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2020 Oklahoma Replicated Agronomic Cotton Evaluation (RACE) Trial Report

2020 Season Overview

Planting conditions were generally favorable for producers in 2020, although rain events in May delayed planting on a large proportion of acreage to late May and early June. In fact, the southwest and west-central locations of our 2020 RACE trials were all planted between May 29th and June 3rd. Moisture was rapidly diminishing by the end of the first week of June and hot, dry conditions dominated the primary cotton regions of the state through the remainder of the month and persisted into early July. Various significant rain events were received from mid-July into early August, although there were variations on how much and when rain fell across certain areas. For example, while the Oklahoma Mesonet site located in Elk City recorded 3.4 inches of rain during July, stations in Tipton and Altus each recorded 1.4 inches. However, this was reversed in August, with only 0.85 inches of rain received at Elk City (over half occurring during the last three days of the month), compared to 2.1 inches at both Altus and Tipton. This July through August rain was beneficial for both dryland and irrigated cotton. It coincided with the squaring through early/peak bloom growth stages for the majority of cotton in Oklahoma, which helped to reduce water stress during these critical growth stages and optimize yield.


There was an overall favorable outlook as the crop entered September, although the dry August had certainly lowered the optimism once surrounding the dryland crop. Then a cold snap struck western Oklahoma Sept. 9 and 10, with daytime highs struggling to reach 60 F at best, and nighttime lows flirting with freezing in many areas. Although this two-day cold snap was followed by a return to warmer temperatures, it is likely partially to blame for the struggles many had with defoliation and boll opening later in the year. It is more likely this short-term cold snap was an extreme sample of a larger issue, a cooler-than-average September with total heat unit accumulation falling 100 to 150 below average. It is likely the slower leaf drop and boll opening, as well as the variability in micronaire or low micronaire common to many areas in 2020 is to blame on the weather conditions the crop experienced throughout September. There was one final hurdle to cross as an ice storm struck the area in late October, coating open bolls in ice and resulting in lint stringing out of the bolls. Luckily, there was little wind with this system or in subsequent weather events, and the actual loss of lint due to fallout was surprisingly low given the severity of the storm and the number of open bolls present on the plants. The overall feeling from 2020 was that while both yields and quality were good, maybe even great in some cases, they generally fell short of expectations due to the favorable conditions throughout the first three months of the season. 


A total of 25 commercial varieties and one experimental variety from five seed companies were evaluated across five locations in the 2020 RACE Trials (Table 1). There were a multitude of insect and herbicide traits represented within these varieties, including both two and three gene Bt and herbicide traits (Table 2). Seasonal temperature patterns from the southwest and Panhandle regions are illustrated by the monthly heat unit accumulation for 2020 compared to the 12-year average for Altus (Figure 1) and Goodwell (Figure 2). Dryland performance pooled across the southwest region dry-land trials is presented in Table 3, while variety performance compared to the trial average of entries were included in at least four locations is presented in Table 4. Since there are variations in variety entries across the various regions of the state, these tables provide a hint of variety performance stability for areas unrepresented by our current RACE trial locations.


Table 1. Seed company participants and variety abbreviations for entries in 2019 Oklahoma RACE Trials.

Seed Company Variety Entries Abbreviation
Deltapine®  1646 B2XF   DP 1646 B2XF
  1820 B3XF DP 1820 B3XF
  1822 XF DP 1822 XF
  1948 B3XF DP 1948 B3XF
  2012 B3XF DP 2012 B3XF
  2020 B3XF DP 2020 B3XF
  2038 B3XF DP 2038 B3XF
  2044 B3XF DP 2044 B3XF
Dyna-Gro® 3317 B3XF DG 3317 B3XF
  3385 B2XF DG 3385 B2XF
FiberMax® 1621 GL FM 1621 GL
  2398 GLTP FM 2398 GLTP
NexGen® 2982 B3XF NG 2982 B3XF
  3729 B2XF NG 3729 B2XF
  3930 B3XF NG 3930 B3XF
  4098 B3XF NG 4098 B3XF
  4936 B3XF NG 4936 B3XF
  5711 B3XF NG 5711 B3XF
PhytoGen® 350 W3FE PHY 350 W3FE
  400 W3FE PHY 400 W3FE
  480 W3FE PHY 480 W3FE
Stoneville® 4990 B3XF ST 4990 B3XF
  5600 B2XF ST 5600 B2XF
  5610 B3XF ST 5610 B3XF
  5707 B2XF ST 5610 B3XF


Table 2. Insect and herbicide trait glossary for 2019 Oklahoma RACE Trial entries.

Insect Trait Abbreviation Bt Proteins
Bollgard II® B2 Cry1Ac + Cry2Ab
Bollgard 3® B3 Cry1Ac + Cry2Ab + Vip3A
TwinLink® T Cry1Ab + Cry2Ae
TwinLink Plus® TP Cry1Ab + Cry2Ae + Vip3Aa19
Widestrike 3® W3 Cry1Ac + Cry1F + Vip3A
Herbicide Trait Abbreviation Herbicide Tolerances
FlexEnlist® FE Glyphosate + Glufosinate + 2,4-D
GlyTol LibertyLink® GL Glyphosate + Glufosinate
XtendFlex® XF Glyphosate + Glufosinate + Dicamba



First and foremost, the authors would like to thank the Oklahoma cotton producers who serve as cooperators and allow us to use their land, equipment and time to conduct these trials. These trials wouldn’t be possible without their cooperation and support. Financial support for these trials was provided by the Cotton Inc. Oklahoma State Support Committee and the participating seed companies. We would like to thank Khawar Arain, Brendan Kelly and the staff of the Texas Tech University Fiber and Biopolymer Research Institute for providing fiber classing services for these trials. Finally, we would like to thank the Oklahoma Cotton Council for their support of both the cotton agronomy program at Oklahoma State University and the entire Oklahoma cotton industry.


Participating Seed Companies

  • Americot/NexGen
  • Deltapine
  • Dyna-Gro Seed
  • FiberMax/Stoneville
  • PhytoGen Cottonseed

For more information, visit OSU's Cotton section or NTOK Cotton.

 Monthly heat unit accumulation from the Altus Mesonet station.

Figure 1. Monthly heat unit (DD 60) accumulation from the Altus Mesonet station.

 Monthly heat unit accumulation from the Goodwell Mesonet station.

Figure 2. Monthly heat unit (DD 60) accumulation from the Goodwell Mesonet station.


Table 3. 2020 Southwest Dryland Pooled RACE Trial Results.

Variety Average Lint Yield1
Yield Deviation2
NG 4098 B3XF 877     a +9.5%
ST 5600 B2XF 837     a +3.0%
NG 3930 B3XF 835     a +3.8%
ST 5707 B2XF 826     a +1.8%
DP 1646 B2XF 823     a +1.0%
DP 1948 B3XF 802     ab -1.1%
NG 5711 B3XF 738     b -10.1%
NG 4936 B3XF 732     b -10.9%

1 Varieties included across Greer, Jackson and Tillman trial locations.

2 Percent difference between yield of variety and trial yield aver-age across all three locations.


Table 4. 2020 Variety Yield Deviation1 (minimum four locations).

Variety Greer Dry Jackson Dry Jackson Irr. Lincoln Dry Texas Dry Texas Irr. Tillman Dry Tillman Irr. Washita Dry Average
NG 4098 B3XF +7.46% +2.37% -2.87% +8.55%     +13.88% -1.58% +19.63% +6.78%
NG 3930 B3XF +2.67% -1.10%   +3.46% +4.60% +2.56% +6.58% +2.30% +2.34% +2.93%
DP 1948 B3XF -1.15% -1.52% +9.86%       -0.87% +5.07%   +2.28%
ST 5707 B2XF +0.30% +1.54% -4.71% -3.61% 1.04%   +3.38% +4.34% +2.50% +0.34%
ST 5600 B2XF +3.88% +3.95% +4.73%   -25.55%   +1.86% -5.72% +8.32% -1.22%
NG 5711 B3XF -4.0% -3.87% +1.52%       -18.25% +0.27% -1.42% -4.29%
DP 2020 B3XF     -9.38% -1.86%   -10.52% +7.29% 1.32% -16.29% -5.34%
NG 4936 B3XF -9.51% -4.90% -8.17% -12.27%     -14.21% -3.37% 12.56% -9.28%
DP 2012 B3XF       -0.52% -14.10% -12.86%     -11.71% -9.80%


Table 5. 2020 Greer Co. Dryland RACE Trial results.

Planted: May 29

Seeding Rate: 25,000 40-inch row spacing

Harvested: Nov. 7, stripper harvested

Variety Lint Yield (lbs./acre)
Turnout (%)
Micronaire Length (inches) Strength (g/tex) Uniformity (%) Loan Value1
Return per Acre2
NG 4098 B3XF 851 a 34.40 a 4.19 bc 1.15 b 32.9 b 82.1 b-d 54.10 413
ST 5600 B2XF 823 ab 33.79 ab 4.23 b 1.10 de 32.4 b 81.8 cd 53.63 399
NG 3930 B3XF 813 ab 34.54 a 4.89 a 1.09 e 27.3 d 82.0  cd 51.30 378
ST 5610 B3XF 809 ab 34.77  a 4.08 bc 1.11 d 30.5 c 81.9  cd 53.98 394
DP 1646 B2XF 798 ab 33.74 a-c 3.83  bc 1.16 b 29.9 c 81.4  d 52.25 371
ST 5707 B2XF 794 ab 32.30 bc 4.72  a 1.13 cd 34.5 a 82.7  a-c 53.25 390
DP 1948 B3XF 783 a-c 31.98 b-d 3.79 c 1.20 a 34.2  a 83.8  a 54.32 383
ST 4990 B3XF 771 bc 31.79 cd 4.02 bc 1.11 de 30.0 c 81.6  cd 54.03 374
NG 5711 B3XF 760 bc 32.10 b-d 3.85 bc 1.12 cd 30.9 c 82.0  cd 53.52 364
NG 4936 B3XF 717 c 30.23 d 4.00 bc 1.14 bc 29.9 c 83.3  ab 54.13 345
Average 792 32.96 4.16 1.13 31.3 82.3 53.45 381
p-value 0.0451 0.0018 0.0003 <0.0001 <0.0001 0.0158 0.4399 0.2758
pLSD 69 1.98 0.43 0.03 1.2 1.3 NS3 NS
CV 7.82 5.32 10.19 3.22 1.32 7.57 3.08 9.51

1Color and leaf grades set to base levels (41 and 4, respectively) due to lack of proper lint cleaner on gin.

2Return per acre calculated as (lint yield per acre X loan value per pound) - seed cost per acre.

3NS; no significant statistical difference between varieties at p-value <0.1.


Table 6. 2020 Jackson Co. Dryland Strip Trial Results.

Planted: June 3

Seeding Rate: 20,000, 40-inch row spacing

Harvested: Nov. 19, stripper harvested

Variety Lint Yield (lbs. per acre)  Turnout (%)  Micronaire Length (inches)  Strength (g/tex)   Uniformity  (%) Loan Value1  (cents/lb.)  
Return per Acre2
ST 5600 B2XF 802 35.87 4.72 1.13 32.0 82.5 53.85 398
DP 1646 B2XF 799 38.48 4.73 1.16 28.6 82.3 54.55 400
NG 4098 B3XF 790 34.89 4.03 1.15 31.8 81.2 54.10 389
ST 5707 B2XF 784 33.26 4.75 1.16 34.0 83.4 55.15 405
NG 3930 B3XF 763 36.83 4.89 1.08 26.8 83.9 53.35 375
DP 1948 B3XF 760 33.10 4.01 1.16 32.3 82.4 54.10 377
NG 5711 B3XF 742 33.41 3.96 1.12 29.9 81.1 56.00 381
NG 4936 B3XF 734 32.82 4.79 1.15 30.0 84.0 56.45 380
Average 772 34.83 4.49 1.14 30.7 82.6 54.69 388

1Color and leaf grades set to base levels (41 and 4, respectively) due to lack of proper lint cleaner on gin.

2Return per acre calculated as (lint yield per acre X loan value per pound) - seed cost per acre.


Table 7. 2020 Jackson Co. irrigated RACE trial results.

Planted: May 29

Seeding Rate: 42,000 38-inch row spacing

Irrigation: sub-surface drip located on 72” spacing in furrow

Harvested: Nov. 12, picker harvested

Variety Lint Yield (lbs. per acre)  Turnout (%)  Micronaire Length (inches)  Strength (g/tex)
Uniformity (%) Loan Value1 (cents/lb.)  
Return per Acre2
DP 1948 B3XF 1,882 a 40.75 a-c 4.09 1.29 a 31.6 bc  84.1  a 54.35 951 a
PHY 400 W3FE 1,814 ab 41.34 ab 4.28 1.20 cd 31.9 b 83.4 a-d 54.55 915 ab
DP 2038 B3XF* 1,796 a-c 42.50 a 4.32 1.14 e 30.3 cd 82.3  d 54.65 912 ab
ST 5600 B2XF 1,794 a-c 41.35 ab 4.85 1.22 b-d 31.0 b-d 83.5 a-d 54.65 908 ab
PHY 480 W3FE 1,782 a-c 38.45 b-d 3.97 1.19 d 30.2 cd 83.7 a-c 53.32 877 a-c
NG 5711 B3XF 1,739 a-d 40.35 a-c 3.99 1.23 bc 30.9 b-d 82.6 b-d 53.07 851 a-c
PHY 350 W3FE 1,714 a-e 38.89 b-d 4.26 1.20 cd 31.1 b-d 82.9 a-d 54.75 866 a-c
NG 4098 B3XF 1,663 b-e 36.45 d 3.81 1.29 a 35.2 a 82.5 cd 52.10 786  c
ST 5707 B2XF 1,632 c-e 36.40 d 4.20 1.22 b-d 34.5 a 84.0 a 54.93 840  bc
FM 2398 GLTP 1,612 se 41.14 ab 4.67 1.22 b-d 31.3 b-d 83.8 ab 53.65 795  c
NG 4936 B3XF 1,573 se 37.77 cd 4.18 1.24 b 29.9 d 83.7 a-c 54.77 789  c
DP 2020 B3XF 1,552 e 35.96 cd 3.90 1.23 bc 30.3 cd 83.1 a-d 54.85 776  c
Average 1,713 39.28 4.21 1.22 31.5 83.3 54.14 856
p-value 0.007 0.001 0.1013 <0.0001 <0.0001 0.0912 0.6302 0.0261
pLSD 168 3.06 NS3 0.03 1.4 1.3 NS 107
CV 7.65 6.76 11.38 3.48 5.62 1.03 3.09 9.11

Table 8. 2020 Lincoln Co. Dryland RACE Trial.

Planted: May 5

Seeding Rate: 34,000 38-inch row spacing

Harvested: Nov. 8, picker harvested

Variety Lint Yield (lbs./acre)   Turnout (%) Micronaire Length  (inches) Strength (g/tex)  Uniformity (%) Loan Value1 (cents/lb.) 
Return per Acre2
NG 4098 B3XF 1,223 40.92 3.83 1.20 35.7 82.5 54.28 599
PHY 350 W3FE 1,197 39.83 3.27 1.15 33.0 82.0 48.58 523
PHY 480 W3FE 1,189 40.64 3.86 1.12 31.6 82.0 54.05 584
PHY 400 W3FE 1,184 42.22 3.63 1.12 31.4 81.4 53.85 578
NG 3930 B3XF 1,166 40.35 3.48 1.18 31.8 83.3 51.92 552
DP 2012 B3XF 1,121 41.26 3.71 1.17 33.2 82.6 54.20 547
DP 2020 B3XF 1,106 40.71 3.64 1.17 31.2 82.3 54.48 541
ST 5707 B2XF 1,086 39.87 4.04 1.18 35.8 82.6 54.23 543
FM 1621 GL 1,007 44.06 4.72 1.13 34.5 82.1 54.00 505
NG 4936 B3XF 988 40.29 3.82 1.13 30.5 82.2 53.95 475
Average 1,127 41.02 3.80 1.16 32.9 82.4 53.35 545

1Four replications planted of each variety, approximately two plots were combined into a single round module producing two modules from each variety.

2Color and leaf grades set to base levels (41 and 4, respectively) due to lack of proper lint cleaner on gin.

3Return per acre calculated as (lint yield per acre X loan value per pound) - seed cost per acre.


Table 9. 2020 Texas Co. Dryland RACE Trial.

Planted: May 14

Seeding Rate: 35,000 30-inch row spacing

Harvested: Nov. 5, stripper harvested without bur extractor

Variety Lint Yield (lbs. per acre)  Turnout (%)  Micronaire Length (inches)  Strength (g/tex)
Uniformity (%) Loan Value1  (cents/lb.)
Return per Acre2
DG 3317 B3XF 420 a 28.29 ab 2.95 a 1.04 c 26.7 bc 79.7 40.75 a 110 a
DP 1822 XF 413 a 28.92 a 3.01 a 1.12 a 28.3 ab 81.4 46.43 a 145 a
DG 3385 B2XF 406 ab 28.17 ab 3.16 a 1.05 bc 26.3 bc 80.8 43.97 a 118 a
NG 3930 B3XF 387 ab 27.03 a-c 2.93 ab 1.08 a-c 27.1 bc 81.3 44.00 a 114 a
NG 3729 B2XF  379 ab   25.78 a-c 2.94 a 1.09 ab 27.6 ab 80.1 44.45 a 114 a
ST 5707 B2XF 366 ab 25.43 a-c 2.81 ab 1.09 a-c 29.9 a 80.1 41.97 a 106 a
NG 2982 B3XF 365 a-c 24.71 bc 2.25 c 1.05 bc 27.7 ab 80.1 32.38 b 49 b
DP 2012 B3XF 318 bc 23.27 c 2.48 bc 1.06 bc 25.1 c 79.5 32.60 b 42 b
ST 5600 B2XF 275 c 24.01 c 2.95 a 1.06 bc 28.3 ab 80.2 40.37 a 53 b
Average 370 26.18 2.83 1.07 27.5 80.4 40.77 95
p-value 0.0605 0.0508 0.0154 0.0755 0.0227 0.3516 0.0016 0.0018
pLSD 90 3.78 0.46 0.05 2.3 NS3 6.37 47
CV 16.92 10.21 12.54 3.41 6.29 1.30 14.27 44.26


1Color and leaf grades set to base levels (41 and 4, respectively) due to lack of proper lint cleaner on gin.

2Return per acre calculated as (lint yield per acre X loan value per pound) - seed cost per acre.

3NS; no significant statistical difference between varieties at p-value <0.1.


Table 10. 2020 Texas Co. Irrigated RACE Trial.

Planted: May 12

Seeding Rate: 50,000 30-inch row spacing

Irrigation: lateral move overhead system

Harvested: Nov. 9, stripper harvested

Variety Lint Yield (lbs./acre)   Turnout (%)   Micronaire  Length (inches) Strength (g/tex)  Uniformity (%) Loan Value1 (cents/lb.)  Return per Acre2 ($/acre) 
NG 2982 B3XF 1,447 a 29.67 a-d 2.52 cd 1.13 cd 29.27 ab 82.0 43.58 a-d 453 a
DG 3317 B3XF 1,305 ab 34.04 a 2.89 a-c 1.08 f 28.00 bc 81.4 45.58 a 481 a
DG 3385 B2XF 1,301 ab 31.58 ab 3.12 a 1.09 ef 27.43 cd 80.9 44.87 ab 507 a
NG 3729 B2XF 1,267 ab 30.06 a-c 2.94 ab 1.16 ab 27.77 b-d 81.1 37.08 de 480 a
DP 1820 B3XF 1,156 bc 30.75 a-c 2.91 a-c 1.19 a 30.63 a 80.7 35.70 e 429 a
NG 3930 B3XF 1,139 bc 28.78 b-d 2.74 a-d 1.15 bc 27.70 b-d 81.9 38.15 b-e 410 a
DP 2020 B3XF 994 c 26.14 cd 2.57 b-d 1.12 cd 25.13 e 79.6 44.45 a-c 262 b
DP 2012 B3XF 968 cd 24.82 d 2.54 b-d 1.11 de 26.00 de 80.2 42.90 a-d 275 b
ST 4990 B3XF 790 de 25.82 cd 2.40 d 1.16 b 27.93 bc 80.2 36.82 de 206 b
ST 5610 B3XF 742 e 25.88 cd 2.37 d 1.12 d 27.73 b-d 80.1 37.60 c-e 203 b
Average 1,111 28.75 2.70 1.13 27.76 80.81 40.67 371
p-value <0.0001 0.0167 0.0120 <0.0001 0.0005 0.1094 0.0396 <0.0001
pLSD 204 4.99 0.41 0.03 1.8 NS3 7.19 126
CV 22.74 13.57 11.77 3.15 6.15 1.39 12.79 35.79

1Color and leaf grades set to base levels (41 and 4, respectively) due to lack of proper lint cleaner on gin.

2Return per acre calculated as (lint yield per acre X loan value per pound) - seed cost per acre.

3NS; no significant statistical difference between varieties at p-value <0.1.


Table 11. 2020 Tillman Co. Dryland RACE Trial.

Planted: June 2

Seeding Rate: 25,000 40-inch row spacing

Harvested: Nov. 19, stripper harvested

Variety Lint Yield (lbs./acre)   Turnout (%)   Micronaire Length (inches) Strength (g/tex)   Uniformity (%) Loan Value1 (cents/lb.)  Return per Acre2
NG 4098 B3XF 990 a 36.23 ab 4.13 a-c 1.21 a 32.7 a 81.8 54.23 a 489 a
DP 2020 B3XF 932 ab 34.86 b-d 3.95 bc 1.15 bc 28.1 d 82.3 53.65 b 456 ab
NG 3930 B3XF 926 ab 33.39 de 4.06 bc 1.15 bc 29.9 b-d 82.6 53.80 b 458 ab
ST 5707 B2XF 898 ab 34.17 c-e 4.33 ab 1.11 d 31.9 ab 82.5 53.78 b 449 ab
ST 5600 B2XF 885 b 37.24 a 4.50 a 1.13 cd 29.8 b-d 82.3 53.63 b 432 ab
DP 1646 B2XF 872 b 36.08 ab 3.82 c 1.21 a 29.5 cd 82.0 53.80 b 424 b
DP 1948 B3XF 862 b 35.08 bc 3.82 c 1.21 a 31.2 a-c 83.0 54.27 a 425 b
NG 4936 B3XF 746 c 32.82 e 3.99 bc 1.17 b 29.3 cd 83.0 53.95 ab 359 c
NG 5711 B3XF 711 c 34.16 c-e 3.83 c 1.15 bc 28.7 d 82.0 53.73 b 339 c
Average 869 34.89 4.05 1.17 30.11 82.4 53.87 426
p-value 0.0007 0.0002 0.0358 <0.0001 0.0057 0.6515 0.0048 0.0009
pLSD 104 1.48 0.43 0.03 2.16 NS3 0.33 57
CV 11.46 4.58 7.63 3.20 5.94 1.17 0.51 12.69

1Color and leaf grades set to base levels (41 and 4, respectively) due to lack of proper lint cleaner on gin.

2Return per acre calculated as (lint yield per acre X loan value per pound) - seed cost per acre.

3NS; no significant statistical difference between varieties at p-value <0.1.


Table 12. 2020 Tillman Co. Irrigated RACE Trial.

Planted: June 1

Seeding Rate: 40,000 40-inch row spacing

Irrigation: center pivot

Harvested: Nov. 20, picker harvested

Variety Lint Yield (lbs./acre)   Turnout (%)  Micronaire Length (inches) Strength (g/tex) Uniformity (%) Loan Value1 (cents/lb.)  Return per Acre2 ($/acre)
DP 1948 B3XF 1021 39.68 a 4.27 bc 1.21 33.2 b 82.9 54.85 492
ST 5707 B2XF 1014 36.80 b 4.36 b 1.19 35.7 a 85.0 54.40 498
NG 3930 B3XF 994 40.28 a 4.37 b 1.15 29.0 c 82.7 54.23 475
NG 5711 B3XF 975 39.44 a 4.18 bc 1.19 30.8 c 82.8 54.38 461
DP 2020 B3XF 959 36.73 b 3.81 c 1.21 29.6 c 83.4 54.28 449
NG 4098 B3XF 957 37.17 b 3.94 bc 1.24 34.3 ab 83.2 54.32 443
NG 4936 B3XF 939 36.99 b 4.18 bc 1.21 29.4 c 84.1 54.43 443
ST 5600 B2XF 917 39.00 a 4.94 a 1.18 33.1 b 84.2 53.47 422
Average 972 38.26 4.25 1.20 31.9 83.5 54.30 460
p-value 0.596 0.002 0.0095 0.1038 <0.0001 0.2728 0.2454 0.3427
pLSD NS3 1.18 0.49 NS 2.0 NS NS NS
CV 7.01 4.33 9.42 2.87 8.15 1.50 1.14 9.15

1Color and leaf grades set to base levels (41 and 4, respectively) due to lack of proper lint cleaner on gin.

2Return per acre calculated as (lint yield per acre X loan value per pound) - seed cost per acre.

3NS; no significant statistical difference between varieties at p-value <0.1.


Table 13. 2020 Washita Co. Dryland RACE Trial.

Planted: June 2

Seeding Rate: 30,000 40-inch row spacing

Harvested: Nov. 11, stripper harvested

Variety Lint Yield (lbs./acre)   Turnout (%) Micronaire Length (inches) Strength (g/tex) Uniformity (%) Loan Value1 (cents/lb.)   Return per Acre2 ($/acre)
NG 4098 B3XF 789 a 36.65 a 4.92 cd 1.15 a 32.9 a 81.4 53.23 a 363 a
DP 2044 B3XF 746 ab 36.49 a 4.76 de 1.15 a 31.6 a 81.5 53.08 a 358 a
ST 5600 B2XF 715 a-c 36.87 a 5.36 a 1.10 bc 29.8 b 82.6 48.95 cd 299 b
ST 5707 B2XF 676 bc 34.11 bc 5.41 a 1.12 abc 32.9 a 82.7 50.37 b-d 300 b
NG 3930 B3XF 675 bc 36.54 a 5.03 bc 1.09 bc 28.9 bc 82.7 51.17 a-c 298 b
NG 5711 B3XF 651 cd 36.75 a 4.89 c-e 1.08 c 29.5 bc 81.0 52.57 ab 290 bc
NG 3729 B2XF 634 c-e 36.79 a 5.25 ab 1.08 c 27.2 d 81.4 48.33 d 258 b-d
DP 2012 B3XF 583 de 35.33 ab 4.70 de 1.09 bc 28.1 cd 81.9 51.93 ab 248 cd
NG 4936 B3XF 577 de 32.47 c 4.72 de 1.13 ab 29.7 b 83.6 52.95 a 255 b-d
DP 2020 B3XF 552 e 34.73 ab 4.65 e 1.09 bc 28.1 cd 81.9 52.92 a 239 d
Average 660 35.67 4.97 1.11 28.88 82.07 51.55 239 d
p-value 0.0004 0.0066 <0.0001 0.0143 <0.0001 0.1606 0.0013 0.0003
pLSD 90 2.23 0.26 0.05 1.5 NS3 2.32 49
CV 13.42 5.04 6.85 3.24 6.91 1.42 4.25 17.53

1Color and leaf grades set to base levels (41 and 4, respectively) due to lack of proper lint cleaner on gin.

2Return per acre calculated as (lint yield per acre X loan value per pound) - seed cost per acre.

3NS; no significant statistical difference between varieties at p-value <0.1.


Seth Byrd

Cotton Extension Specialist


Andrea Althoff

Graduate Research Assistant


Aaron Henson

Extension Educator, Tillman County


Greg Hartman

Extension Educator, Washita and Beckham counties


Gary Strickland

Extension Educator, Greer and Jackson counties and Dryland Cropping Systems Specialist


Bradley Wilson

Graduate Research Assistant


Jerry Goodson

Extension Assistant, IPM


Josh Bushong

Area Agronomist


Danny Cook

Extension Educator, Roger Mills County


Cayden Catlin

Graduate Research Assistant


Cameron Murley

Superintendent, OPREC


Brian Pugh

Area Agronomist and District Program Leader


Cody Linker

Extension Educator, Lincoln County

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Fact Sheet
2024 Grain Sorghum Performance Trials

By Josh Lofton, Josie Rice, and Chase Harris. Learn about the Summary of the 2024 Grain Sorghum Performance Trials.

CropsGrain Sorghum - MiloGrains & Oilseeds
Fact Sheet
Plants in the Classroom: Successfully Starting Seeds

By Shelley Mitchell. Learn about how growing plants in the classroom is a great way to explore life cycles. Many teachers introduce plants to students by planting seeds in small pots and watching them grow. However, many students and teachers get frustrated when their seeds don't sprout (germinate), or the seedlings grow long and spindly. To increase the chances of success, there are several things you can do: choose the right seeds, use potting mix, plant at the correct depth, provide the right amount of moisture, provide warmth, and provide light in close proximity.

CropsGreenhouse Crops
Fact Sheet
Failed Cotton Herbicide Rotation Restrictions to Soybean in Oklahoma

By Josh Lofton and Josie Rice. Learn about documenting rotation restrictions for cotton herbicides to soybean.

CottonCropsGrains & OilseedsHerbicidesInsects, Pests, and DiseasesPesticidesSoybeans
Fact Sheet
Failed Cotton Herbicide Rotation Restrictions To Corn In Oklahoma

By Josh Lofton and Josie Rice. Documenting rotation restrictions for cotton herbicides into a replant corn crop.
