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Spirit Rider captures the beneficial characteristics for which its parent, OK Bullet was known, but with higher yield potential. It is best fit for intensive management programs that depend on straw strength to elevate yields. This variety is resistant to stripe rust, moderate resistance to leaf spotting diseases and acidic soils. Best suited to north central and northwest portions of Oklahoma, including the Panhandle, Spirit Rider exhibits excellent milling and baking qualities verified by Wheat Quality Council.


Below are some benefits of Spirit Rider wheat:

  • First OK Bullet progeny with same standability but shorter plant height.
  • Best fit for  intensive management  programs that  depend on straw strength to elevate yields.
  • Resistant to stripe rust, moderate resistance to leaf  spotting diseases, acid soils.
  • Excellent milling and  baking quality verified by Wheat Quality Council.

A graph showing the yield and disease characteristics and key traits of Spirit Rider wheat.