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Fact Sheet
Bit Selection for Riding and Training Horses

A guide for inexperienced horse riders in understanding the different bit types and knowing which one to use so that they may achieve their riding goals.

Fact Sheet
Refeeding the Poorly Conditioned Horse

How to properly feed a malnourished horse corresponding with the physical conditions to assess in a horses physique.

HorsesLivestockLivestock Health, Disease & NutritionLivestock Nutrition
Fact Sheet
Recordkeeping for Horse Breeding Activities

A guide to creating efficient maternal records through the breeding process and efficient paternal records for accurate evaluations of breeding horses.

Budgets & RecordkeepingBusiness Planning & ManagementFarm & Ranch FinancesHorsesLivestockLivestock Genetics & ReproductionLivestock Reproduction
Fact Sheet
Nutrient Needs of Horses

The energy, protein, minerals, vitamins and water requirements to fulfill the needs of a horse compared to its current workload.

HorsesLivestockLivestock Health, Disease & NutritionLivestock Nutrition
Fact Sheet
Managing Grazing of Horses

An outline of several considerations for management of animal factors that can assist in the success of maximizing forage utilization for horses.

Fact Sheet
Physical Conditioning of Horses

An overview of how horses responding to exercise and how physical conditioning enhances the body’s systems.

Fact Sheet
Rations for Horses: Nutrients, Feedstuffs and Safety

The factors that influence a nutritional basis for decision making in feed selection for horses.

HorsesLivestockLivestock Health, Disease & NutritionLivestock Nutrition
Fact Sheet
Use of By Product and Nontraditional Feeds for Horses

The different types of by-products and nontraditional feedstuffs available and safe for horse feeds.
