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Two-gene Clearfield® technology for the Great Plains.


Doublestop CL Plus was released in 2013. The wheat variety has a wide area of adaptation, is late to first hollow stem and possesses a late maturity that is about the same as Endurance. Strengths of Doublestop CL Plus include excellent test weight with good protein content and quality; yield stability across a wide range of environments, including drought-stressed and high-yield systems; good acid soil tolerance, and good milling and baking characteristics. The variety is resistant to wheat soilborne mosaic virus but exhibits inconsistent resistance to wheat spindle streak mosaic virus. It is moderately resistant to leaf rust, stripe rust and barley yellow dwarf.

Doublestop is a two-gene Clearfield wheat variety that offers improved control of problem weeds such as feral rye and jointed goatgrass. The Clearfield system is a non-genetically modified crop herbicide tolerance technology and not a genetically modified organism (GMO). As the name implies, two-gene Clearfield wheat varieties have two copies of the gene that confers resistance to imidazolinone herbicides. Two-gene technology in wheat provides the option of adding 1 percent v/v methylated seed oil (MSO) to the spray solution (1 gallon of oil per 100 gallons of water).


Below are some benefits of Doublestop CL Plus:

  • Two-gene technology offers improvedDoublestop CL Plus key traits.
    control of problem weeds such as feral
    rye and jointed goatgrass
  • Excellent test weight in a late-maturity
    wheat with good protein content and
  • Yield stability across a wide range of
    environments, including drought stressed
    and high-yield systems
  • Endurance-type graze-ability with great
    forage production and late first hollow
  • Tolerant of acid soils
  • Moderately resistant to leaf and stripe rustDoublestop CL Plus area of adaptation.
  • Moderately susceptible to powdery
  • Resistant to wheat soilborne mosaic but
    inconsistent resistance to wheat spindle
    streak mosaic
  • Intermediate resistance to barley yellow

Doublestop Release Proposal