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2020 Vegetable Trial Report

The Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, cooperating departments
and experimental farms conducted a series of experiments on field vegetable production. Data were recorded on a majority of aspects of each study, and can include crop culture, crop responses and yield data. This report presents those data, thus providing up-to-date information on field research completed in Oklahoma during 2018.

Small differences should not be overemphasized. Least significant differences (LSD)
values are shown at the bottom of columns or are given as Duncan’s letter groupings in
most tables. Unless two values in a column differ by at least the LSD shown, or by the
Duncan’s grouping, little confidence can be placed in the superiority of one treatment over another.


When trade names are used, no endorsement of that product or criticism of similar
products not named is intended.


2020 Vegetable Trial Report

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