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Goats eating grass together on a hill.OSU Extension offers a variety of meat goat educational programs and materials to producers in Oklahoma and throughout the United States.


Kid Record-Keeping Software

OSU has developed an Excel spreadsheet that can help goat producers keep up with goat kidding, weaning and adjusted weaning weight records.


Oklahoma Basic Meat Goat Manual

The Oklahoma Basic Meat Goat Manual is a useful resource for new producers as well as those who already have years of industry experience. The manual consists of 15 chapters that cover topics such as breeds of meat goats, fencing, housing, corrals, meat goat selection, bucks and breeding, kidding, nutrition, forages, herd health, marketing, predator control, general herd management and record-keeping.


To get a copy of the manual:

  1. Oklahoma residents can visit their county's Extension office.
  2. A manual order form can be downloaded online, filled out and mailed to the address on the form.
  3. All the chapters are available online in PDF form.


Oklahoma Meat Goat Boot Camp

The Oklahoma Meat Goat Boot Camp is a three-day camp that uses a combination of classroom instruction and hands-on exercises to explore production practices involved in meat goat operations.


Production practices include: ear-tagging, castrating, tattooing, hoof trimming, electric fence building, forage testing, forage production, farm business planning, nutrition, ration balancing, FAMACHA diagnostic testing, determining fecal egg counts, herd health practices, kidding, neonatal care, reproduction and pregnancy determination using ultra sound.


Small class sizes allow for a high level of interaction between teachers and participants. Program participants are allowed to take extra time if needed for the practical exercises.


The registration fee is $150 per person. Participants are responsible for their own rooming arrangements and meals during the camp.

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