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Grain Sorghum Performance Trials in Oklahoma, 2022

Trial Objectives and Procedures

Performance trials for hybrid grain sorghum are con-ducted by Oklahoma State University Extension each year. These trials provide producers, Extension educators, industry representatives and researchers with information for grain sorghum hybrids marketed in Oklahoma. Performance trials were conducted at nine locations in 2022. However, due to dry conditions at planting, the Adams, Homestead and Nardin locations were terminated. The only location that did not receive any irrigation throughout the season was Tipton. All other trials received supplemental irrigation to ensure the trial continued to survive. All trials, with the exception of Tipton, were planted within the timeframe that would be considered full-season. Due to early season dry conditions, the Tipton location was planted following a rain event in early June (which would be typical of double-crop systems). Trials at Chickasha, McCaull and Bixby were irrigated using overhead sprinkler irrigation. Supplemental irrigation was supplied to the Perkins location using a Rain Gun reel irriga-tion system. Goodwell location was irrigated with a mix of overhead sprinkler irrigation (at planting) and drip irrigation. Yields presented in this document are for the early, medium and late maturity hybrids for all locations. Most cultivars are similar among all locations. The exception to this is several early and medium cultivars, which are solely marketed to the panhandle region. Therefore, a number of cultivars are present in only the three panhandle locations.

Grain sorghum hybrid trial entrants (Table 1) were as-signed by companies to their respective maturity groups (early represented less than <60 days to mid-bloom (DMB), medium was 60 to 70 DMB, with late being than >70 DMB). If a cultivar was exactly 60 or 70 DMB, previous years' data was used to determine which maturity the cultivar fell into. Companies designated all hybrid characteristics, including tolerance to sugarcane aphids, are presented in Table 1. 


This information was not determined or verified by OSU. Company participation was voluntary; therefore, not all hybrids marketed in Oklahoma were included in the trials.


In 2022, 47 hybrids were entered by five seed companies (Table 1). For the hybrid performance trials, each maturity group was tested independently with individual hybrids be-ing arranged in a randomized complete block design and having a minimum of four replications. All locations were two row plots with 30-inch spacing and 35 feet in length. Plots were trimmed to 25 feet prior to harvest. Tractor-powered cone planters were used to plant all trials with seeding rates adjusted for the trial location. Trials were harvested with a Kincaid model 8XP plot combine.


Planting densities, cooperating producers, cultural practices, soil series, herbicides and insecticides used in all trials are listed individually in result tables. Rainfall data from the nearest Mesonet sites are also listed. Some trials are long distances from the nearest Mesonet site; therefore, rainfall could be greater or less than reported.


Soil fertility practices will be discussed for each individual location following their yield tables. All applications were made in accordance to OSU Extension best management practices for management. Soil samples were collected in the winter and early spring prior to planting and submitted to the Soil, Water and Forage Analytical Laboratory (SWFAL) for analysis. All N, P and K applications were made based on these results. Nitrogen applications were made based on a 120 bu/ac yield goal, with the exception of Goodwell and McCaull, which were made based on a 150 bu/ac yield goal. At all research station sites, soil pH is managed to be suitable for grain sorghum production. Locations on grower’s fields are not as controlled; however, all location this season were within reasonable limits (5.5-7.5). 


Growing Conditions

Due to the degree of variability between the sites in the study and grower’s fields around the state, discussions regarding the growing conditions will be made prior to each individual location.



Grain yields are reported in pounds per acre and bushels per acre of threshed grain, adjusted to a moisture content of 14% (Tables 2 through 19). Test weight is also reported in pounds per bushel. Different plant populations at each loca-tion prevent accurate comparison between locations. Also, comparisons across maturity were not conducted as they were treated as independent trials. Producers should note that late-maturing hybrids, due to longer periods of vegeta-tive and early reproductive growth, will generally yield more than early and medium-maturity hybrids. The availability of moisture at critical crop development stages; however, often influences yield more than the yield differences associated with maturity groups. When choosing a maturity group, the type of cropping system, planting date, planting rate and po-tential moisture should be taken into consideration. For more information, consult Fact Sheet PSS-2034 Grain Sorghum Planting Rates and Dates, and Fact Sheet PSS-2113 Grain Sorghum Production Calendar. 


Least Significant Difference (LSD) is a statistical test of yield differences and is shown at the bottom of each table. Unless two hybrids differ by at least the LSD shown, little confidence can be placed in one hybrid being superior to another and the difference is probably not real. 


The Coefficient of Variation (CV) is provided as an esti-mate of the precision of the data with respect to the mean for that location and maturity group. To provide some indication of yield stability, multi-year means for yields and test weights are provided where trials have been conducted for more than one year with more than three entries per maturity group. Producers interested in comparing hybrids for consistency of yield in a specific area should consult these entries. Models with CVs greater than 25 have not been included in this report.



The financial support of the participating companies and the Oklahoma Sorghum Commission is gratefully ac-knowedged, as well as the efforts and resources provided by the producer-cooperators: Brook Strader, Brent and Anna Ballagh, Leon Richards and Kent Martin. The authors are also grateful for research support from Michael Pettijohn of SCREC, Mike Schulz of SWREC, Cameron Murley and Skeate Beck of OPREC, Butch Havener of MVRS and Erich Wehrenberg of CVRS. We are also grateful for the help of OSU Extension agricultural educators: Aaron Henson (Tillman County), Troy Gosney (Major County), Gus Holland (Tulsa County) and David Nowlin (Caddo County) who gave generously of their time to this project in 2022. 



A map of Oklahoma showing the total rainfall across the state for the month of April 2022.


Figure 1. Departure from average rainfall for April 2022.


A map of Oklahoma showing the total rainfall across the state for the month of May 2022.


Figure 2. Departure from average rainfall for May 2022.


A map of Oklahoma showing the total rainfall across the state for the month of June 2022


Figure 3. Departure from average rainfall for June 2022.


A map of Oklahoma showing the total rainfall across the state for the month of July 2022


  Figure 4. Departure from average rainfall for July 2022.


A map of Oklahoma showing the total rainfall across the state for the month of August 2022


Figure 5. Departure from average rainfall in August 2022.

A map of Oklahoma showing the total rainfall across the state for the month of September 2022


Figure 6. Departure from average rainfall in September 2022.


A map of Oklahoma showing the average maximum air teperature across the state for the month of July 2022


Figure 7. Departure from average maximum temperatures in July 2022.


Table 1. Seed source and Hybrid Characteristics of grain sorghum in Oklahoma Performance.
Company Hybrid Maturity Seed Color DMB SCA Tolerance
Advanta ADV G1329 E CRM 58 Y
Advanta ADV XG272 E -- 60 Y
Advanta ADV G1120IG E RED 61 N
Advanta ADV XG22209 E RED 62 Y
Advanta ADV XG22213 E RED 62 Y
Advanta ADV G2165 MED RED 66 Y
Advanta ADV G2168IG MED RED 66 Y
Alta Grain AG 1203 MED BRZ 63 Y
Alta Grain AG 1301 MED CRM 63 Y
Midland Genetics 5482 E BRZ 58 Y
Midland Genetics GS101X E BRZ 58 Y
Midland Genetics GS205X E CRM 58 Y
Midland Genetics 5710 MED BRZ 64 Y
Midland Genetics GS103X MED BRZ 64 Y
Midland Genetics GS102X MED RED 64 Y
Midland Genetics GS209XIG MED RED 65 Y
Midland Genetics 5730 MED RED 69 Y
Midland Genetics 5740 LATE RED 70 Y
Midland Genetics 5727 LATE RED 72 Y
Sorghum Partners SP 31A15 E BRZ 56 N
Sorghum Partners SP 43M80 MED BRZ 60 Y
Sorghum Partners SP 68M57 MED BRZ 65 Y
Sorghum Partners SP 66M16 MED BRZ 66 Y
Sorghum Partners SP 67B17 MED BRZ 67 Y
Sorghum Partners SPSD352 MED BRZ 67 Y
Sorghum Partners SPSD353 MED BRZ 67 Y
Sorghum Partners SPSD455 MED BRZ 68 Y
Sorghum Partners SP 74M21 LATE BRZ 72 Y
Dekalb DKS 33-07 MED BRZ 62 Y
Dekalb DKS 36-07 MED BRZ 62 Y
Dekalb DKS 44-07 MED RED 66 Y
Dekalb DKS 50-07 MED RED 68 Y
Dekalb DKS 54-07 LATE RED 72 Y


Downstate Trials



The Perkins location was planted during the first week of May into a field that had recently received a significant rain fall. It was during this rain event that the preplant herbicides were incorporated. Early stands were near perfect with excellent and even emergence. However, the trial experienced several rainfall events that left most of the trial area completely satu-rated with standing water for several days. This did decrease stands but because of the way the field was laid out, this primarily affected the fourth replication. The greatest overall impact of these early rainfall events was several flushes of weeds across the area. The weeds were manually removed early in the season. Due to persistent flushes, an application of Huskie was made in-season prior to canopy closure. As most of the weeds were between rows, applications were made with an in-row hooded sprayer to minimize impact on the growing plants (since they were beginning to stress with higher temperatures and drier conditions paired with early flooding events). Continued heat and moisture stress follow-ing flowering required irrigation in order to maintain the plots. Three 1-inch irrigations were applied with a reel gun irrigator. These irrigation events were applied at flowering, milk and soft dough. Even with these applications, sorghum prematurely matured and also resulted in later maturing cultivars not filling grain. Therefore, yields of the later-maturing cultivars were substantially lower than would be expected in a normal season. Chinch bugs were present early-season. Pyrethroids were applied to manage these but only achieved 40-50% control. These pests moved off by reproductive growth but due to the higher stress in-season, the impact of the chinch bugs was exacerbated this year compared to a normal year.



Table 2. Early maturity (≤60 DMB) sorghum hybrids at Perkins, OK.
Cultivar Yeild lbs/ac Yeild bu/ac Percent of Trial Average Harvest Moisture % Test Weight lbs/bu Population plants/ac (x1000) Head Count heads/plant
M54GC24 2412 43.1 115.2 13.9 55.3 29.1 2.1
M57GC29 2374 42.4 113.4 12.5 55.2 30.7 1.7
M59GB57 2315 41.3 110.6 12.4 53.6 31.2 1.8
M59GB94 2408 43.0 115.0 15.8 54.9 30.8 2.0
ADV G1329 2559 45.7 122.2 11.9 55.1 28.6 1.9
ADV XG272 1190 21.2 56.8 28.2 53.2 26.1 1.4
ADV XG160 755 13.5 36.0 27.5 45.1 24.8 1.5
5482 2387 42.6 114.0 13.7 53.9 28.4 1.9
GS101X 2298 41.0 109.8 12.0 53.5 25.9 2.1
GS205X 2239 40.0 106.9 14.3 53.5 29.6 2.0
Average 2094 37.4   16.2 53.3 28.5 1.8
CV (%) 11.7            
LSD (0.05) 194.7            


Table 3. Medium maturity (60-70 DMB) sorghum hybrids at Perkins, OK.
Cultivar Yield lbs/ac Yeild bu/ac Percent of Trial Average Harvest Moisture % Test Weight lbs/bu Population plants/ac (x1000) Head Count heads/plant
M60GB31 1,658 29.6 95.9 14.7 52.2 34.2 2.1
M60GB88 1,903 34.0 110.1 19.3 53.2 30.9 2.3
M63GB78 2,080 37.1 120.3 15.5 52.7 31.6 2.0
M67GB87 1,107 19.8 64.0 23.9 51.6 28.5 1.7
ADV G2165 1,369 24.5 79.2 20.6 52.7 33.4 1.6
AG1203 1,730 30.9 100.1 14.5 52.9 30.6 2.1
AG1301 2,129 38.0 123.1 12.3 51.9 31.8 2.0
ADV G2168IG 2,167 38.7 125.3 14.3 54.4 36.7 2.3
ADV G1120IG 1,520 27.2 87.9 19.6 49.9 32.5 1.7
ADV XG22209 1,163 20.8 67.3 24.8 50.3 30.9 1.4
ADV XG22213 1,439 25.7 83.2 21.3 50.6 31.4 1.9
SP 43M80 2,264 40.4 130.9 13.5 52.7 35.5 2.5
SP 68M57 1,548 27.6 89.5 17.4 51.4 32.8 2.0
SP 67B17 1,206 21.5 69.8 19.6 45.6 29.7 1.6
SPSD352 1,994 35.6 115.3 12.9 56.0 35.0 2.1
SPSD353 2,191 39.1 126.7 15.8 54.2 33.6 2.2
SPSD455 1,578 28.2 91.2 15.8 50.1 30.7 2.0
5710 1,452 25.9 84.0 17.5 51.0 29.8 2.1
5730 821 14.7 47.5 26.9 45.4 30.1 1.4
GS103X 1,978 35.3 114.4 14.0 54.6 36.7 2.2
GS102X 2,280 40.7 131.8 12.8 55.1 33.5 2.3
GS209XIG 1,950 34.8 112.8 14.6 50.2 34.9 2.0
33-07 2,009 35.9 116.2 14.9 51.4 33.2 1.9
36-07 2,572 45.9 148.8 13.9 54.3 30.7 2.1
44-07 1,584 28.3 91.6 17.8 52.0 31.1 1.7
50-07 1,266 22.6 73.2 25.8 51.1 30.8 1.6
Average 1,729 30.9   17.5 51.8 32.3 2.0
CV (%) 15.4            
LSD (0.05) 203.1            


Table 4. Late maturity (≥70 DMB) sorghum hybrids at Perkins, OK.
Cultivar Yield lbs/ac Yield bu/ac Percent of Trial Average Harvest Moisture % Test Weight lbs/bu Population plants/ac (x1000) Head Count heads/plant
M71GR91 843 15.0 81.2 22.1 46.4 25.6 1.4
M72GB71 1,125 20.1 108.4 19.8 47.6 30.1 1.7
GX22932 1,266 22.6 122.0 18.3 47.8 31.7 1.7
GX22934 1,341 24.0 129.2 13.9 47.8 29.6 2.0
GX21965 1,178 21.0 113.5 17.3 47.7 30.5 1.9
SP 74M21 945 16.9 91.0 15.1 44.8 28.7 1.7
5740 893 15.9 86.0 13.1 43.8 29.1 1.5
5727 935 16.7 90.1 19.4 46.0 28.0 1.5
54-07 816 14.6 78.6 22.0 47.5 24.1 1.3
Average 1,038 18.5   17.9 46.6 28.6 1.6
CV (%) 19.7            
LSD (0.05) 208.9            


Cooperator: Erich Wehrenberg

Tillage Practice: Conventional

Soil Series: Dale Silt Loam

Seeding rate: 37,600 seeds/ac

Herbicide: Preemergence: 1.6 qt/ac Charger Max ATZ + 32oz glyphosate/ac
In-season: 16 oz Huskie in-season

Fertilizer: N- 140 lbs/ac

Planting Date: May 9

Harvest Date: August 24


The Chickasha location was originally planted the last week of April. However, due to excessive moisture during and immediately following emergence followed by overly warm conditions, stands were severely reduced and were highly variable. The trial was replanted three weeks later. After the replant, a similar issue occurred but the trial had only a slight decrease in stands but more importantly it occurred evenly throughout the trial. Early to mid-season weed pressure existed and weeds were manually removed. Beyond this, little weed pressure existed. Headworm pres-sure was present during early seed fill. A mix of pyrethroids and prevathon was applied in order to adequately control the pests. The trial was scouted in the trials the following weeks to make sure headworms were controlled and to check for sugarcane aphids.


Table 5. Early maturity (≤60 DMB) sorghum hybrids at Chickasha, OK.
Cultivar Yield lbs/ac Yield bu/ac Percent of Trial Average Harvest Moisture % Test Weight lbs/bu Population plants/ac (x1000) Head Count heads/plant
M54GC24 1,884 33.6 98.5 17.4 48.0 34.5 2.1
M57GC29 1,957 34.9 102.3 20.8 54.6 36.8 2.6
M59GB57 1,929 34.4 100.9 21.4 50.3 34.1 2.8
M59GB94 1,920 34.3 100.4 22.7 56.9 35.0 2.6
ADV G1329 1,853 33.1 96.9 18.5 51.1 31.8 2.0
ADV XG272 1,757 31.4 91.9 21.6 49.9 30.6 2.4
ADV XG160 2,353 42.0 123.0 24.2 51.6 36.5 2.6
5482 1,905 34.0 99.6 17.5 52.2 30.9 2.1
GS101X 1,787 31.9 93.5 20.7 50.1 31.4 2.3
GS205X 1,774 31.7 92.8 19.6 52.0 31.0 2.0
Average 1,912 34.1   20.4 51.7 33.2 2.4
CV (%) 10.5            
LSD (0.05) 178.4            


Table 6. Medium maturity (60-70 DMB) sorghum hybrids at Chickasha, OK.
Cultivar Yield lbs/ac Yield bu/ac Percent of Trial Average Harvest Moisture % Test Weight lbs/bu Population plants/ac (x1000) Head Count heads/plant
M60GB31 5,163 92.2 126.4 14.5 52.3 36.5 2.6
M60GB88 5,195 92.8 127.1 14.0 51.3 37.1 2.9
M63GB78 4,425 79.0 108.3 18.2 50.9 35.4 2.4
M67GB87 5,366 95.8 131.3 16.4 50.2 35.8 2.2
ADV G2165 3,167 56.6 77.5 23.3 51.1 30.1 1.9
AG1203 4,989 89.1 122.1 15.4 53.7 36.5 2.5
AG1301 2,633 47.0 64.4 18.9 53.5 29.6 1.8
ADV G2168IG 3,051 54.5 74.7 20.1 56.4 30.5 2.0
ADV G1120IG 3,654 65.2 89.4 21.8 53.9 32.2 2.1
ADV XG22209 5,430 97.0 132.9 17.0 56.0 36.9 2.6
ADV XG22213 3,470 62.0 84.9 14.8 54.4 33.7 2.4
SP 43M80 2,332 41.6 57.1 19.9 51.6 30.2 1.9
SP 68M57 3,863 69.0 94.5 24.1 54.3 33.7 2.4
SP 67B17 3,471 62.0 84.9 23.0 52.5 34.0 2.1
SPSD352 4,391 78.4 107.5 14.9 53.4 36.6 2.5
SPSD353 4,722 84.3 115.6 16.5 52.7 37.1 2.4
SPSD455 2,647 47.3 64.8 24.4 54.7 31.8 1.7
5710 5,287 94.4 129.4 14.3 53.1 37.4 2.6
5730 6,001 107.2 146.9 14.9 51.8 35.9 2.4
GS103X 5,530 98.8 135.3 15.4 50.5 36.0 2.7
GS102X 1,476 26.4 36.1 16.6 59.2 20.9 2.0
GS209XIG 2,076 37.1 50.8 17.8 53.0 28.7 1.8
33-07 1,933 34.5 47.3 16.7 50.7 30.4 1.9
36-07 4,145 74.0 101.4 17.2 54.2 33.6 2.1
44-07 5,379 96.1 131.6 15.1 53.7 39.8 2.4
50-07 6,434 114.9 157.5 15.7 52.9 37.1 2.6
Average 4,086 73.0   17.7 53.1 33.8 2.3
CV (%) 12.6            
LSD (0.05) 336.9            


Table 7. Late maturity (≥70 DMB) sorghum hybrids at Chickasha, OK.
Cultivar Yield lbs/ac Yield bu/ac Percent of Trial Average Harvest Moisture % Test Weight lbs/bu Population plants/ac (x1000) Head Count heads/plant
M71GR91 5,938 106.0 119.2 13.4 53.4 34.1 2.5
M72GB71 5,438 97.1 109.2 15.4 53.0 36.7 2.7
GX22932 4,134 73.8 83.0 14.1 52.6 32.5 2.1
GX22934 4,054 72.4 81.4 12.4 51.9 30.8 2.2
GX21965 4,704 84.0 94.4 14.9 52.1 34.6 2.1
SP 74M21 4,479 80.0 89.9 20.0 50.7 35.2 2.0
5740 6,062 108.2 121.7 13.4 54.3 36.8 2.4
5727 4,461 79.7 89.5 17.1 49.6 35.3 2.3
54-07 5,570 99.5 111.8 15.2 51.8 34.8 2.6
Average 4,982 89.0   15.1 52.1 34.5 2.3
CV (%) 13.4            
LSD (0.05) 419.7            


Cooperator: Michael Pettijohn

Tillage Practice: Conventionally tilled

Soil Series: Canadian Fine Sandy Loam

Seeding rate: 37,600 seeds/ac

Herbicide: Burndown: 32oz glyphosate/ac

Preemergence: Charger Max ATZ 1.6pt/ac + 32oz glyphosate/ac
Fertilizer: N-120 lbs/ac, P-60, K-60

Planting Date: April 28/May 16

Harvest Date: September 9



The Bixby location has continuously been used to demonstrate the potential of grain sorghum in typically corn-dominated portions of the state. However, even with supplemental irrigation, hot and dry conditions significantly decreased yield potential of this location. Furthermore, the lack of other potential food sources this year, bird damagewas higher this year than some others. However, yield was fairly consistent throughout. Limited pest management was needed at this location with no insecticides being applied. Weeds were not a major issue this season, due to adequate moisture early and irrigation to incorporate preplant herbicide applications paired with dry conditions following. The trial only needed minor spot weed management, which was removed manually. Because this location is typically rotated with soy-bean for several years, N rates for this location were much lower than other locations.


Table 8. Early maturity (≤60 DMB) sorghum hybrids at Bixby, OK.
Cultivar Yield lbs/ac Yield bu/ac Percent of Trial Average Harvest Moisture % Test Weight lbs/bu Population plants/ac (x1000) Head Count heads/plant
M54GC24 2,768 49.4 107.1 14.7 55.1 58.4 1.9
M57GC29 2,593 46.3 100.3 13.5 53.8 50.2 2.6
M59GB57 2,115 37.8 81.8 12.8 55.5 49.7 3.1
M59GB94 2,597 46.4 100.5 16.9 58.3 53.4 2.6
ADV G1329 2,399 42.8 92.8 11.6 53.0 51.9 2.1
ADV XG272 2,719 48.6 105.2 20.3 56.3 57.3 2.4
ADV XG160 2,676 47.8 103.6 15.7 53.5 50.0 3.2
5482 2,971 53.0 115.0 14.6 54.6 52.6 2.4
GS101X 2,496 44.6 96.6 15.4 54.4 59.3 1.8
GS205X 2,510 44.8 97.1 12.6 55.0 48.7 2.7
Average 2,584 46.1   14.8 55.0 53.2 2.5
CV (%) 8.9            
LSD (0.05) 212.4            


Table 9. Medium maturity (60-70 DMB) sorghum hybrids at Bixby, OK.
Cultivar Yield lbs/ac Yield bu/ac Percent of Trial Average Harvest Moisture % Test Weight lbs/bu Population plants/ac (x1000) Head Count heads/plant
M60GB31 5,078 90.7 121.8 12.5 57.6 56.8 2.5
M60GB88 4,107 73.3 98.5 11.9 54.8 47.8 1.7
M63GB78 3,396 60.6 81.4 14.5 54.8 44.6 1.8
M67GB87 5,374 96.0 128.9 13.0 55.2 59.3 2.3
ADV G2165 4,084 72.9 97.9 14.7 55.6 53.2 2.0
AG1203 5,151 92.0 123.5 12.6 56.4 60.1 2.6
AG1301 3,384 60.4 81.1 12.9 56.5 50.6 2.0
ADV G2168IG 4,101 73.2 98.4 13.0 53.7 55.2 2.1
ADV G1120IG 3,896 69.6 93.4 13.5 55.8 53.9 1.8
ADV XG22209 5,421 96.8 130.0 12.2 55.3 60.2 2.4
ADV XG22213 4,251 75.9 102.0 13.4 53.8 57.1 2.1
SP 43M80 3,209 57.3 77.0 15.2 57.5 48.9 1.8
SP 68M57 4,304 76.9 103.2 14.7 57.8 59.7 1.9
SP 67B17 4,450 79.5 106.7 14.7 55.9 56.8 2.1
SPSD352 3,447 61.6 82.7 14.6 53.3 52.1 1.7
SPSD353 3,947 70.5 94.7 12.9 55.2 54.3 1.7
SPSD455 4,071 72.7 97.6 15.1 53.2 55.0 2.7
5710 4,947 88.3 118.6 12.1 52.4 58.2 2.8
5730 4,853 86.7 116.4 13.4 57.5 56.1 2.7
GS103X 3,879 69.3 93.0 13.0 55.6 51.7 2.1
GS102X 3,025 54.0 72.5 12.9 54.1 58.4 2.3
GS209XIG 3,638 65.0 87.2 12.4 57.3 56.1 1.8
33-07 3,322 59.3 79.7 12.8 55.6 49.8 2.0
36-07 3,297 58.9 79.1 13.9 58.7 47.2 2.3
44-07 4,913 87.7 117.8 12.5 57.5 61.3 2.9
50-07 4,887 87.3 117.2 12.9 57.7 58.7 3.0
Average 4,170.4 74.5   13.3 55.7 54.7 2.2
CV (%) 17.3            
LSD (0.05) 683.4            


Table 10. Late maturity (≥70 DMB) sorghum hybrids at Bixby, OK.
Cultivar Yield lbs/ac Yield bu/ac Percent of Trial Average Harvest Moisture % Test Weight lbs/bu Population plants/ac (x1000) Head Count heads/plant
M71GR91 5,619 100.3 105.4 13.4 58.2 54.5 2.7
M72GB71 5,716 102.1 107.3 13.4 57.3 58.1 2.1
GX22932 5,157 92.1 96.8 12.9 58.3 47.2 3.1
GX22934 4,706 84.0 88.3 14.7 57.6 41.2 4.2
GX21965 5,922 105.8 111.1 12.7 57.8 54.2 2.8
SP 74M21 4,453 79.5 83.6 21.1 55.0 50.8 2.4
5740 5,582 99.7 104.8 13.4 58.5 54.7 2.1
5727 5,243 93.6 98.4 16.8 56.3 46.2 2.6
54-07 5,559 99.3 104.3 15.9 58.6 48.3 2.0
Average 5,329 95.2   14.9 57.5 50.6 2.7
CV (%) 9.2            
LSD (0.05) 413.6            

Cooperator: Butch Havener

Tillage Practice: Conventionally tilled

Soil Series: Wynona Silty Clay Loam

Seeding rate: 64,000 seeds/ac

Herbicide: Preemergence: 1.6 qt/ac Charger Max ATZ + 32oz glyphosate/ac

Fertilizer: N-40 lbs N/ac, 60 lbs P/ac, 60 lbs K/ac

Planting Date: May 16

Harvest Date: September 22


While most seasons the Tipton location is one of the earliest trials planted due to early soil warming, the lack of rainfall did not allow for planting during what is considered an optimal full-season time frame. At this location, planting was delayed until June. A significant rain event occurred the first week of June, which allowed the crop to be planted shortly after. This could be used to simulate a double-crop or after an attempted cotton crop. From planting through the first of August, the plot received very little rainfall. Sporadic rainfall during the month of August kept the potential of harvesting this location as a viable option. This meant that a majority of the early maturing cultivars to have already filled grain and matured prior to these rainfall events. The maturity group that was able to take advantage of this rainfall were the later maturing cultivars and yields reflected these differences in maturity. While later-maturing cultivars are not common for double-crop or late planting situations, the longer-than-normal season typically experienced in this portion of the state means this could still be a viable option. Maturity was delayed until after the first major freeze, and harvest occurred several weeks afterward. Variability is relatively high for this location, this is also reflected in statistical significance values.


Table 11. Early maturity (≤60 DMB) sorghum hybrids at Tipton, OK.
Cultivar Yield lbs/ac Yield bu/ac Percent of Trial Average Harvest Moisture % Test Weight lbs/bu Population plants/ac (x1000)
M54GC24 1,552 27.7 79.5 17.7 53.9 62.1
M57GC29 1,255 22.4 64.3 16.4 49.3 61.2
M59GB57 1,855 33.1 95.1 17.4 55.7 63.5
M59GB94 1,544 27.6 79.2 17.3 49.5 69.3
ADV G1329 1,695 30.3 86.9 16.2 53.8 63.9
ADV XG272 2,226 39.8 114.1 16.7 57.6 59.7
ADV XG160 2,766 49.4 141.8 18.8 58.3 58.1
5482 1,701 30.4 87.2 18.4 52.8 77.3
GS101X 2,659 47.5 136.3 16.3 56.7 62.1
GS205X 1,859 33.2 95.3 16.8 56.1 53.2
Average 1,951 34.1   17.2 54.4 63.0
CV (%) 20.5          
LSD (0.05) 354.9          


Table 12. Medium maturity (60-70 DMB) sorghum hybrids at Tipton, OK.
Cultivar Yield lbs/ac Yield bu/ac Percent of Trial Average Harvest Moisture % Test Weight lbs/bu Population plants/ac (x1000)
M60GB31 2,477 44.2 113.8 16.9 56.8 60.1
M60GB88 2,101 37.5 96.5 18.7 56.3 64.6
M63GB78 2,460 43.9 113.0 18.3 59.1 57.0
M67GB87 2,464 44.0 113.2 17.4 54.9 68.6
ADV G2165 2,216 39.6 101.8 17.9 57.0 61.5
AG1203 2,215 39.5 101.7 17.0 56.2 68.6
AG1301 1,705 30.4 78.3 17.8 54.2 65.5
ADV G2168IG 2,001 35.7 91.9 18.8 49.0 64.6
ADV G1120IG 2,024 36.1 93.0 18.0 53.7 73.9
ADV XG22209 2,115 37.8 97.1 17.5 57.4 62.8
ADV XG22213 1,786 31.9 82.1 17.9 56.5 65.9
SP 43M80 2,003 35.8 92.0 19.2 53.0 53.0
SP 68M57 1,555 27.8 71.4 17.2 49.0 51.7
SP 67B17 2,453 43.8 112.7 17.4 56.1 65.9
SPSD352 1,913 34.2 87.9 16.3 54.1 74.4
SPSD353 1,428 25.5 65.6 16.8 47.8 64.6
SPSD455 2,161 38.6 99.3 19.7 56.2 59.7
5710 2,083 37.2 95.7 17.0 54.2 47.6
5730 2,638 47.1 121.2 18.6 57.6 69.0
GS103X 2,606 46.5 119.7 17.7 58.5 58.3
GS102X 2,225 39.7 102.2 18.3 57.1 64.1
GS209XIG 1,933 34.5 88.8 18.7 56.6 70.8
33-07 2,430 43.4 111.6 17.8 53.5 69.9
36-07 2,188 39.1 100.5 17.8 54.8 66.3
44-07 1,968 35.1 90.4 18.7 57.4 62.3
50-07 3,461 61.8 159.0 17.5 59.6 62.8
Average 2,177 38.9   17.9 55.3 55.3
CV (%) 18.5          
LSD (0.05) 444.5          


Table 13. Late maturity (≥70 DMB) sorghum hybrids at Tipton, OK.
Cultivar Yield lbs/ac Yield bu/ac Percent of Trial Average Harvest Moisture % Test Weight lbs/bu Population plants/ac (x1000)
M71GR91 2,966 53.0 122.0 18.1 58.1 60.6
M72GB71 1,661 29.7 68.3 16.3 50.8 67.2
GX22932 2,112 37.7 86.9 20.9 57.1 62.8
GX22934 2,482 44.3 102.1 19.3 56.6 61.9
GX21965 1,514 27.0 62.3 16.3 57.3 57.9
SP 74M21 2,722 48.6 112.0 20.7 56.3 60.6
5740 1,943 34.7 79.9 11.3 50.3 56.6
5727 3,163 56.5 130.1 17.6 55.6 59.7
54-07 3,319 59.3 136.5 17.8 57.8 56.6
Average 2,431 43.4   17.6 55.5 60.4
CV (%) 27.1          
LSD (0.05) 567.8          


Cooperator: Mike Schultz and Gary Strickland

Tillage Practice: Conventionally tilled

Soil Series: Tipton Loam

Seeding rate: 64,000 seeds/ac

Herbicide: Preemergence: 1.6 qt/ac Charger Max ATZ + 32oz glyphosate/ac

Fertilizer: 40 lbs N/ac

Planting Date: June 9

Harvest Date: November 17


Pandhandle Trials

McCaull (Irrigated)

The McCaull site was the best location in 2022. This was not only because of the ability to irrigate the trial but it also experienced several timely rainfall events during the course of the season. As a result, temperature was the only factor limiting growth in-season. This is one of the primary reasons the variability of these trials were lower. This location is man-aged a little differently than some other locations. The field is strip-tilled a month prior to planting, with N fertilizer and initial application of herbicide being applied. Very little pest pressure was noted during the course of the season, so no insecticide was applied. Additionally, weed management was not an issue until later into the season where it was controlled through manual removal. Irrigation was applied continuously throughout the season, with the last application being made through soft dough.


Table 14. Early maturity (≤60 DMB) sorghum hybrids at the McCaull Research Farm, Eva, OK.
Cultivar Yield lbs/ac Yield bu/ac Percent of Trial Average Harvest Moisture % Test Weight lbs/bu Population plants/ac (x1000) Head Count heads/plant
M54GC24 7,186 128.3 86.1 11.4 56.3 57.6 2.4
M57GC29 7,268 7,268 87.1 11.5 11.5 56.2 2.8
M59GB57 6,988 124.8 83.8 11.0 55.2 60.1 2.3
M59GB94 10,001 178.6 119.9 11.9 56.4 62.8 2.9
ADV G1329 7,871 140.6 94.4 10.8 52.9 60.9 2.6
ADV XG272 9,512 169.9 114.0 12.4 56.5 63.3 2.7
ADV XG160 9,623 171.8 115.4 12.4 56.9 63.5 2.8
SP 31A15 7,754 138.5 93.0 10.7 52.9 62.1 2.2
5482 9,954 177.8 119.3 11.8 56.6 64.5 2.7
GS101X 7,706 137.6 92.4 11.3 55.2 61.4 2.4
GS205X 7,887 140.8 94.6 11.2 55.6 60.8 2.3
Average 8,341 148.9   11.5 55.5 61.2 2.6
CV (%) 14.1            
LSD (0.05) 1012.1            


Table 15. Medium maturity (60-70 DMB) sorghum hybrids at the McCaull Research Farm, Eva, OK.
Cultivar Yield lbs/ac Yield bu/ac Percent of Trial Average Harvest Moisture % Test Weight lbs/bu Population plants/ac (x1000) Head Count heads/plant
M60GB31 10,421 186.1 106.5 11.2 57.8 62.5 2.6
M60GB88 8,357 149.2 85.4 10.7 55.3 61.5 2.4
M63GB78 8,964 160.1 91.6 11.1 56.1 60.8 2.1
M67GB87 10,770 192.3 110.0 11.2 55.6 64.7 2.7
ADV G2165 10,056 179.6 102.7 11.2 56.3 63.9 2.6
AG1203 10,116 180.6 103.3 11.1 55.8 64.1 2.8
AG1301 9,428 168.4 96.3 11.1 54.4 62.8 2.4
ADV G2168IG 8,709 155.5 89.0 10.7 54.9 60.9 2.2
ADV G1120IG 9,549 170.5 97.6 11.0 53.9 64.7 2.7
ADV XG22209 10,033 179.2 102.5 11.1 56.3 62.8 2.5
ADV XG22213 9,764 174.4 99.8 10.8 54.2 60.2 2.4
SP 43M80 8,244 147.2 84.2 11.3 56.3 62.9 2.7
SP 68M57 9,457 168.9 96.6 11.3 57.0 64.5 2.4
SP 66M16 9,127 163.0 93.3 10.9 54.5 63.9 2.1
SPSD352 9,526 170.1 97.3 11.4 55.8 62.1 2.6
SPSD353 10,249 183.0 104.7 11.0 56.6 64.6 3.1
5710 10,267 183.3 104.9 10.4 54.0 64.9 2.7
5730 10,549 188.4 107.8 11.3 57.4 60.8 2.4
GS103X 9,898 176.7 101.1 11.1 57.6 63.5 2.2
GS102X 9,603 171.5 98.1 11.0 55.7 62.1 2.4
GS209XIG 10,979 196.1 112.2 10.6 54.5 63.5 2.6
33-07 9,566 170.8 97.7 11.6 55.9 61.7 2.1
36-07 9,800 175.0 100.1 11.0 57.1 60.4 2.5
44-07 10,874 194.2 111.1 11.5 58.3 63.9 2.9
50-07 10,397 185.7 106.2 11.4 58.8 65.4 2.2
Average 9,788 174.8   11.1 56.0 62.9 2.5
CV (%) 7.5            
LSD (0.05) 844.7            


Table 16. Late maturity (≥70 DMB) sorghum hybrids at the McCaull Research Farm, Eva, OK.
Cultivar Yield lbs/ac Yield bu/ac Percent of Trial Average Harvest Moisture % Test Weight lbs/bu Population plants/ac (x1000) Head Count heads/plant
M71GR91 9,664 172.6 94.6 11.3 56.6 66.2 1.7
M72GB71 10,987 196.2 107.5 10.9 56.2 63.7 2.8
GX22932 10,018 178.9 98.0 11.2 56.3 59.1 2.6
GX22934 10,328 184.4 101.1 11.0 54.1 62.5 1.9
GX21965 10,412 185.9 101.9 11.2 57.0 64.0 2.9
5740 9,533 170.2 93.3 10.9 55.8 60.2 3.0
54-07 10,599 189.3 103.7 10.8 55.7 64.9 2.4
Average 10,220 182.5   11.0 56.0 62.9 2.5
CV (%) 5.1            
LSD (0.05) 656.0            

Cooperator: Cameron Murley

Tillage Practice: Strip-till into corn residue

Soil Series: Gruver Clay Loam

Seeding rate: 66,000 seeds/ac

Herbicide: Preemergence: 1.6 qt/ac Charger Max ATZ + 32oz glyphosate/ac

Fertilizer: N-150 lbs N/ac

Planting Date: June 2

Harvest Date: November 1


Goodwell (Irrigated)

The Goodwell location is located at the Oklahoma Panhandle Research and Extension Center. The trial is managed under drip irrigation. However, this location did not get the more consistent rainfall events and the yields were lower than those achieved at the McCaull location. Additionally, this location had higher weed pressure and had to be hand weeded several times during the course of the year but was maintained weed-free otherwise. Similar to the McCaull location, the trial location was strip tilled with N applications and the initial preplant herbicide application was applied at the same time.


Table 17. Early maturity (≤60 DMB) sorghum hybrids at Goodwell, OK.
Cultivar Yield lbs/ac Yield bu/ac Percent of Trial Average Harvest Moisture % Test Weight lbs/bu
M54GC24 5,944 106.1 104.6 12.1 53.6
M57GC29 5,609 100.2 98.8 12.4 56.1
M59GB57 4,717 84.2 83.0 11.6 55.1
M59GB94 6,033 107.7 106.2 12.4 52.3
ADV G1329 5,368 95.9 94.5 11.7 52.7
ADV XG272 7,903 141.1 139.1 13.9 55.8
ADV XG160 6,324 112.9 111.3 15.3 53.3
SP 31A15 4,501 80.4 79.2 11.5 53.4
5482 5,741 102.5 101.1 12.2 53.4
GS101X 4,608 82.3 81.1 11.8 51.7
GS205X 5,726 102.3 100.8 11.8 56.0
Average 5,680 101.4   12.4 53.9
CV (%) 16.8        
LSD (0.05) 745.9        


Table 18. Medium maturity (60-70 DMB) sorghum hybrids at Goodwell, OK.
Cultivar Yield lbs/ac Yield bu/ac Percent of Trial Average Harvest Moisture % Test Weight lbs/bu
M60GB31 7,070 126.3 105.5 13.4 54.4
M60GB88 5,808 103.7 86.6 12.0 54.4
M63GB78 6,645 118.7 99.1 12.8 54.9
M67GB87 6,773 120.9 101.0 12.1 53.5
ADV G2165 6,316 112.8 94.2 14.0 54.6
AG1203 7,495 133.8 111.8 12.4 55.6
AG1301 5,428 96.9 81.0 12.2 54.0
ADV G2168IG 6,899 123.2 102.9 12.5 54.7
ADV G1120IG 7,890 140.9 117.7 12.7 55.5
ADV XG22209 7,675 137.1 114.5 12.1 55.7
ADV XG22213 6,777 121.0 101.1 12.0 54.5
SP 43M80 4,776 85.3 71.3 12.7 49.6
SP 68M57 5,593 99.9 83.4 14.8 55.5
SP 66M16 8,390 149.8 125.2 12.5 54.3
SPSD352 6,463 115.4 96.4 12.5 56.8
SPSD353 5,064 90.4 75.5 14.5 54.7
5710 8,526 152.3 127.2 11.9 52.4
5730 6,170 110.2 92.1 13.2 56.5
GS103X 7,530 134.5 112.3 12.3 55.4
GS102X 6,202 110.8 92.5 11.7 52.9
GS209XIG 4,791 85.6 71.5 9.4 39.9
33-07 7,710 137.7 115.0 115.0 56.1
36-07 7,249 129.4 108.1 12.2 55.1
44-07 8,210 146.6 122.5 12.5 57.4
50-07 6,113 109.2 91.2 14.0 57.0
Average 6,703 119.7   12.6 54.2
CV (%) 16.2        
LSD (0.05) 852.1        


Table 19. Late maturity (≥70 DMB) sorghum hybrids at Goodwell, OK.
Cultivar Yield lbs/ac Yield bu/ac Percent of Trial Average Harvest Moisture % Test Weight lbs/bu
M71GR91 6,524 116.5 93.8 13.6 56.7
M72GB71 6,395 114.2 92.0 13.1 56.3
GX22932 7,209 128.7 103.7 12.3 57.4
GX22934 7,715 137.8 110.9 13.1 57.8
GX21965 5,830 104.1 83.8 12.0 54.4
5740 6,575 117.4 94.5 12.8 58.1
54-07 8,428 150.5 121.2 13.2 57.2
Average 6,954 124.2   12.9 56.9
CV (%) 12.7        
LSD (0.05) 720.6        


Cooperator: Cameron Murley

Tillage Practice: Strip-tilled

Soil Series: Gruver Clay Loam Seeding rate: 66,000 seeds/ac

Herbicide: Preemergence: 1.6 qt/ac Charger Max ATZ + 32oz glyphosate/ac

Fertilizer: N-100 lbs N/ac applied through the strip-till unit

Planting Date: June 2

Harvest Date: October 25

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Fact Sheet
Grain Sorghum Performance Trials in Oklahoma, 2023

By Josh Lofton, Gary Strickland, Chase Harris, Josie Rice, Matt Drendel, Sumit Sharma. Learn about the grain sorghum performance trials of 2023.

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The various insecticides for proper management of insect and mite pests and the instructions for using them in relation to sorghum crops.

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The Potential of Grazing Grain Sorghum Residue Following Harvest

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