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4-H is a community of young people across Texas County who are learning leadership, citizenship and life skills.


What is 4-H?

4-H is a volunteer led, educational program that supplements the teaching of home, church, and school.  It is an informal educational program for all boys and girls 9 to 18 years of age whether they live in town, the country, or on a farm.  The state-wide approved ages for participation in Extension 4-H and Youth programs begin with the 9th birthday and continue through the calendar year in which the individual reaches 18.  Boys and girls ages 5 to 8 have the opportunity to join our non-competitive program called 4-H Cloverbuds.


4-H is kids having fun and learning with their friends.



“To Make The Best Better”



I Pledge

My head to clearer thinking,

My heart to greater loyalty,

My hands to larger service,


My health to better living,

for my club, my community,

my country, and my world.


Age of Membership

4-H membership is open to all youth who are 9 years of age and have not passed their 19th birthday by January 1 of the current year.



Other than age, the only requirement for 4-H membership is that the 4-H’er enrolls in at least one project.  There are nearly 50 project areas to choose from.  Members are expected to complete the projects in which they enroll. View the different 4-H Projects.



Adults serve as two types of 4-H leaders:  project (subject matter teachers) and community (organization leaders).  Helping youth grow through their 4-H opportunities can be a very rewarding experience for adult volunteers.

Volunteer Resources


Texas County 4-H Clubs & Leaders

4-H Clubs Meeting Location Leader’s Name Contact Number

Goodwell Eagles 

4-H Club

Goodwell Community Building  Chris Gutierrez  
Goodwell Cloverbuds Goodwell Community Building  Jennifer Wilson   

Guymon Jr.

4-H Club

OSU Extension Office-Guymon 3rd Thursday @ 6 P.M. 


(580) 338-7300
Guymon Cloverbuds OSU Extension Office-Guymon 2nd Wednesday  @ 5:30 P.M. 


OSU Extension 

(580) 338-7300
Guymon 4-H Club  


OSU Extension 

(580) 338-7300

Loyal Doers

4-H Club

Hooker Ag Room -1st Tuesday @ 6:30 P.M.

Brad James


(580) 651-1742
Hooker Cloverbuds Hooker Elementary Cafeteria 2nd Tuesday @ 4P.M. 

Arleen James 

(580) 338-7300
Texhoma Tumbleweeds TBA


OSU Extension 

(580) 338-7300
Tyrone 4-H Club TBA


OSU Extension 

(580) 338-7300


4-H Club

Yarbrough High School.

Alma Nevarez 

(580) 651-9653
