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Butler's Gold is known for its high protein, functionality and test weight. This variety is known for its reproductive developmental pattern suitable for unusually delayed planting, while still producing high quality no when it is planted.


The unusually large kernel size of Butler's Gold is a postivie attribute but can be detrimental to achieving optimum population densities if unaccounted for in seeding rate calibrations. This is a moderately tall variety, but with good standability (similar to OK Bullet). Lodging is not expected to occur when planted at the recommended time. Susceptibility to Hessian fly, barley yellow dwarf and powdery mildew may be mitigated with recommended planting dates.


Butler's Gold's accelerated reproductive developmental pattern renders the variety highly susceptible to early April freeze events, when planted in the typical October planting window. This tendency can be avoided with recommended planting dates.


Recommended positioning – grain-only production systems at a planting  date not to precede the last week of October in north central Oklahoma, with adjustments commensurate with points north and south. Further testing is needed to better describe the best-adaptation zone in a delayed-planting system, especially in southern and southwestern Oklahoma. Seeding depth should be managed accordingly to ensure placement in adequate soil moisture to activate germination and vernalization, even in the absence of above-ground emergence. Spontaneous germination is critial to sufficient spring tiller production.