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Farm Safety Camp

Welcome, students! Please use the Farm Safety Camp videos to answer the questions on your handout. 

What is 4-H?

4-H is the largest youth serving organization in the world. All 50 states and over 80 countries world-wide have 4-H programs. 4-H members do things that are fun and learn skills they can use for the rest of their lives - on the job, at home or with friends. In 4-H, participants "learn by doing," and most activities are hands-on. Most 4-H clubs hold monthly meetings attended by members and their parents.


  • Who Can Join 4-H?

    Any youth age 9 to 19 can join the Dewey County 4-H program. A non-competitive program called Cloverbuds for 5-8 year olds is available through some local clubs.

  • What Kids Do in 4-H?

    It's up to you. You can make a rocket, grow vegetables, hatch an egg, use computers, give a speech, perform on stage, go hiking or camping, learn to shop smart or raise an animal. And there's more! In 4-H, you'll be working with other young people on common goals and, if you wish, leading younger kids. 4-H allows you to focus on your own talents and interests.

  • As A Member
    • Attend your local meetings – get involved in the activities
    • Offer to take on responsibilities
    • Get your project literature, read it and do the activities
    • Participate in activities at the county level
    • Keep records of what you do with your projects so you can fill out a record book at the end of the year for awards
  • Tech Others What you Know - Leadership
    • do workshops at county events
    • do workshops at your local club
  • Help Others - Citizenship
    • help your neighbor
    • give to the needy
    • offer your services to others

    Remember, participation, leadership and citizenship are necessary for the top awards.

    Most importantly – Get Involved

  • As Parents
    • Attend local meetings – offer help with meetings;
    • Offer to take on responsibilities
    • Drive 4-Her’s to a contest
    • Provide refreshments
    • Suggest and help with a citizenship project

    Help your child with project work – get the literature and work through the activities;

    Become a Project or Activity Leader – All you need is an interest in kids and the willingness to share your time and knowledge with them.  Teach a skill, help with project work, help write a speech, help rehearse a talent show.


    Help your child learn to keep records;

    You have a part in helping your child have a good 4-H experience.  Get involved in the local 4-H club. 4-H leaders need your help!


    A successful 4-H year does not just happen, It is planned and takes work!!

  • Resources



County Record Book Starter Kit

Project Records Run from July 1 till June 30
Record Books may be computer generated, typed, or hand written.

  • Instructions for Assembling Your 4-H Record Book:

    Secure all materials in a 4-H folder in the following order (folders are available at the extension office).


    1. Individual photo page - photo can any size, black and white or color. Caption should include name, age, grade in school, and number of years in 4-H
    2. Blank divider page with tab for record book form
    3. Cover Page (Page 1 of county record book form)
    4. Participation Pages (pages 3-5 of form)
    5. Blank divider page with tab for 4-H story.
    6. My 4-H story page - Your 4-H story shows growth in your 4-H work by telling in story form your most outstanding accomplishments, funny things that have happened as well as disasters. Avoid a year-by-year listing of what you did, but include work all the way back to the first year. Don’t save the best for last, put it near the beginning to catch the reader’s interest. Try to show the human-interest side of what 4-H has done for you, your family, your community, your state and how it has influenced your future plans. Be specific - explain what you mean when something is “great” or “wonderful”. Don’t use slang. Ask someone to read your story to check for mistakes and clarity. If something is not clear, rewrite it.
    7. Blank divider page with tab for Project Section # 1
    8. Project Section: No limit on number of projects or pages you can have. Use the project section form as a starting place, add pages as you need to accurately report on your project work.
    9. Blank divider page with tab for picture section on Project # 1
    10. Picture Section for Project # 1 (1-3 pages)
      Select good photos. Photos need captions that explain how they relate to your project.
    11. Repeat steps (8-11) for each project section.
  • Available Project Medals
    • Achievement
    • Aerospace
    • Agriculture
    • Arts & Crafts
    • Aquaculture
    • Beef
    • Beef: Selection Preparing & Serving
    • Bicycle
    • Biological Sciences
    • Bread
    • Career Exploration
    • Cats
    • Citizenship
    • Child Care & Development
    • Clothing & Textiles
    • Commodity Marketing
    • Computer Technology
    • Community Service
    • Consumer & Family Science
    • Conservation of Natural Resources
    • Consumer Education
    • Dairy
    • Dairy Foods
    • Demonstration
    • Dog Care & Training
    • Earth, Water & Air
    • Electric
    • Engines, Tractors & Field Equipment
    • Entomology & Bees
    • Environmental Stewardship
    • Family Life
    • Fashion Review
    • Fitness Leadership
    • Food - Nutrition
    • Food - Preservation
    • Forestry
    • Gardening & Horticulture
    • Goat
    • Health
    • Home Environment
    • Hobbies & Collections
    • Horse
    • Industrial Arts
    • Judging
    • Leadership
    • Outdoor Recreation and Education
    • Personal Development
    • Petroleum Power
    • Performing Arts
    • Pets
    • Photography & Video
    • Physical Science
    • Plant Science
    • Postmarks
    • Poultry
    • Public Speaking
    • Rabbits
    • Recreation
    • Rocketry
    • Safety
    • Sheep
    • Shooting Sports
    • Swine
    • Technology & Engineering
    • Visual Arts
    • Veterinary Science
    • Waste Management
    • Wildlife & Fisheries
    • Wood Sciences





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