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Fact Sheet
Sheep Health and Management

The key to any successful livestock health and management program is planning, learn what steps to take to run an effective program.

LivestockLivestock Health & DiseaseLivestock Health, Disease & NutritionLivestock ManagementSheep
Fact Sheet

Learn how to diagnose, treat and prevent scrapies in sheep and goat production.

GoatsLivestockLivestock Health & DiseaseLivestock Health, Disease & NutritionSheep
Fact Sheet
Starting a Sheep Enterprise

Things one should consider before getting into the sheep business along with basic tips and tricks for those who decide to.

Beginning FarmingFarm & Ranch FinancesLivestockSheep
Fact Sheet
Electric Fencing for Sheep

A summary for construction, measurements and maintenance of an electric fence for sheep.

Equipment & Structures for Farms & RanchesGrazing ManagementLivestockRangeland ManagementSheep
Fact Sheet
A Planning Calendar for Sheep Herd Health and Management

Suggestions for pre-breeding, breeding and post-weaning can be applied to an individual’s current sheep management program.

LivestockLivestock Genetics & ReproductionLivestock ManagementLivestock ReproductionSheep
Fact Sheet
A Breeding Program for a Fall Lambing Program

Benefits of utilizing a fall lambing program and the steps that must be taken to run an efficient and profitable system.

LivestockLivestock Genetics & ReproductionLivestock ReproductionSheep