Carter County 4-H
4-H Youth Development
The Oklahoma 4-H Program is committed to positive youth development by providing young
people with opportunities to belong to an organization where they can grow as individuals
and master new skills that will benefit them throughout life, with the goal of participants
giving back to their community through service. Annually, Oklahoma 4-H provided community
based learning programs for more than 145,000 youth in rural and urban areas, with
minority youth comprising 36 percent of Oklahoma's total 4-H enrollment. More than
half of 4-H alumni earn a college degree, compared to 20 percent of the general populace.
Approximately 95 percent of 4-H alumni are volunteers in their communities, with 86
percent of those having held a leadership position in a civic organization within
the last three years. Fully 88 percent of State 4-H alumni continue to live, work,
raise children, and spend money in Oklahoma.
4-H Mission
The mission of the 4-H Youth Development Program is to provide Oklahoma youth, families, and communities with educational programs which will create environments for diverse audiences of youth and adults to reach their fullest potential by developing and enhancing skills for living.
4-H Pledge
I pledge
My head to clearer thinking,
My heart to greater loyalty,
My hands to larger service, and
My health to better living
for my club, my community, my country, and my world.
4-H Motto
"To Make the Best Better"
Carter County 4-H program
Any youth, ages 9 to 19, can join the Carter County 4-H program. Cloverbuds, a non-competitive 4-H program for youth 5-8 years of age, is available through some local clubs.
- Carter County 4-H Clubs
- Carter County 4-H Leadership Team
- Dickson 4-H
- Dickson Dynamites (Cloverbuds)
- Fox 4-H Club
- Lone Grove 4-H Club
- Homeschool 4-H
- Plainview 4-H Club
- Wilson 4-H Club
Project Groups
- Volunteer Information
After the certification process is complete volunteers are required to annually participate in four (4) continuing education/trainings. Two of the trainings need to be at the county level with the Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service professional or through the 4-H Volunteer Self-study series. The other two educational opportunities may take place at the district or state levels.
We have our Parent-Volunteer Council meetings (for all interested 4-H parents and all volunteers) on the first Monday, 5:30 Extension Office in January, March, May, June (to review record books), August, Sept (third Monday because of Fair) and November. This Council organizes and sets the county program under my guidance. The county teen officers will be meeting on the 3rd Monday.
Continuing Education Trainings are conducted for Certified Volunteers on the same Mondays as the council meetings. Trainings will begin at 6:30.
As the organizational leader you will be responsible for helping your club maintain your 4-H Charter.
- Project/Activity Leader
Primary responsibilities
- Study, understand and practice the purpose and philosophy of the 4-H youth development program and OCES.
- Actively seek volunteers and youth from a variety of racial, ethnic, religious and socio-economic groups in your community.
- Conduct at least one educational workshop or series of workshops that enables youth
Extension educator and cooperative extension agree to
- Provide orientation session to the Oklahoma 4-H program’s mission, purpose and goals as they relate to youth development and programming.
- Provide orientation, educational programs and resource materials to develop an individual’s understanding and management of volunteer assignments
- 4-H Newsletter
The 4-H Newsletter is our way of keeping you up-to-date on what's happening in the Carter County 4-H program. Each edition provides information to 4-H members, their parents and 4-H volunteer leaders.
- 4-H Parent/Volunteer Forms
4-H volunteers provide leadership and service to the community by assisting youth in developing life skills and civic responsibility. Quality leadership is important in the development of capable 4-H members. Thank you for your interest in sharing your time, talents and resources with the Carter County 4-H program.