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Pets & Holidays Special

Keep pets safe during the holidays

With the holiday season now in full swing, many people are celebrating with festive decorations and fun parties.

Holiday travel tips for pet owners

For many families, traveling is a big part of the holiday season. It takes some planning ahead to ensure everything goes smoothly.

Healthy holiday gifts for pets

When you are making your list and checking it twice, there is a good chance you have not only your family’s names on there, but the names of your pets, too. Pets are very much a part of the family and many people plan to have a gift or two under the tree for their four-legged friends.

Think twice before giving a pet as a holiday gift

Shoppers have their lists and they are checking them twice as they venture out to do some holiday shopping. While some people have a new bicycle, clothing, perfume or games on their lists, others may be scouting for a new pet to give a family member or friend.

Canine Respiratory Disease Outbreak

Regions across the country are seeing a mysterious respiratory disease in dogs. Get the answers to your questions and know how to keep your pet safe.