. MacVicar and Wilson Pond.


Urea in protein supplements for wintering beef cattle.
A.B. Nelson, M.G. Greeley and W.D. Campbell.


Grub control with dow ET-57, a recently developed systemic insecticide.
D.E. Howell.


Protein supplements for wintering fall-calving cows.
A.B. Nelson, James Miller and George Waller.


Effects of certain hormones and feed additives on the performance of steer calves.
L.S. Pope, R.F. Hendrickson, George Waller and W.D. Campbell.


Feed Prices for 1956-57 Feeder’s Day Reports.

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