Selections for 2024
2024 Tree Selection
Cercis species, commonly called redbud, are found growing throughout North America, regions
of Europe, and Asia. It is an attractive, small to medium, tree growing up to 20-30’,
but it can sometimes grow as a multi-stemmed large shrub. Leaves are heart-shaped,
young bark is gray which contrasts nicely with the bright magenta flowers that appear
before the leaves in spring.
2024 Shrub Selection
Harry Lauder's Walkingstick
Harry Lauder’s Walkingstick or Contorted Filbert is a unique plant because of its
curly, twisty stems and foliage. The contorted stems add interest to the garden, especially
in winter after the leaves have fallen, when the contorted branches are best observed.
Late winter flowers (female tiny, inconspicuous flower with red stigmas and yellow-gray
male catkins which are somewhat showy) also add to the winter interest; fruits (nuts)
are seldom produced. The unique stems are prized by florists.
2024 Perennial Selection
Narrowleaf Ironweed
Narrow-leaf or Letterman's ironweed is an upright, clump-forming, herbaceous perennial
native to rocky outcrops, floodplains, and river scours in west-central Arkansas and
adjacent areas of Oklahoma. Plants can reach around 2' tall with an equal spread.
The finely textured leaves are thin and narrow. Flat-topped inflorescences of bright
purple flowers appear in mid to late summer. Highly attractive to hummingbirds, butterflies,
and other pollinators.
2024 Annual Selection
Profusion Red Yellow Bicolor
This gorgeous zinnia starts the season with a bold vibrant red center ring surrounded
by golden-yellow outer petals. As the season progresses, the aging flowers morph into
soft, beautiful shades of apricot, salmon, and dusty rose to bring a plethora of color
to the garden, all from one variety! Trial garden visitors clamored over this floriferous
and compact plant during the summer trials noting how well the plant continued to
bloom new flowers over old so there was never a decline in the beauty presented by
Profusion Red Yellow Bicolor.
2024 Collector's Choice
Pawpaw is a native, understory tree. It is native to Canada and the eastern U.S. where
it grows in deep shade to full sunlight in moist, nutrient-rich forests. It will tolerate
occasional wet or moist conditions but prefers good drainage and acidic soil.