Garfield County 4-H
You'll have hundreds of project areas to choose from - like shooting sports, physical fitness, robotics, cooking, photography, rocketry, public speaking, citizenship, livestock showing, horse, performance arts, fabrics and fashions and hundreds of others. You will also get to meet many new friends. 4-H helps youth learn leadership skills with projects that is of interest to them. There's a club meeting close to you. Call us today and get involved in 4-H!
- What is 4-H?
4-H is the largest youth serving organization in the world. All 50 states and more than 80 countries world-wide have 4-H programs. 4-H members do things that are fun and learn skills they can use for the rest of their lives - on the job, at home or with friends. In 4-H, participants "learn by doing," and most activities are hands-on. Most 4-H clubs hold monthly meetings attended by members and their parents.
- What Do Kids Do In 4-H?
It's up to you. You can make a rocket, grow vegetables, hatch an egg, use computers, give a speech, perform on stage, go hiking or camping, learn to shop smart or raise an animal. And there's more! In 4-H, you'll be working with other young people on common goals and, if you wish, leading younger kids. 4-H allows you to focus on your own talents and interests.
- Who Can Join 4-H?
Any youth age 9 to 19 can join the Garfield County 4-H program. A non-competitive program called Cloverbuds for 5-8 year olds is available through some local clubs.
- 4-H Clubs
The purpose of the community 4-H club is to promote the development of technical and life skills. The key elements of the club include:
- Volunteer Leaders
- A year round program
- Multiple project involvement
- Elected club officers
- Community involvement
- Parent involvement and support
- 4-H Projects
Find information on 4-H projects by selecting the links below:
- 4-H Officer Duties
- Prepare agenda and preside at all meetings.
- Appoint committees.
- Be a leader and involve all club members in activities.
- Attend to such duties as are necessary to carry out the local club program.
- Attend 4-H County Council and Community Club Officers' Training.
Vice President
- Lead the 4-H Club ritual.
- Serve in the absence of the president.
- Perform all duties delegated by the president.
- Attend 4-H County Council and Community Club Officers' Training.
- Keep accurate minutes of 4-H club meetings and member attendance for secretary's book.
- Write and read correspondence of the club.
- Attend 4-H County Council and Community Club Officers' Training.
- Keep accurate records of finances.
- Attend 4-H County Council and Community Club Officers' Training.
- Send all news of public interest to local newspapers and to County Council Reporter.
- Attend 4-H County Council and Community Club Officers' Training.
Song Leader
- Encourage participation and promote enthusiasm through group singing.
- Attend Community Club Officers' Training.
Recreation Leader
- Plan and coordinate recreation activities suitable for club members, space and time.
- Encourage participation and promote enthusiasm.
- Attend Community Club Officers' Training.
- Serve to advise the club on parliamentary procedure and assist all officers with their duties as requested.
- Attend Community Club Officers' Training.
- 4-H Record Books
The Senior Record Book is a long-term record for members age 14 or older. 4-H members who want to complete a Record Book should contact the Garfield County OSU Extension Center for details. These books are judged at the county level for trips and awards and also at the state level. The Record Book form and instructions can be downloaded from the State 4-H Office website.
The Junior Record Book is a long term record of 4-H activities for members 9-13 years of age. This book qualifies members for many 4-H awards. Forms and additional information are available at the Garfield County OSU Extension Center.
How to get the Most out of Your 4-H Year
- As A Member
- Attend your local meetings – get involved in the activities
- Offer to take on responsibilities
- Get your project literature, read it and do the activities
- Participate in activities at the county level
- Keep records of what you do with your projects so you can fill out a record book at the end of the year for awards
- Teach others what you know – LEADERSHIP
- Do workshops at county events
- Do workshops at your local club
- Help others – CITIZENSHIP
- Help your neighbor
- Give to the needy
- Offer your services to others
- Remember, participation, leadership and citizenship are necessary for the top awards.
- Most importantly – GET INVOLVED
- As A Parent
- Attend local meetings – offer help with meetings;
- Offer to take on responsibilities such as drive 4-Her’s to a contest, provide refreshments, or suggest and help with a citizenship project
- Help your child with project work – get the literature and work through the activities;
- Become a Project or Activity Leader – All you need is an interest in kids and the willingness to share your time and knowledge with them. Teach a skill, help with project work, help write a speech, help rehearse a talent show.
- Help your child learn to keep records;
- You have a part in helping your child have a good 4-H experience. Get involved in the local 4-H club. 4-H leaders need your help!
A successful 4-H year does not just happen, it is planned and takes work!!
4-H Newsletters
Garfield County 4-H publishes a monthly newsletter for it's members. Many workshops, trips and activities take place during the year. This newsletter is one way of keeping our members aware of upcoming events. For more information or to sign up for Garfield County 4-H, please contact the Garfield County OSU Extension Center at (580) 237-1228.
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