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Fact Sheet
Western District Fires

Learn about the Western District Fires that occurred during the week of February 26, 2024, the damage valuation and recovery cost. By Amy Hagerman and Derrell Peel.

Fire EcologyWeather & Disaster PreparednessWildfire RecoveryWildfires
Fact Sheet
Fire Effects: Fencing

The effects of fire on livestock fencing is a concern following wildfires, as well as before applying prescribed fire. There are many opinions and beliefs about...

Fire EcologyWeather & Disaster PreparednessWildfires
Fact Sheet
Management After Wildfire

The information needed for proper land management practices that can be used by landowners to implement after experiencing a wildfire on their property.

Fire EcologyFire Effects on Plants & SoilsPrescribed FireRangeland ManagementWeather & Disaster PreparednessWildfire RecoveryWildfires