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The Oklahoma Home and Community Education, Incorporated, a non-profit organization, is organized and shall be operated exclusively for the purpose of continuing adult education in family and consumer sciences for educational purposes and in furtherance thereof, and for such other charitable purposes as are pertinent to the objectives of the group.



The emblem is a circle suggesting the continuity of life in our state, our homes, and our community education. The single candle symbolizes the unity of goals and purposes of our organization. The candle emphasizes the saying, “it is better to light just one little candle” and through unity light the world. The edge of the seal has 77 bites of light between the cogs representing all the counties of Oklahoma. This all forms a work wheel that our members have put their shoulders against and thus turns our world into a better society. Standing behind the candle is our great state of Oklahoma.


We believe the family should come first in the life of the individual, the community, and the nation. We will build our homes on love and mutual respect. We shall endeavor to discover the potential in our children and our neighbor’s children and to help them develop their personalities in such a manner that they make a worthwhile contribution to life.



The objectives of the Oklahoma Home and Family Education, Inc. which is a non-profit organization shall be:


  • To further strengthen, develop, coordinate and extend adult education; to improve the quality of living in cooperation with the Cooperative Extension Service of the United States Department of Agriculture and land grant colleges.
  • To provide opportunities for members cooperating in Extension Family and Consumer Science programs and other educational programs to pool their judgments and experiences for the progressive improvement of home and community life.
  • To offer a means by which members, in cooperation with the Cooperative Extension Service, may interpret and promote programs of national and international importance in the protection and development of the American home.
  • To develop, strengthen and bring into a cooperative relationship the educational programs of the 77 County Home and Community Education, Inc. in Oklahoma.
  • To cause to be conducted in each of the 77 County Home and Community Education, Inc. such charitable programs as are deemed appropriate by said group.