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The 2015 Horn Fly data was compiled from multiple locations. Each location had its own set of treatments. The treatments used were chosen from the commercial horn fly control products that were available at that time.


Alfalfa County

The Alfalfa County location was set up based on a strong influence from the producers in the area. The local producers had questions on the differences in application techniques for horn fly control. The Livestock Entomology Lab joined with the local county extension agent, the Northwest Area Livestock Specialist and volunteer producers for this trial.


The Alfalfa County location had multiple treatments based on what the producers already deployed for horn fly control as well as techniques they wanted to observe. The treatments are outlined below.

  • Treatment 1 -  XP820® ear tags with Western® Stress Aid 6 Mineral C-4000 with fly control

  • Treatment 2 - XP820® ear tags

  • Treatment 3 - Monthly rotation of Ultra Saber® pour-on and Ultra Boss® pour-on

  • Treatment 4 - XP820® ear tags

  • Treatment 5 - Monthly rotation of Ultra Boss® pour-on and Prolate/Lintox HD® spray

  • Treatment 6 - Monthly application of Prolate/Lintox HD® spray

  • Treatment 7 - Monthly application of StandGaurd® pour-on

  • No Treatment - Control

Alfalfa county data overview graph


This trial outlined not only how the chosen products worked in comparison to others but also the importance of chemical class rotation, applying the insecticide correctly and the benefit of IGR implementation.


The cattle groups were sampled to get the initial populations in April then treated within the following week. Then the cattle were sampled on a monthly basis. The groups requiring monthly treatment were sampled the day before re-treatment to show the effects the insecticides had after a month had passed.


If there are any questions regarding this trial, please contact us.



The Stillwater location had a total of seven treatments. Three groups were treated with insecticidal impregnated ear tags, one with an insecticidal spray, one with an insecticidal pour-on, one used the VetGun® system, and the last was an untreated control group.


The spray, pour-on and VetGun® group were retreated every 4-5 weeks depending on horn fly populations. WAT 14 is what the populations reflected four weeks post re-treatment in August of 2015.

Stillwater data overview graph


Insecticide Ear Tag Information


Actual Fly Counts

The following pictures are actual live cattle with estimated fly numbers to allow you to compare to your animals at home.

Fly Count Images  
100 flies on a black cow

100+ Flies


200 flies on a black cow

200+ Flies

300 flies on a black cow 300+ Flies
400 flies on a black cow 400+ Flies