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Cupressus arizonica

Arizona cypress is a drought tolerant, evergreen tree native to the southwestern United States. In the landscape it usually reaches a height of only 20’ to 25’ and 15’ wide. The foliage can be a gray-green but usually blue-foliage and recently yellow foliage forms are available in the trade. ‘Blue Ice’ and ‘Carolina Sapphire’ are common cultivars and ‘Cookes Peak’ is a selection from Cookes Peak, New Mexico with silvery-blue foliage and pyramidal form (see photograph). Arizona cypress require well-drained soil and thrive in hot, dry environments. As the tree ages, the bark exfoliates beautifully becoming mottled with patches of burnt orange and green.
Exposure: Full sun
Soil: Well-drained
Hardiness: USDA Zone 7