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Ornamental and Lawn Pest Control (For Homeowners)

This fact sheet describes some common arthropod pest problems encountered on various ornamentals and turfgrass lawns in Oklahoma. If arthropod pest problems arise that are not covered here, consult your OSU County Extension Office for assistance.


Many arthropod pest problems are solved through natural control factors such as weather, disease, parasites, and predators. When nature either does not solve the pest problem or is slow to act, other controls may be warranted. Chemical pesticides often provide the quickest and most dependable control, and in many instances, there may be no other alternatives.


Pesticides are chemicals of plant, animal, or synthetic origin manufactured to kill pests – insects, weeds, plant disease organisms, and rodents. Materials poisonous to one organism are usually poisonous to other organisms if the dosage is large enough.  Pesticides can be applied safely when a few basic rules are followed and common sense is used. Refer to OSU Extension Fact Sheets EPP-7450, EPP-7453 and EPP-7457 for more information on pesticide safety. For information on insect control in the vegetable garden, refer to OSU Extension Fact Sheet EPP-7313.


Note: Whenever possible, buy and grow pest resistant plants such as Oklahoma Proven selections ( or other recommended varieties. By doing so, the need for pest control measures can be greatly reduced.




Bagworm. Photo courtesy Eric R. Day, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University,






Eastern Tent Caterpillar
Eastern Tent Caterpillar. Photo courtesy John A. Weidhass, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University,





Two-spotted Spider Mite
 Two-spotted Spider Mite. Photo courtesy Frank Peairs, Colorado State University,






Two-spotted Spider Mite Webbing
 Two-spotted Spider Mite Webbing. Photo courtesy Whitney Cranshaw, Colorado State University,





Elm Leaf Beetle
 Elm Leaf Beetle (larvae). Photo courtesy Whitney Cranshaw, Colorado State University,






May-June Beetle
 May-June Beetle. Photo courtesy Steven Katovich, USDA Forest Service,





Clover Mite


Clover Mite. Photo courtesy Rayanne Lehman, Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture,






Pine Tip Moth

Pine Tip Moth (adult). Photo courtesy James A. Richmond, USDA Forest Service,





Pine Tip Moth Damage
 Pine Tip Moth Damage. Photo courtesy Eric R. Day, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University,





Poplar Borer
 Poplar Borer. Photo courtesy James Solomon, USDA Forest Service,






Elm Leaf Beetle


Elm Leaf Beetle. Photo courtesy Clemson University – USDA Cooperative Extension Slide Series,





May-June Beetle Larva


May-June Beetle Larva. Photo courtesy Steven Katovich, USDA Forest Service,






Pine Tip Moth (larvae)


Pine Tip Moth (larvae). Photo courtesy Darrell Ross, Oregon State University,






Wooly Maple Aphids

Wooly Maple Aphids. Photo courtesy Eric Rebek, Oklahoma State University,





Harvester Ants
 Harvester Ants. Photo courtesy Whitney Cranshaw, Colorado State University,






Spring Cankerworm

Spring Cankerworm. Photo courtesy James B. Hanson, USDA Forest Service,





Candystriped Leafhopper

Candystriped Leafhopper. Photo courtesy David Cappaert, Michigan State University,





Euonymus Scale
 Euonymus Scale. Photo courtesy Clemson University – USDA Cooperative Extension Slide Series,






Fall Armyworm
 Fall Armyworm. Photo courtesy Clemson University – USDA Cooperative Extension Slide Series,






Cicada Killer Wasp
 Cicada Killer Wasp. Photo courtesy Nancy Hinkle, University of Georgia,






Sod Webworm
 Sod Webworm. Photo courtesy Purdue University, Department of Entomology






 Mealybugs. Photo courtesy United States National Collection of Scale Insects Photographs Archive, USDA Agricultural Research Service,





American Dog Ticks
 American Dog Ticks. Photo courtesy Mat Pound, USDA Agricultural Research Service,






 Flea. Photo courtesy Pest and Diseases Image Library,






Sycamore Lace Bugs
 Sycamore Lace Bugs. Photo courtesy USDA Forest Service – Northeastern Area Archive, USDA Forest Service,







Pests Of Trees, Shrubs, And Flowers



(Pest, Time Most Prevalent, & Other Information)

  • Measure 1/8 to 1/5 inch long.
  • Pear-shaped, soft-bodied, sucking insects.  Active all growing season.
  • Aphids secrete honeydew (sticky, sugar-like material), which may attract ants and flies, and provide growing media for sooty mold.
  • Aphids generally attack the tender terminals and leaves.  Leaves may twist and curl and become distorted.
  • Small infestations can often be washed off plants with strong water pressure.
Pesticide Common Name Pesticide Trade Name Pesticide Class Comments
Acetamiprid Ortho Max Flower, Fruit
and Vegetable Insect
Killer RTU
4A Systemic insecticide.  Apply as a foliar spray.
Carbaryl GardenTech Sevin Concentrate Bug Killer 1A See note at end of section on Sevin.
Dinotefuran Green Light Tree and Shrub InsectControl w/ Safari 2G or
Gordon’s Professional Turf & Ornamental Products Zylam Liquid
 Systemic Insecticide 
4A Systemic insecticide.  Apply to soil around base of
trunk.  Determine rate based on trunk diameter or
height of shrub.  BEE CAUTION: Do not apply to
plants in bloom.
Insecticidal Soap  Garden Safe Brand Insecticidal Soap Insect Killer NS Carefully read label of insecticidal soap products for
phytotoxicity statements.
Imidacloprid Bayer Advanced 12 Month Tree & Shrub Insect Control or
Ferti-Lome Tree & Shrub Systemic
Insect Drench
4A Use imidacloprid as a soil drench around base of
trunk.  Determine rate based on trunk diameter or
height of shrub. BEE CAUTION:  Do not apply to
plants in bloom.
Imidacloprid + Clothianidin Bayer Advanced Tree & Shrub Protect and Feed
RTU Granules II
4A + 4A Apply granules around base of trunk and water in
to soil.  Determine rate based on trunk diameter or
height of shrub. BEE CAUTION:  Do not apply to
plants in bloom.
Malathion Gordon’s Malathion 50% Spray or
Hi-Yield 55% Malathion Spray
1B Carefully read label of malathion products for
phytotoxicity statements.
Mineral Oil Bonide All Seasons 
Horticultural & Dormant 
Spray Oil Concentrate
HO Do not apply dormant oil concentrations to actively
growing plants nor to broadleaf evergreens, maple, 
mountain ash, or beech.
Neem Oil  Garden Safe Brand Neem Oil Extract Concentrate or
Bonide Neem Oil Fungicide/Miticide/ Insecticide RTU
UN Carefully read label of neem oil products for phytoxicity



(Pest, Time Most Prevalent, & Other Information)

  • Measure 1-2 inches long (bagworm case).
  • Active May through September.
  • Common caterpillar pests on cedars, arborvitae, and sometimes feed on bald cypress, elms, pines, willows, maples, sycamores, and other trees.
  • Small infestations can be removed by hand in winter before larvae emerge in May, but be sure to destroy all bags.
Pesticide Common Name Pesticide Trade Name Pesticide Class Comments
thuringiensis (B.t.) subsp. kurstaki 
Thuricide or Dipel 11A Apply B.t. early while caterpillars are still small (e.g., late May or early June).  Less effective for large
Carbaryl GardenTech Sevin Concentrate Bug Killer 1A See note at end of section on Sevin.
Malathion Gordon’s Malathion 50% Spray or 
Hi-Yield 55% Malathion Spray
1B Carefully read label of malathion products for
phytotoxicity statements.
Spinosad Ferti-Lome Borer, Bagworm, Tent Caterpillar & Leafminer Spray 5 Apply spinosad early while caterpillars are still small
(e.g., late May or early June).  Less effective for

large larvae.



(Pest, Time Most Prevalent, & Other Information)

  • Measure 1/2 to 1 3/4 inches long.
  • Active spring through fall.
  • See OSU Fact Sheet EPP-7326 for additional information about woodborers.
Pesticide Common Name Pesticide Trade Name Pesticide Class Comments
Dinotefuran Green Light Tree and Shrub Insect Control w/ Safari 2G or Gordon’s Professional Turf & Ornamental Products Zylam Liquid Systemic Insecticide 4A Systemic insecticide.  pply to soil around base of trunk.  Determine rate based on trunk diameter or height of shrub.  BEE CAUTION: Do not apply to plants in bloom.
Imidacloprid Bayer Advanced 12 Month Tree & Shrub Insect Control or Ferti-Lome Tree & Shrub Systemic Insect Drench 4A Use imidacloprid as a soil drench around base of trunk.  Determine rate based on trunk diameter or height of shrub. BEE CAUTION:  Do not apply to plants in bloom.
Imidacloprid + Clothianidin Bayer Advanced Tree & Shrub Protect and Feed RTU Granules II 4A + 4A Apply granules around base of trunk and water in to soil.  Determine rate based on trunk diameter or height of shrub. BEE CAUTION:  Do not apply to plants in bloom.



Ash/Lilac Borer

(Pest, Time Most Prevalent, & Other Information)

  • Measure up to 1 inch long.  Adult moths are wasp mimics.
  • Active spring through fall.
  • As a preventative measure, it is helpful to insure health of trees with proper watering and fertilizer.
Pesticide Common Name Pesticide Trade Name Pesticide Class Comments
Permethrin Hi-Yield Indoor/Outdoor Broad Use Insecticide 3A Spray trunk when adult moths are active to target
egg-laying adults and newly emerging larvae.  Monitor
adult activity with pheromone



Iris Borer

(Pest, Time Most Prevalent, & Other Information)

  • Larvae are pink caterpillars measuring up to 2 inches long.
  • Active late April through August.
  • Larvae tunnel within leaves, stems, and rhizomes (roots).
Pesticide Common Name Pesticide Trade Name Pesticide Class Comments
Steinernema carpocapsae Ecomask BLO Beneficial nematodes are tiny roundworms that
attack a variety of insect pests.  Levels of control
vary, but nematodes function best at soil temperatures
between 60° and 93°F.
Piperonyl Butoxide + Pyrethrins GardenTech Worry Free
Brand Concentrate
NS + 3A  
Spinosad Ferti-Lome Borer, Bagworm, Tent Caterpillar & Leafminer Spray  5A Apply spray to upper and lower leaf surfaces when
eggs hatch, corresponding to new growth measuring
4 to 6 inches.  A second spray may be needed 10 to 14 days later.


Bark Beetles (in pines)

(Pest, Time Most Prevalent, & Other Information)

  • Adults measure 1/20 to 1/5 inch long
  • Small, cylindrical, brown to black beetles that tunnel and create feeding galleries below bark surface.
  • Active spring through fall.
Pesticide Common Name Pesticide Trade Name

Pesticide Class Comments 
Imidacloprid Bayer Advanced 12 Month Tree & Shrub Insect Control or
Ferti-Lome Tree & Shrub Systemic 
Insect Drench
4A Use imidacloprid as a soil drench around base of
trunk.  Determine rate based on trunk diameter or
height of shrub.  BEE CAUTION:  Do not apply to
plants in bloom.
Imidacloprid + Clothianidin Bayer Advanced Tree & Shrub Protect
and Feed RTU Granules II
4A + 4A Apply granules around base of trunk and water in to
soil.  Determine rate based on trunk diameter or
height of shrub. BEE CAUTION:  Do not apply to
plants in bloom.
Piperonyl Butoxide + Pyrethrins GardenTech Worry Free BrandConcentrate NS + 3A  



Elm Bark Beetles

(Pest, Time Most Prevalent, & Other Information)

  • See EPP-7602: Dutch Elm Disease for information about elm bark beetle vectors.
 Only restricted use pesticides are currently available for effective control of elm bark beetle and the disease it transmits, Dutch Elm Disease.  Consult a certified arborist or other tree care professional for control options.


Boxelder Bugs and Red-Shouldered Bugs

(Pest, Time Most Prevalent, & Other Information)

  • Measure 1/2 to 1 3/4 inches long.
  • Nuisance household pest in the fall. Feed on seeds of boxelder, golden raintree, and soapberry, but don’t injure trees. Avoid planting host trees in close proximity to house. 
  • Plug openings around windows and doors, and caulk small openings that can serve as points of entry.
  • Target young nymphs in early summer for best control.
Pesticide Common Name Pesticide Trade Name

Pesticide Class Comments 
Carbaryl GardenTech Sevin Concentrate Bug Killer 1A See note at end of section on Sevin.
Cyfluthrin Bayer Advanced Power Force Multi-Insect Killer Concentrate 3A  
Malathion Gordon’s Malathion 50% Spray or Hi-Yield 55% Malathion Spray 1B Carefully read label of malathion products for
phytotoxicity statements.
Butoxide + Pyrethrins
GardenTech Worry Free Brand
NS + 3A  



(Pest, Time Most Prevalent, & Other Information)

  • Includes cankerworms, cutworms, webworms, tent caterpillars, and leafrollers/leaftiers.
  • Measure 1/2 to 2 inches long.
  • Active spring through fall. Larvae feed on foliage. Some species roll and tie leaves with silk and some build webs or tents around foliage or in crotches of limbs.
  • Check label for specific caterpillar pests controlled by each product and use accordingly.
Pesticide Common Name  Pesticide Trade Name   Pesticide Class  Comments
Acetamiprid Ortho Max Flower, Fruit and Vegetable Insect Killer RTU 4A Systemic insecticide.  Apply as a foliar spray.
Bacillus thuringiensis (B.t.) subsp. kurstaki Bonide Thuricide Bt or
Ferti-Lome Dipel Dust
11A Apply B.t. early while caterpillars are still small.  Less
effective for large larvae.  B.t. stops larvae from
feeding, but has a delayed killing action.  B.t. does
NOT control sawflies.
Carbaryl GardenTech Sevin Concentrate Bug Killer 1A See note at end of section on Sevin.
Cyfluthrin Bayer Advanced Power Force Multi-Insect Killer Concentrate 3A  
Esfenvalerate  Ortho Bug-B-Gon Max Garden &
Landscape Insect Killer 
Insecticidal Soap Garden Safe Brand Insecticidal Soap Insect Killer NS Carefully read label of insecticidal soap products
for phytotoxicity statements.
Lambda Cyhalothrin Bonide Caterpillar Killer 3A  
Malathion  Gordon’s Malathion 50% Spray or Hi-Yield 55% Malathion Spray 1B Carefully read label of malathion products for
phytotoxicity statements.
Mineral Oil Bonide All Seasons Horticultural & Dormant Spray Oil Concentrate HO Do not apply dormant oil concentrations to actively
growing plants nor to broadleaf evergreens, maple, 
mountain ash, or beech.
Neem Oil   Garden Safe Brand Neem Oil Extract Concentrate or
Bonide Neem Oil Fungicide/Miticide/
Insecticide RTU            
UN Labeled for leafrollers only.  Carefully read label
of neem oil products for phytoxicity statements.
Spinosad Ferti-Lome Borer, Bagworm, Tent Caterpillar, & Leafminer Spray  5 Apply spinosad early while caterpillars are still small.  Less effective for large larvae.


Elm Leaf Beetle, Willow Leaf Beetle, and Elm Calligrapha Beetle

(Pest, Time Most Prevalent, & Other Information)

  • Adults measure 1/8 to 1/4 inch long.  Larvae measure 1/4 to 3/8 inch long.
  • These leaf-feeding beetles are active late spring to late summer.  Both adults and larvae feed on foliage, but larvae cause the most damage by skeletonizing the leaves.
Pesticide Common Name  Pesticide Trade Name   Pesticide Class  Comments
Carbaryl GardenTech Sevin Concentrate Bug Killer 1A See note at end of section on Sevin.
Cyfluthrin Bayer Advanced Power Force Multi-Insect Killer Concentrate  3A  
Dinotefuran Green Light Tree and Shrub Insect Control w/Safari 2G or Gordon’s Professional Turf & Ornamental Products Zylam Liquid Systemic Insecticide 4A Systemic insecticide. Apply to soil around base of trunk.  Determine rate based on trunk diameter or height of shrub.   BEE CAUTION: Do not apply to plants in bloom.
Imidacloprid Bayer Advanced 12 Month Tree & Shrub Insect Control or
Ferti-Lome Tree & Shrub Systemic Insect Drench
4A Use imidacloprid as a soil drench around base of trunk.  Determine rate based on trunk diameter or height of shrub.   BEE CAUTION: Do not apply to plants in bloom.
Imidacloprid + Clothianidin Bayer Advanced Tree & Shrub Protect
and Feed RTU Granules II
4A + 4A Apply granules around base of trunk and water in
to soil.  Determine rate based on trunk diameter or 
height of shrub. BEE CAUTION: Do not apply to plants in bloom.
Mineral Oil Bonide All Seasons Horticultural & Dormant Spray Oil Concentrate HO Effective against larvae.  Do not apply dormant oil
concentrations to actively growing plants nor to broadleaf evergreens, maple, mountain ash, or beech.
Spinosad Ferti-Lome Borer, Bagworm, Tent Caterpillar, & Leafminer Spray  5 Apply when larvae are small and actively feeding.


Flea Beetles

(Pest, Time Most Prevalent, & Other Information)

  • Measure 1/16 to 1/8 inch long.
  • Tiny, black beetles with enlarged hind legs designed for jumping.
  • Active in summer, feeding on foliage of a wide variety of landscape plants.
Pesticide Common Name  Pesticide Trade Name   Pesticide Class  Comments
Acetamiprid Ortho Max Flower, Fruit and Vegetable Insect Killer RTU  4A Systemic insecticide.  Apply as a foliar spray.
Carbaryl  GardenTech Sevin Concentrate Bug Killer 1A See note at end of section on Sevin.
Cyfluthrin Bayer Advanced Power Force Multi-Insect Killer Concentrate 3A  
Lambda Cyhalothrin Bonide Caterpillar Killer 3A  



(Pest, Time Most Prevalent, & Other Information)

  • New growth forms during growing season.
  • See OSU Fact Sheet EPP-7168 for detailed information about plant galls.
  • Gall problems can be reduced by applying the chemicals listed in early spring (bud swell), then again at bud break, and again when leaves are half grown.
Pesticide Common Name  Pesticide Trade Name   Pesticide Class  Comments
Carbaryl GardenTech Sevin Concentrate Bug Killer 1A Labeled for gall-making wasps and midges only.  See note at end of section on Sevin.
Mineral Oil Bonide All Seasons Horticultural & Dormant Spray Oil Concentrate HO Do not apply dormant oil concentrations to actively
growing plants nor to broadleaf evergreens, maple,
mountain ash, or beech.



(Pest, Time Most Prevalent, & Other Information)

  • Measure 1-2 inches long.
  • Grasshoppers feed on foliage of numerous plants but prefer grasses.
  • For more information, see OSU Fact Sheet EPP-7322: Grasshopper Control in Gardens and Landscapes.
Pesticide Common Name  Pesticide Trade Name   Pesticide Class  Comments
Cyfluthrin Bayer Advanced Power Force Multi-Insect Killer Concentrate 3A  
Cypermethrin Amdro Quick Kill Lawn & Landscape Insect Killer Concentrate 3A  
Esfenvalerate Ortho Bug-B-Gon Max Garden & Landscape Insect Killer 3A  
Nosema locustae Nolo Bait or Semaspore M Microsporidial pathogen of grasshoppers. Works best on small nymphs.  Do not apply Nosema locustae in any manner that results in contact with fruits or vegetables.


June (May) Beetles and Japanese Beetles

(Pest, Time Most Prevalent, & Other Information)

  • Measure 1/2 to 3/4 inches long.
  • June beetles active at night April through September.  Japanese beetles active during the day late June through July.
  • June beetles occasionally feed on foliage of American elm and other trees.  Japanese beetles are serious pests, feeding on foliage, fruits, and flowers of many landscape plants.
Pesticide Common Name  Pesticide Trade Name   Pesticide Class  Comments
Acetamiprid Ortho Max Flower, Fruit and Vegetable Insect Killer RTU 4A Systemic insecticide.  Apply as a foliar spray.  Labeled for Japanese beetle only.
Carbaryl GardenTech Sevin Concentrate Bug Killer 1A See note at end of section on Sevin.
Cyfluthrin Bayer Advanced Power Force Multi-Insect Killer Concentrate 3A Recommended as a preventative treatment for
Japanese beetle.
Imidacloprid Bayer Advanced 12 Month Tree & Shrub Insect Control or
Ferti-Lome Tree & Shrub Systemic Insect Drench
4A Use imidacloprid as a soil drench around base of
trunk.  Determine rate based on trunk diameter or
height of shrub.  BEE CAUTION:  Do not apply to
plants in bloom.
Imidacloprid + Clothianidin Bayer Advanced Tree & Shrub Protect
and Feed RTU Granules II
4A + 4A Apply granules around base of trunk and water in to soil. Determine rate based on trunk diameter or height of shrub. BEE CAUTION:  Do not apply to plants in bloom.


Lace Bugs

(Pest, Time Most Prevalent, & Other Information)

  • Measure 1/8 inch long.
  • Tiny, mottled, brown to black and gray insects with long, lace-like wings.  Suck sap from undersides of leaves causing them to become mottled with grey or brown spots.
  • Active spring through summer.
  • Common on sycamores, elms and some oaks, pyracantha, and occasionally azaleas.
  • Small infestations can be washed off plants/foliage with strong water pressure (stream of water).
Pesticide Common Name  Pesticide Trade Name   Pesticide Class  Comments
Bifenthrin Ortho Bug B Gone Max Lawn and Garden Insect Killer Concentrate 3A  
Carbaryl GardenTech Sevin Concentrate Bug Killer 1A  See note at end of section on Sevin.
Cyfluthrin Bayer Advanced Power Force Multi-Insect Killer Concentrate 3A  
Dinotefuran Green Light Tree and Shrub Insect Control w/ Safari 2G or Gordon’s Professional Turf & Ornamental Products Zylam Liquid Systemic Insecticide  4A Systemic insecticide.  Apply to soil around base of
trunk.  Determine rate based on trunk diameter or
height of shrub.   BEE CAUTION: Do not apply to
plants in bloom.
Imidacloprid Bayer Advanced 12 Month Tree & Shrub Insect Control or
Ferti-Lome Tree & Shrub Systemic Insect Drench
4A Use imidacloprid as a soil drench around base of
trunk.  Determine rate based on trunk diameter or
height of shrub.   BEE CAUTION:  Do not apply to
plants in bloom.
Imidacloprid + Clothianidin Bayer Advanced Tree & Shrub Protect
and Feed RTU Granules II
4A + 4A Apply granules around base of trunk and water in to soil.  Determine rate based on trunk diameter or height of shrub.   BEE CAUTION:  Do not apply to plants in bloom.
Insecticidal Soap  Garden Safe Brand Insecticidal Soap
Insect Killer
NS  Carefully read label of insecticidal soap products for
phytotoxicity statements.
Mineral Oil  Bonide All Seasons Horticultural & Dormant Oil Concentrate HO Do not apply dormant oil concentrations to actively
growing plants nor to broadleaf evergreens, maple, 
mountain ash, or beech.



(Pest, Time Most Prevalent, & Other Information)

  • Measure 1/8 to 1/4 inch long.
  • Leafhoppers and treehoppers are somewhat wedge-shaped insects that are drab to brightly colored.  These sucking insects readily jump when disturbed.  Treehoppers often have extreme ornamentation just behind the head.  
  • Active during growing season.
  • Feeding results in leaf discoloration, but rarely harmful to plant.  Several leafhoppers are important vectors of leaf scorch diseases.
Pesticide Common Name  Pesticide Trade Name   Pesticide Class  Comments
Acetamiprid Ortho Max Flower, Fruit and Vegetable Insect Killer RTU 4A Systemic insecticide.  Apply as a foliar spray.
Carbaryl GardenTech Sevin Concentrate Bug Killer 1A See note at end of section on Sevin.
Cyfluthrin Bayer Advanced Power Force Multi-Insect Killer Concentrate 3A  
Dinotefuran Green Light Tree and Shrub Insect Control w/ Safari 2G or
Gordon’s Professional Turf & Ornamental Products Zylam Liquid Systemic Insecticide
4A Systemic insecticide.  Apply to soil around base of
trunk.  Determine rate based on trunk diameter or
height of shrub.  BEE CAUTION: Do not apply to
plants in bloom.
Imidacloprid Bayer Advanced 12 Month Tree & Shrub Insect Control or
Ferti-Lome Tree & Shrub Systemic Insect Drench
4A Use imidacloprid as a soil drench around base of
trunk.  Determine rate based on trunk diameter or
height of shrub.  BEE CAUTION: Do not apply to
plants in bloom.
Imidacloprid + Clothianidin Bayer Advanced Tree & Shrub Protect
and Feed RTU Granules II
4A + 4A Apply granules around base of trunk and water in
to soil.  Determine rate based on trunk diameter or
height of shrub. BEE CAUTION: Do not apply to plants in bloom.
Malathion Gordon’s Malathion 50% Spray or Hi-Yield 55% Malathion Spray 1B Carefully read label of malathion products for phytotoxicity statements.  



(Pest, Time Most Prevalent, & Other Information)

  • Includes blotch, serpentine, and tentiform leafminers, so named for  the shape of their tunnels.
  • Larvae measure 1/8 to 1/4 inch long.
  • Leafminers are the tiny larvae of several moth, fly, and sawfly species that feed between the upper and lower leaf surfaces.
  • Active spring through summer. Seldom cause extensive damage.  Prune and burn twigs or leaves  when possible.
Pesticide Common Name  Pesticide Trade Name   Pesticide Class  Comments
Acetamiprid Ortho Max Flower, Fruit and Vegetable Insect Killer RTU 4A Systemic insecticide.  Apply as a foliar spray.
Carbaryl GardenTech Sevin Concentrate Bug Killer 1A See note at end of section on Sevin.
Dinotefuran Green Light Tree and Shrub Insect Control w/ Safari 2G or Gordon’s Professional Turf & Ornamental Products Zylam Liquid Systemic Insecticide 4A Systemic insecticide.  Apply to soil around base of
trunk.  Determine rate based on trunk diameter or
height of shrub.   BEE CAUTION: Do not apply to
plants in bloom.
Imidacloprid Bayer Advanced 12 Month Tree & Shrub Insect Control or
Ferti-Lome Tree & Shrub Systemic Insect Drench
4A Use imidacloprid as a soil drench around base of
trunk.  Determine rate based on trunk diameter or
height of shrub.   BEE CAUTION: Do not apply to
plants in bloom.
Imidacloprid + Clothianidin Bayer Advanced Tree & Shrub Protect
and Feed RTU Granules II
4A + 4A Apply granules around base of trunk and water in
to soil.  Determine rate based on trunk diameter or height of shrub. BEE CAUTION: Do not apply to plants in bloom.
Malathion Gordon’s Malathion 50% Spray or Hi-Yield 55% Malathion Spray 1B Carefully read label of malathion products for
phytotoxicity statements.
Mineral Oil Bonide All Seasons Horticultural & Dormant Spray Oil Concentrate HO Effective against adults only.  Do not apply dormantoil concentrations to actively growing plants nor to broadleaf evergreens, maple, mountain ash, or beech.
Spinosad Ferti-Lome Borer, Bagworm, Tent Caterpillar, & Leafminer Spray  5 Thorough coverage of upper and lower leaf surfaces
is essential for effective control.



(Pest, Time Most Prevalent, & Other Information)

  • Measure up to 1 inch long.  Coil up when disturbed.
  • Active during growing season.
  • Heavy mulch and continuous damp conditions favor build-up of millipedes.  Apply spray to soil surface in beds and around plants.
Pesticide Common Name  Pesticide Trade Name   Pesticide Class Comments
Carbaryl Bayer Advanced Complete Insect Killer for Gardens RTU 1A  
Cypermethrin Amdro Quick Kill Lawn & Landscape Insect Killer Concentrate 3A  
Permethrin Hi-Yield Indoor/Outdoor Broad Use
Insecticide or Ferti-Lome Indoor/Outdoor
Multi-purpose Insect Spray




(Pest, Time Most Prevalent, & Other Information)

  • Measure 1/60 inch long.
  • Active spring to early fall; spider mites frequently become a severe problem in hot, dry weather.
  • Frequently, two or more applications at 7-day intervals will be needed to reduce mite populations.  Mites can be difficult to control, thus consider alternating chemicals at the different treatment intervals.
Pesticide Common Name  Pesticide Trade Name   Pesticide Class  Comments
Esfenvalerate Ortho Bug-B-Gon Max Garden & Landscape Insect Killer 3A  
 Insecticidal Soap  Garden Safe Brand Insecticidal Soap Insect Killer NS Carefully read label of insecticidal soap products for phytotoxicity statements.
Malathion Gordon’s Malathion 50% Spray or Hi-Yield 55% Malathion Spray 1B Carefully read label of malathion products for
phytotoxicity statements.
Mineral Oil Bonide All Seasons Horticultural & Dormant Spray Oil Concentrate UN Do not apply dormant oil concentrations to actively
growing plants nor to broadleaf evergreens, maple, 
mountain ash, or beech.
Neem Oil Garden Safe Neem Oil Extract or  Green Light Neem Concentrate  HO    Carefully read label of neem oil products for
phytotoxicity statements.


Pine Tip Moth (larvae)

(Pest, Time Most Prevalent, & Other Information)

  • Larvae measure 1/2 inch long.
  • Active March to September.
  • Larvae bore into buds and twigs. Females emerge and lay eggs from late March through late May.  Larvae must be controlled before they bore into tree.
  • For best protection with sprays, applications should be applied at about 20-day intervals from late March through the end of June.
  • For more information, see OSU Fact Sheet EPP-7645: Nantucket Pine Tip Moth.
Pesticide Common Name  Pesticide Trade Name   Pesticide Class  Comments
Carbaryl GardenTech Sevin Concentrate Bug Killer 1A See note at end of section on Sevin.
Dinotefuran Green Light Tree and Shrub Insect Control w/ Safari 2G or Gordon’s Professional Turf & Ornamental Products Zylam Liquid Systemic Insecticide 4A Systemic insecticide.  Apply to soil around base of trunk.  Determine rate based on trunk diameter or height of shrub.   BEE CAUTION: Do not apply to plants in bloom.
Imidacloprid Bayer Advanced 12 Month Tree &
Shrub Insect Control or Ferti-Lome Tree & Shrub Systemic Insect Drench
4A  Use imidacloprid as a soil drench around base of trunk. Determine rate based on trunk diameter or height of shrub.   BEE CAUTION: Do not apply to
plants in bloom.
Imidacloprid + Clothianidin Bayer Advanced Tree & Shrub Protect
and Feed RTU Granules II
4A Apply granules around base of trunk and water in to soil.  Determine rate based on trunk diameter or height of shrub. BEE CAUTION: Do not apply to
plants in bloom.



Puss Caterpillar/ Io Moth and Othere “Stinging Caterpillars"

(Pest, Time Most Prevalent, & Other Information)

  • Active late summer and fall. 
  • Tiny stinging spines are present beneath the fluffy, long, flowing body hair.
  • For best results, spray foliage thoroughly.
Pesticide Common Name  Pesticide Trade Name   Pesticide Class  Comments
Bacillus thuringiensis (B.t.) subsp. kurstaki Safer Brand Garden Dust 11A Thoroughly apply dust to cover all plant surfaces.
Carbaryl GardenTech Sevin Concentrate Bug Killer 1A See note at end of section on Sevin.
Piperonyl Butoxide + Pyrethrins GardenTech Worry Free Brand Concentrate NS + 3A  


Scales and Mealybugs

(Pest, Time Most Prevalent, & Other Information)

  • Includes brown elm scale, euonymus scale, and longtailed mealybug.
  • Active during growing season.
  • Soft scales and mealybugs produce honeydew while armored scales do not.  
  • Some insecticide products do not control armored scales, so consult your OSU County Extension Office if identification is in doubt.
  • Most non-systemic contact insecticides cannot penetrate protective, waxy layer of scales.  Thus, apply sprays to target crawler (nymph) stage.
Pesticide Common Name  Pesticide Trade Name   Pesticide Class  Comments
Acetamiprid Ortho Max Flower, Fruit and Vegetable Insect Killer RTU  4A Systemic insecticide.  Apply as a foliar spray.
Carbaryl GardenTech Sevin Concentrate Bug Killer 1A Effective against scale crawlers (nymphs) only.  See note at end of section on Sevin.
Dinotefuran Green Light Tree and Shrub Insect Control w/ Safari 2G or Gordon’s Professional Turf & Ornamental Products Zylam Liquid Systemic Insecticide 4A Systemic insecticide.  Apply to soil around base of trunk.  Determine rate based on trunk diameter or height of shrub.   BEE CAUTION: Do not apply to
plants in bloom.
Imidacloprid Bayer Advanced 12 Month Tree & Shrub Insect Control or Ferti-Lome Tree & Shrub Systemic Insect Drench 4A Use imidacloprid as a soil drench around base
of trunk.  Determine rate based on trunk diameter
or height of shrub.   BEE CAUTION: Do not apply to
plants in bloom.
Imidacloprid + Clothianidin Bayer Advanced Tree & Shrub Protect
and Feed RTU Granules II
4A + 4A Apply granules around base of trunk and water into soil.  Determine rate based on trunk diameter or height of shrub. BEE CAUTION: Do not apply to
plants in bloom.
Insecticidal Soap Garden Safe Brand Insecticidal Soap Insect Killer NS Carefully read label of insecticidal soap products for phytotoxicity statements.
Malathion Gordon’s Malathion 50% Spray or Hi-Yield 55% Malathion Spray 1B Carefully read label of malathion products for phytotoxicity statements.
Mineral Oil Bonide All Seasons Horticultural & Dormant Spray Oil Concentrate UN Do not apply dormant oil concentrations to actively growing plants nor to broadleaf evergreens, maple, mountain ash, or beech.
Neem Oil Garden Safe Neem Oil Extract or Green Light Neem Concentrate HO        Carefully read label of neem oil products for
phytotoxicity statements.




(Pest, Time Most Prevalent, & Other Information)

  • Measure 1/16 inch long.
  • Active spring and summer.
  • These tiny insects are difficult to control due to their small size and tendency to hide in flowers and under foliage.  The body tapers toward the end of the abdomen and both pairs of wings are fringed with hairs.
  • Feeding causes small spots of discoloration on leaves and flowers.  As feeding continues and population increases, small spots often coalesce into large blotches.
  • Thorough coverage of sprays is important for effective thrips control.
Pesticide Common Name  Pesticide Trade Name   Pesticide Class  Comments
Acetamiprid Ortho Max Flower, Fruit and Vegetable Insect Killer RTU  4A  Systemic insecticide.  Apply as a foliar spray.
Carbaryl GardenTech Sevin Concentrate Bug Killer 1A Only effective against exposed thrips. See note at end of section on Sevin. 
Dinotefuran Green Light Tree and Shrub Insect Control w/ Safari 2G or Gordon’s Professional Turf & Ornamental Products Zylam Liquid Systemic Insecticide 4A Systemic insecticide.  Apply to soil around base of trunk.  Determine rate based on trunk diameter or height of shrub.   BEE CAUTION: Do not apply to plants in bloom.
Imidacloprid Bayer Advanced 12 Month Tree & Shrub Insect Control or Ferti-Lome Tree & Shrub Systemic Insect Drench 4A Use imidacloprid as a soil drench around base of trunk.  Determine rate based on trunk diameter or height of shrub.   BEE CAUTION: Do not apply to plants in bloom.
Imidacloprid + Clothianidin Bayer Advanced Tree & Shrub Protect and Feed RTU Granules II 4A + 4A Apply granules around base of trunk and water in to soil.  Determine rate based on trunk diameter or height of shrub. BEE CAUTION: Do not apply to plants in bloom.
Insecticidal Soap  Garden Safe Brand Insecticidal Soap Insect Killer NS Carefully read label of insecticidal soap products for phytotoxicity statements.
Malathion Gordon’s Malathion 50% Spray or Hi-Yield 55% Malathion Spray 1B Carefully read label of malathion products for phytotoxicity statements.
Spinosad Ferti-Lome Borer, Bagworm, Tent Caterpillar, & Leafminer Spray 5 Thorough coverage of upper and lower leaf surfaces is essential for effective control.




(Pest, Time Most Prevalent, & Other Information)

  • Measure 1/8 inch long.
  • Active summer through early fall.
  • Tiny insects.  Adults have yellow bodies and white wings.  Adults and nymphs commonly found on underside of leaves.
  • Adults and nymphs feed on plant sap with piercing-sucking mouthparts and cause yellowing of leaves.  Often “white clouds” of adults fly out of disturbed foliage.
  • For effective whitefly control, ensure thorough coverage by wetting plants to the dripping point.  Try to ensure coverage of the underside of leaves and penetrate dense foliage.  Repeat applications are frequently needed.
  • Alternative insecticide options exist, including botanical insecticides; see Note 2 at end of section.
Pesticide Common Name  Pesticide Trade Name   Pesticide Class  Comments
Acetamiprid Ortho Max Flower, Fruit and Vegetable Insect
Killer RTU
4A Systemic insecticide.  Apply as a foliar spray.
Dinotefuran Green Light Tree and Shrub Insect Control w/ Safari 2G or Gordon’s Professional Turf & Ornamental Products Zylam Liquid Systemic Insecticide 4A Systemic insecticide.  Apply to soil around base of
trunk.  Determine rate based on trunk diameter or
height of shrub.   BEE CAUTION: Do not apply to
plants in bloom.
Esfenvalerate Ortho Bug-B-Gon Multi-Purpose Insect Killer Ready Spray 3A  
Imidacloprid Bayer Advanced 12 Month Tree & Shrub Insect Control or
Ferti-Lome Tree & Shrub Systemic Insect Drench
4A Use imidacloprid as a soil drench around base oftrunk.  Determine rate based on trunk diameter or
height of shrub.   BEE CAUTION: Do not apply to
plants in bloom.
Imidacloprid + Clothianidin Bayer Advanced Tree & Shrub Protect
and Feed RTU Granules II
4A + 4A Apply granules around base of trunk and water in to
soil.  Determine rate based on trunk diameter or
height of shrub. BEE CAUTION: Do not apply to plants
in bloom.
Insecticidal Soap Garden Safe Brand Insecticidal Soap Insect Killer NS  Carefully read label of insecticidal soap products for
phytotoxicity statements.
Malathion Gordon’s Malathion 50% Spray or
Hi-Yield 55% Malathion Spray
1B Carefully read label of malathion products for
phytotoxicity statements.
Mineral Oil Bonide All Seasons Horticultural & Dormant Spray Oil Concentrate HO Do not apply dormant oil concentrations to actively
growing plants nor to broadleaf evergreens, maple, 
mountain ash, or beech.
Neem Oil Garden Safe Neem Oil Extract or Green Light Neem Concentrate UN          Carefully read label of neem oil products for
phytotoxicity statements.
Piperonyl Butoxide + Pyrethrins GardenTech Worry Free Brand
NS + 3A  




(Pest, Time Most Prevalent, & Other Information)

  • Includes harvester ants, fire ants, and other nuisance ants.
  • Active spring and summer.
  • Ants are nuisance pests due to their mound building in lawns and foraging activity.  Also, fire ants and harvester ants bite and sting. 
  • For best results, do not apply granular baits to mounds.
Pesticide Common Name  Pesticide Trade Name   Pesticide Class  Comments
Acephate  Ortho Orthene Fire Ant Killer 1B Apply only to ant mounds.
Bifenthrin Ortho Bug-B-Gon Max Lawn & Garden Insect Killer Concentrate 3A  
Cyfluthrin Bayer Advanced Power Force Multi-Insect Killer Concentrate 3A  
Cypermethrin Amdro Quick Kill Brand Fire Ant Mound Drench 3A  
Esfenvalerate Ortho Bug-B-Gon Max Garden & Landscape Insect Killer 3A  
Hydramethylnon Maxforce Complete Brand Granular Insect Bait 20A  
Permethrin Hi-Yield Indoor/Outdoor Broad Use Insecticide or
Ferti-Lome Indoor/Outdoor Multi-purpose Insect Spray
Spinosad Ferti-lome Come and Get It Fire Ant Killer 5  



Armyworms and Cutworms

(Pest, Time Most Prevalent, & Other Information)

  • Measure up to 1.5 inches.
  • Larval stage of several moths. Some live above, and some below ground.
  • Armyworm and fall armyworm are most likely to feed on turfgrass in lawns.  Damage is most evident with feeding activity of large larvae.
  • Monitor by using a soap flush (2 T. lemon-scented dish soap per gal water).
  • Treat when damage is noticeable and 2-3 small (1/2 inch or less) caterpillars per square foot are present. 
Pesticide Common Name  Pesticide Trade Name   Pesticide Class  Comments
Bacillus thuringiensis (B.t.) subsp. kurstaki Safer Garden Dust 11A Thoroughly apply dust to cover all plant surfaces.
Bifenthrin Ortho Bug-B-Gon Max Lawn & Garden Insect Killer Concentrate 3A  
Bifenthrin + Carbaryl Fortify Above and Below Insect & Grub Control 3A + 1A  
Chlorantraniliprole Scotts GrubEx 1 28 Apply as a preventative treatment in areas with a history of infestation.
Clothianidin Green Light Chinch Bug Killer with Arena   Apply as a preventative treatment in areas with a
history of infestation.   BEE CAUTION: Do not apply
when flowering weeds are in bloom.
Cyfluthrin Bayer Advanced Power Force Multi-Insect Killer Concentrate    
Cypermethrin Amdro Quick Kill Lawn & Landscape Insect Killer Concentrate    
Deltamethrin Enforcer BugMax Insect Killer Concentrate    
Halofenozide Natural Guard Grub Control    
Trichlorfon Bayer Advanced 24 Hour Grub Killer Plus RTS Granules   Apply as a preventative treatment in areas with a
history of infestation.



(Pest, Time Most Prevalent, & Other Information)

  • Measure 1/4 inch long.
  • Adults are typical “weevils” with elongate snout.  Body is shiny black with a raised “Y”- shaped area on thorax.  Larvae are legless, having a white body and brown head.
  • Adults chew holes in leaves and stems to lay eggs.  Larvae burrow in stems and crown.  Sawdust-like frass is left behind after feeding.  Plants may die and sod loses “holding power.”
  • Feeding damage is sometimes mistaken for winter-kill damage.
  • Treat if damage is noticeable in lawn in spring and billbug larvae are present.
Pesticide Common Name  Pesticide Trade Name   Pesticide Class  Comments
Bifenthrin Ortho Bug-B-Gon Max Lawn & Garden Insect Killer Concentrate 3A Effective against adults only.
Bifenthrin + Carbaryl Fortify Above and Below Insect & Grub Control 3A + 1A Effective against adults only.
Chlorantraniliprole Scotts GrubEx 1 28 Apply as a preventative treatment in areas with a
history of infestation.
Clothianidin Green Light Chinch Bug Killer
with Arena
4A Apply as a preventative treatment in areas with a
history of infestation.   BEE CAUTION: Do not apply
when flowering weeds are in bloom.
Cyfluthrin Bayer Advanced Power Force Multi-Insect Killer Concentrate 3A Effective against adults only.
Cypermethrin Amdro Quick Kill Lawn & Landscape Insect Killer Concentrate 3A Effective against adults only.
Imidacloprid Hi-Yield Grub Free Zone III or
Gordon’s Grub No-More Granules
4A Apply as a preventative treatment in areas with
a history of infestation.  BEE CAUTION: Do not apply
when flowering weeds are in bloom.
Cyfluthrin Killer for Soil & Turf Concentrate    
Halofenozide Natural Guard Grub Control 18 Apply as a preventative treatment in areas with a history of infestation.
Permethrin Hi-Yield Kill-A-Bug II Lawn Granules 3A Effective against adults only.


Chiggers and Ticks

(Pest, Time Most Prevalent, & Other Information)

  • Chiggers are the six-legged stage of a mite that is small and pale yellow. It feeds for about 4 days then drops off and changes to a nymph and finally an adult. 
  • The American dog tick, lone star tick, and brown dog tick are commonly found in home awns. The brown dog tick is often found inside homes and other structures. American dog ticks are considered a major vector of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever.
Pesticide Common Name  Pesticide Trade Name   Pesticide Class  Comments
Bifenthrin Ortho Bug-B-Gon Max Lawn & Garden Insect Killer Concentrate 3A  
Bifenthrin + Carbaryl Fortify Above and Below Insect & Grub Control 3A + 1A  
Carbaryl GardenTech Sevin Concentrate Bug Killer 1A See note at end of section on Sevin.
Cyfluthrin Bayer Advanced Power Force Multi-Insect Killer Concentrate 3A  
Deltamethrin Enforcer BugMax Insect Killer Concentrate 3A  
Permethrin Hi-Yield Kill-A-Bug II Lawn Granules or Enforcer Outdoor Insect Killer Concentrate 3A  
Trichlorfon Bayer Advanced 24 Hour Grub Killer Plus RTS Granules 1B  


Chinch Bugs

(Pest, Time Most Prevalent, & Other Information)

  • Adults are 1/8 inch long, black with white wings folded over the back into an “hour glass” shape. Nymphs are reddish to brown, with a white stripe across their “shoulders.”
  • Chinch bugs suck plant juices and clog phloem and xylem.  As they feed, they also inject a toxin.  Symptoms resemble drought injury; patchy with yellowing and dying leaves. 
  • Keep thatch to a minimum and maintain proper levels of water and fertilizer.
Pesticide Common Name  Pesticide Trade Name   Pesticide Class  Comments
Bifenthrin Ortho Bug-B-Gon Max Lawn & Garden Insect Killer Concentrate 3A  
Bifenthrin + Carbaryl Fortify Above and Below Insect & Grub Control 3A + 1A  
Clothianidin Green Light Chinch Bug Killer with Arena 4A BEE CAUTION: Do not apply when flowering weeds
are in bloom.
Cyfluthrin Bayer Advanced Power Force Multi-Insect Killer Concentrate 3A  
Cypermethrin Amdro Quick Kill Lawn & Landscape
Insect Killer Concentrate 
Deltamethrin Enforcer BugMax Insect Killer Concentrate 3A  
Imidacloprid + Cyfluthrin Bayer Advanced Complete Brand Insect
Killer for Soil & Turf Concentrate
4A + 3A BEE CAUTION: Do not apply when flowering weeds
are in bloom.
Permethrin Hi-Yield Kill-A-Bug II Lawn Granules or Enforcer Outdoor Insect Killer Concentrate 3A  




Digger Wasp

(Pest, Time Most Prevalent, & Other Information)

  • Includes cicada killer, scoliid, and typhiid wasps.
  • Typical wasp appearance and often colorful.  Males often harass people who enter their breeding territory.  Females rarely sting and sometimes nest in groups.  Wasps prefer nesting in bare ground versus mulched landscapes.
  • Treat nest openings when wasps are not active.  Repeat treatments may be needed in 2 or 3 days.
Pesticide Common Name  Pesticide Trade Name   Pesticide Class  Comments
Cyfluthrin Bayer Advanced Power Force Multi-Insect Killer RTS Granules 3A  
Deltamethrin Enforcer BugMax Insect Killer Concentrate 3A  
Permethrin Hi-Yield Kill-A-Bug II Lawn Granules 3A  
Piperonyl Butoxide +
GardenTech Worry Free Brand
NS + 3A Consider not treating unless they become a major nuisance.  



(Pest, Time Most Prevalent, & Other Information)

  • Small (up to 2/5 inch) brown, wingless insects that are flattened on both sides.
  • Treat areas where pets frequent.
  • Fleas feed on blood using sucking mouthparts.  Bites cause small hardened bumps that are itchy and/or painful.
Pesticide Common Name  Pesticide Trade Name   Pesticide Class  Comments
Bifenthrin Ortho Bug-B-Gon Max Lawn & Garden Insect Killer Concentrate 3A  
Bifenthrin + Carbaryl Fortify Above and Below Insect & Grub Control 3A + 1A  
Carbaryl GardenTech Sevin Concentrate Bug Killer 1A See note at end of section on Sevin.
Deltamethrin Enforcer BugMax Insect Killer Concentrate 3A  
Permethrin Hi-Yield Kill-A-Bug II Lawn Granules or Enforcer Outdoor Insect Killer Concentrate 3A  



(Pest, Time Most Prevalent, & Other Information)

  • 1-2 inches long, outer wings leathery, inner wings clear or colored.  Enlarged hind legs designed for jumping.
  • Grasshoppers feed on foliage of numerous plants but prefer grasses.
  • For additional management suggestions, see EPP-7322: Grasshopper Control in Gardens and Landscapes.
Pesticide Common Name  Pesticide Trade Name   Pesticide Class  Comments
Bifenthrin Ortho Bug-B-Gon Max Lawn & Garden Insect Killer Concentrate 3A  
Bifenthrin + Carbaryl Fortify Above and Below Insect & Grub Control 3A + 1A  
Carbaryl GardenTech Sevin Concentrate Bug Killer 1A See note at end of section on Sevin.
Cypermethrin Amdro Quick Kill Lawn & Landscape
Insect Killer Concentrate
Nosema locustae Nolo Bait or
Permethrin Hi-Yield Kill-A-Bug II Lawn Granules or Enforcer Outdoor Insect Killer Concentrate 3A  



(Pest, Time Most Prevalent, & Other Information)

  • Tiny, wedge-shaped insects that are yellow, brown, or green.   When disturbed, they fly or hop short distances. They feed by sucking sap from leaves and stems. 
  • Damaged grass may appear slightly yellow or off white.
Pesticide Common Name  Pesticide Trade Name   Pesticide Class  Comments
Bifenthrin Ortho Bug-B-Gon Max Lawn & Garden Insect Killer Concentrate 3A  
Bifenthrin + Carbaryl Fortify Above and Below Insect & Grub Control 3A + 1A  
Cypermethrin Amdro Quick Kill Lawn & Landscape Insect Killer Concentrate 3A  
Deltamethrin Enforcer BugMax Insect Killer Concentrate 3A  
Permethrin Hi-Yield Kill-A-Bug II Lawn Granules or Enforcer Outdoor Insect Killer Concentrate 3A  
Trichlorfon Bayer Advanced 24 Hour Grub Killer Plus RTS Granules 1B  



(Pest, Time Most Prevalent, & Other Information)

  • Measure up to 1 inch long.
  • Round body and many (80 to 400) legs.  
  • Reduce or eliminate moist areas and harborage (grass clippings, leaves, wood debris).  Water lawn during early morning to increase the time that turf is dry during a 24-hour period.  Dethatch high-maintenance lawns.
  • Millipedes rarely cause damage, but can invade households when conditions become dry. 
Bifenthrin Ortho Bug-B-Gon Max Lawn & Garden Insect Killer Concentrate 3A  
Bifenthrin + Carbaryl Fortify Above and Below Insect & Grub Control 3A + 1A  
Carbaryl GardenTech Sevin Concentrate Bug Killer 1A  See note at end of section on Sevin.
Cypermethrin Amdro Quick Kill Lawn & Landscape Insect Killer Concentrate 3A  
Permethrin Hi-Yield Kill-A-Bug II Lawn Granules or Enforcer Outdoor Insect Killer Concentrate 3A  
Trichlorfon Bayer Advanced 24 Hour Grub Killer Plus RTS Granules 1B  


Sod Webworms

(Pest, Time Most Prevalent, & Other Information)

  • Measure 1/2 to 1 inch long. 
  • Larvae vary from gray to light green to brown.  Adult moths with wingspans 1/2 to 3/4 inch, many with a snout-like projection, and fly in a zigzag pattern when disturbed.
  • Larvae chew on tender leaves, may cut off grass blades as they get older.  Injury can be mistaken or disease or drought injury.  Most likely to occur during late summer.
  • Bermudagrass usually can outgrow damage.  Young larvae present about 2 weeks after peak moth flights.  Monitor by using a soap flush (2 T. lemon-scented dish soap per gal water).
Pesticide Common Name  Pesticide Trade Name   Pesticide Class  Comments
Bifenthrin Ortho Bug-B-Gon Max Lawn & Garden Insect Killer Concentrate 3A  
Bifenthrin + Carbaryl Fortify Above and Below Insect & Grub Control 3A + 1A  
Carbaryl GardenTech Sevin Concentrate Bug Killer 1A See note at end of section on Sevin.
Chlorantraniliprole Scotts GrubEx 1 28 Apply as a preventative treatment in areas with a
history of infestation.
Clothianidin Green Light Chinch Bug Killer with Arena 3A Apply as a preventative treatment in areas with a
history of infestation. BEE CAUTION: Do not apply
when flowering weeds are in bloom.
Cypermethrin Amdro Quick Kill Lawn & Landscape Insect Killer Concentrate 3A  
Deltamethrin Enforcer BugMax Insect Killer Concentrate  3A  
Halofenozide Natural Guard Grub Control 18 Apply as a preventative treatment in areas with a history of infestation.
Trichlorfon Bayer Advanced 24 Hour Grub Killer Plus RTS Granules 1B  


White Grubs

(Pest, Time Most Prevalent, & Other Information)

  • Large, “C”-shaped larvae with a white body and a brown head.  Larval stage of several beetle species.
  • White grubs feed on grass roots at or just below the thatch layer.  Grass takes on droughty appearance.  Damage may be seen throughout growing season but more pronounced in fall.  Vertebrate predators cause secondary damage as they dig for grubs.
  • Monitor by cutting back several 1 square foot sections of lawn and count grubs.
  • Treat when lawn has 15-20 masked chafer grubs per square foot or 4-5 May/June beetle grubs per square foot.
Pesticide Common Name  Pesticide Trade Name   Pesticide Class  Comments
Carbaryl GardenTech Sevin Concentrate Bug Killer 1A Apply as a curative treatment in spring or fall to
control active white grubs.
Chlorantraniliprole Scotts GrubEx 1 28 Apply as a preventative treatment in areas with a
history of infestation.
Clothianidin Green Light Chinch Bug Killer
with Arena
4A Apply as a preventative treatment in areas with ahistory of infestation. BEE CAUTION: Do not apply when flowering weeds are in bloom.
Imidacloprid Hi-Yield Grub Free Zone III or Gordon’s Grub No-More Concentrate 4A Apply as a preventative treatment in areas with a history of infestation. BEE CAUTION: Do not apply when flowering weeds are in bloom.
Imidacloprid + Cyfluthrin Bayer Advanced Complete Brand Insect Killer for Soil & Turf Concentrate 4A + 3A Apply as a preventative treatment in areas with a history of infestation. BEE CAUTION: Do not apply when flowering weeds are in bloom.
Halofenozide Natural Guard Grub Control 18 Apply as a preventative treatment in areas with a history of infestation.
Trichlorfon Bayer Advanced 24 Hour Grub Killer Plus RTS Granules 1B Apply as a curative treatment in spring or fall to control active white grubs.


* The numbers associated with the pesticide class column were developed by the Insecticide Resistance Action Committee, (IRAC) in 2005.  It is intended to help in the selection of insecticides for preventative resistance management.  If you make multiple applications for a specific pest or group of pests during a growing sequence, simply select a registered insecticide with a different number for each generation (14-21 days).  You can rotate within the same number if more than one subgroup is available (Example: 2A and 2B).  To further delay resistance from developing, integrate other control methods into your pest management programs.


1A= Carbamates
1B= Organophosphates
2A= Cyclodiene organochlorines
2B= Phenylpyrazoles (Fiproles)
3A= Pyrethroids, Pyrethrins
3B= DDT, Methoxychlor
4A= Neonicitinoids
4B= Nicotine
4C= Sulfoxaflor
4D= Butenolides 
5= Spinosyns
6= Avermectins, Milbemycins
7A= Juvenile hormone analogues
7B= Fenoxycarb
7C= Pyriproxyfen
8A= Alkyl halides
8B= Chloropicrin
8C= Sulfuryl fluoride (fumigant)
8D= Borax
8E= Tartar emetic
8F= Methyl isothiocyanate generators
9B= Pymetrozine
9C= Flonicamid
10A= Clofentezine. Hexythiazox, Diflovidazin 
10B= Etoxazole 
11A= Bacillus thuringiensis and the insecticidal proteins they produce
11B= Bacillus sphaericus 
12A= Diafenthiuron
12B= Organotin miticide 
12C= Propargite 
12D= Tetradifon

Chlorfenapyr, DNOC, Sulfluramid 

1A= Carbamates
1B= Organophosphates
2A= Cyclodiene organochlorines
2B= Phenylpyrazoles (Fiproles)
3A= Pyrethroids, Pyrethrins
3B= DDT, Methoxychlor
4A= Neonicitinoids
4B= Nicotine
4C= Sulfoxaflor
4D= Butenolides 
5= Spinosyns
6= Avermectins, Milbemycins
7A= Juvenile hormone analogues
7B= Fenoxycarb
7C= Pyriproxyfen
8A= Alkyl halides
8B= Chloropicrin
8C= Sulfuryl fluoride (fumigant)
8D= Borax
8E= Tartar emetic
8F= Methyl isothiocyanate generators
9B= Pymetrozine
9C= Flonicamid
10A= Clofentezine. Hexythiazox, Diflovidazin 
10B= Etoxazole 
11A= Bacillus thuringiensis and the insecticidal proteins they produce
11B= Bacillus sphaericus 
12A= Diafenthiuron
12B= Organotin miticide 
12C= Propargite 
12D= Tetradifon

Chlorfenapyr, DNOC, Sulfluramid 

14=     Nereistoxin analogues
15=     Benzoylureas 
16=     Buprofezin 
17=     Cyromazine 
18=     Diacylhydrazines
19=     Amitraz
20A=   Hydramethylnon 
20B=   Acequinocyl
20C=   Fluacrypyrim
21A=   METI acaricides and insecticides
21B=   Rotenone
22A =  Indoxacarb
22B=   Metaflumizone 
23=     Tetronic and tetramic acid derivatives 
24A=   Phosphine   
24B=   Cyanides 
25=     Beta-ketonitrile derivatives  
26=     (unassigned)
27=     (unassigned)
28=      Diamides
UN=    Unknown mode of action
NS=    Non-specified, multi-site   
M=      Microbials 
BLO=   Biological organisms

1. Sevin - Not all Sevin (carbaryl) labels allow for homeowner use or labels may state “for non-residential use only on trees and ornamentals.” The “non-residential use only” restriction limits the use of those products to areas like shelter belts, forests, parks, recreational areas, etc. One should read the Sevin product label carefully prior to purchase to see if these restrictions apply.
2. Botanical Insecticides - Some organic gardeners prefer to use botanicals. Materials that may be available in your area or from garden supply catalogues for these individuals are: Rotenone, Ryania, Sabadilla, Neem products and natural pyrethrum (apply any of these per label directions).

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