Slender Dalea
Common Name: Slender Dalea
Other Names: Plume Dalea, Nine-Anther Dalea, Nine-Anther Prairieclover
Species Name: Dalea enneandra
Plant Type: Legume
Family Name: Fabaceae, Pea Family
Examples of Slender DaleaDalea enneandra
Plant Facts | |
Origin | Native |
Duration | Perennial |
Distribution in the U.S. | Great Plains, from the Dakotas to Texas |
Distribution in Oklahoma | Western two-thirds |
ID Characteristics
- Field Identification Characteristics
- Long stems branched above and unbranched below
- Small leaves with dark gland spots; 7 leaflets per leaf
- Small white flowers terminating stem branches
- Leaf and Stem Characteristics
- Leaf Type: Compound, 1-pinnately, 5-13 leaflets
- Leaf Arrangement: Alternate
- Leaf Shape: Linear
- Stipules: Present but inconspicuous (<1 millimeter long)
- Floral Characteristics
- Petal Number: 5, fused
- Flower Color: White
- Flower Timing: June-September
- Fruit Type: Legumes
Habitat/Ecology | |
Soil Type | Sandy and alluvial soils |
Habitat | Dry, calcareous, rocky, or sandy soils in prairies and alluvial soils of stream valleys |
Successional Stage | Late |