Western Wheatgrass
Plant Profile | |
Common Name: Western Wheatgrass Species Name: Pascopyron smithii Plant Type: Grasses & Grass-like Family Name: Poaceae, Grass Family Tribe: Triticeae, Wheat Tribe |
Examples of Western WheatgrassPascopyron smithii
Plant Facts | |
Origin | Native |
Duration | Perennial |
Season | Cool |
Distribution in the U.S. | Throughout the country other than the southeastern coastal states |
Distribution in Oklahoma | Western half of the state |
ID Characteristics
- Field Identification Characteristics
- Blue-green narrow leaves
- Leaves feel ribbed
- Seed head with single spikelet per node, sitting directly on stem and alternating on either side of the stem
- Leaf and Stem Characteristics
- Plant Height: 45-100
- Ligule Type: Membranous
- Sheath: Glabrous
- Leaves: Cauline
- Floral Characteristics
- Inflorescence Type: Spike
- Florets Per Spikelet: 4-9
- Glumes: Nearly equal
Habitat/Ecology | |
Soil Type | Moist clay, loam and sand |
Habitat | Prairies, swales, borrow ditches and right-of-ways |
Successional Stage | Mid to late |