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Master Gardener Course Enrollment for Spring 2024 is underway! Enrollment will be on a first come basis. We need at least 12 students to hold the class, and have a space limit of 20. A deposit is required to hold your space. The course estimate is $100 and the non-refundable deposit of $50 (half) is due upon enrollment. Please contact Carla with any questions about this program.

About Us

  • Meetings

    The Multi-County Master Gardener Association meets every third Wednesday of the month.  


    Meeting time for snacks and mingling is at 9:00 am with the meeting starting at 9:30 am.


    We follow the business meeting time with a horticulture educational segment each month, usually starting about 10:30 am.  Visitors are welcome to attend.

  • Membership

    Our local Master Gardener association is unique in the state, as we have a tri-county membership.  Pottawatomie, Lincoln, and Seminole counties are included.


    To become a Master Gardener you must complete a course of classes, participate in volunteer hours of community service, and continue your ongoing education credit hours and service in following years.  More details are on the State Master Gardener site.


    We start enrollment during the Pottawatomie County Free Fair in September.  Please call at any time if you have questions or would like to be put on the contact list, (405) 273-7683.  Sign-ups are in October.  The course begins the third week of January and will finish in March or early April, meeting weekly on Thursday’s from 9:30 to 3:30 pm.  


    The cost of our course varies some with resources materials selected —last course the cost was $85.00 and included the Master Gardener Manual (online link to MG pdf file), Oklahoma Guide to Growing Fruits, Nuts, and Vegetables book, E-1051 Water Efficient Landscapes for Oklahoma book, and a variety of fact sheet resources.  This amount and material is subject to change until class schedule is finalized.  


    Our association has annual dues of $20 per person or $30.00 per couple.


    One of the big volunteer projects we do is to maintain the Demonstration Garden on site at our office.  The members are divided into Weed and Water teams on a rotational basis to care for the garden.  Many other projects are ongoing and can be approved by your educator.   


    Master Gardener State Site 

  • Extension Grounds Garden

    Our grounds are landscaped with teaching in mind.  We have foundation plantings, a selection of trees and shrubs, an ornamental grass bed, and a butterfly garden on site.  

  • Butterfly Garden

    Members of the Multi-County Master Gardener Association designed, installed, and maintain a wonderful butterfly garden and grounds at our local office, located at 14001 Acme Road, Shawnee, OK 74804.  This is at the corner of Acme and MacArthur, just east of Highway 177.  


    Established in 2014 in conjunction with the Centennial Celebration of the Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service (OCES), this garden is registered with Monarch Watch with the official designation of Monarch Waystation #20948 (2018).  We are also a National Wildlife Federation Habitat (2019).  


    We have a wide selection of plant material and many are Oklahoma Proven selections.  Plants were chosen to provide pollen, nectar, foliage for food, and shelter.  A water source is also provided for the pollinators. In 2020, we added an honorary bench for Tom Terry to celebrate is 90th birthday and charter membership, as well as a monarch barn quilt on the garden shed.  


    Come see us to view the garden and the abundant life it attracts.  In the summer months, many species of butterflies and moths, bumblebees, and honeybee flutter through the garden feeding.  The monarchs have been observed from tiny caterpillars to large caterpillars, and adult butterflies.  The chrysalis stage has been elusive, as they hide them well.  Toads and lizards are also seen scurrying about the garden.


    Visitors are welcome anytime during daylight hours.  Our office is open from 8 am to noon and 12:30 to 4:30 pm Monday thru Friday.  Posts are made during the season to our Facebook page and Instagram, if you want to follow us (links are on our home page) The Multi-County Master Gardener’s Association can be found on Facebook as well. Come visit to see what all the buzz is about!  


    Listing on  and 


    Butterfly garden.

  • Pollinator Resource Links
  • Additional Web Sites


More Information

If you are interested in participating in the Master Gardener Program please contact the extension office, or email Carla Smith to join the wait list. New classes are held as interest permits. Please call if you have any questions. Pottawatomie County OSU Extension, (405) 273-7683.

