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Plant Profile  

Common Name: Bermudagrass

Species Name: Cynodon dactylon

Plant Type: Grasses & Grass-like

Family Name: Poaceae, Grass Family

Tribe: Cynodonteae, Gramagrass Tribe





Plant Facts  
Origin East Africa or India
Duration Perennial
Season Warm
Distribution in the U.S. Southern U.S.
Distribution in Oklahoma Throughout the state



ID Characteristics



Soil Type Variable; highest growth on sandy and silty soil
Habitat Adapted to a variety of climatic and edaphic regimes, floodplain
Successional Stage Early



Grazing Highly preferred by cattle, good forage value. Used by other livestock, fair forage value for sheep. Used for pasture in spring and early summer. Forage quality decreases in summer. Anywhere from 8-12% protein content in the Oklahoma and Texas region. Aggressive response to nitrogen fertilization.
Wildlife Not usually used by many species of wildlife. White-tailed deer will sometimes use it for forage in early spring. Larval host for many species of butterflies. Can decrease the value of wildlife habitat.



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