The primary goal of the Plant Disease and Insect Diagnostic Laboratory (PDIDL) is
to provide Oklahomans with accurate diagnoses and control recommendations for plant
diseases and insect pest infestations. The laboratory operates throughout the year
to provide identification services to extension agents, consultants, commercial producers
and other individuals.
The mission of OSU Extension is to share and encourage the use of research-based information
related to agriculture, home economics, rural development and 4-H youth activities.
Whether it's a pine tree that looks sick or a wheat crop that is stunted and yellow
in low-lying areas, we are here to help solve plant disease problems.
The E-Pest alerts highlight current research within entomology and plant pathology. Focusing on recent
issues within entomology extension to provide available resources to producers and
consumers alike.
For more information about the PDIDL and services offered, view the PDIDL wesbite.